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Do you want some popcorn to go with that? - Printable Version

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Do you want some popcorn to go with that? - Bane - August 30, 2014

He knows no one here... Literally... So open for anyone that would like to keep a light thread since he's actually in the process of being kicked out xD...
EDIT (1/22/2015): Removing tables.

The tension could be cut with a knife ever since the frost queen was defeated by the Usurper, and the silver boy wasn't happy about it. Lately he had been avoiding any contact with Ptarmigan and her minions fearing that she'd most likely get a piece of his mind, and whether he liked it or not it wouldn't bee a pretty situation for himself.

He had spent the day patrolling the northern border of the packlands, but it wasn't an entertaining task for the restless yearling, there was no one to talk to, not even intruders to chase off... Boring. He lurked through the trees looking for a good place to rest and it wasn't long before he found a small creek that lead him to a pond of clear water. He took a few sips and dropped himself by a tree that was a feww steps away from the verge of the water. He closed his eyes and let the sound of the running water clear his mind.

RE: Do you want some popcorn to go with that? - Mayhem - September 01, 2014

dropping this semi autistic guy in here caused reasons

It seemed everyone was tangled in their own affairs, the change in leadership had rocked the pack to its core. The honey eyed boy had no understanding of the dynamics that were involved, one leader was just the same as another wasn't it? Still the young behemoth kept his head down, and nose away from such dealings feeling as much of a stranger as when he first joined. He'd only stumbled across one member so far, and she had given him a purpose. Sure up the stinking line that showed the outside boundaries of the Spine. It was a simple task and it was what he was directed to do so he did it.

Today was no different, he meandered through the woods, rolling on this patch, pissing on that bush, it certainly was easy. That didn't mean it wasn't exhausting, a dull thirst crept into his throat. Deciding the lines were clear enough he looked for a water-source, and as luck would have it one such puddle was nearby. When he arrived at the small pond one would have thought the white beau resting nearby would have been easily noticed, and he was.

Stopping his trek he gazed over at the white mass of fur, gold eyes staring for a moment whilst he tried to figure out what to do in this situation. Social awkwardness personified, that was May. Simply saying hello, greetings, oi you there. None of these things would work. How do you wake up a sleeping wolf? May's thoughts concluded the best approach was to make a rather loud approach into the water, pretending he hadn't noticed the sleeping male. And so he did. Walking straight into the pond, splashing this way and that. All the while forgetting the need to drink.

RE: Do you want some popcorn to go with that? - Bane - September 02, 2014

Sorry for hanging on this one for so long, I have little time and an important plot on top of my priorities :s

The silver boy's eyes were closed, and he was in such peace that he seemed to be on an alien world to the awake, but he wasn't asleep. Keith rarely slept during the day, he hated wasting time he could be giving good use to. But the day had been so dull and boring that it drained the young Theta's enthusiastic soul and left a weary and grumpy jerk instead. So when the black beast interrupted his short time of peace with his uncouth display he wasn't amused at all. He half opened his eyes with an annoyed expression and lifted his head to let a low growl out to let the other male know of his presence.

The younger male carried the pack's characteristic scent, but Keith had never seen him before. Not that he was the most popular wolf in the pack, had been somewhat aloof since he joined the pack with the consent of Jinx, who besides Cara, was the only one he recognized as his leader.

RE: Do you want some popcorn to go with that? - Mayhem - September 02, 2014

No worries, I can be patient with this guys threads.

Whatever intention the black beast had, it seemed to have worked in getting the others attention. The irritated growl that issued from the white lump however wasn't the response he expected, which would leave the question of what he had expected to occur splashing about in a pond to get the attention of a sleeping wolf he didn't know.

Wheat coloured eyes turned on the white male, the behemoths natural reaction to the growl was to respond in kind. The aggressive reaction caused the young males hackles to lift, barely noticeable whilst he stood in the water, an inbuilt response to defend himself from the likely attack that would come next. Standing in the pool of water, his dark coat dripping as his own low growl escaped, more a defence mechanism as opposed to any real threat. When his own inarticulate response subsided a deep voice issued from his maw. "Hi." probably not the best introduction, but he didn't know much better.

RE: Do you want some popcorn to go with that? - Bane - September 07, 2014

White hackles stood on end as the big coaled male growled in defense to his own Snarl; The silver boy bared his pearled fangs to show the superiority he had earned in the short time he had been with the pack. He had seen the Mayhem before lonely lurking the woods, and he had also been there in the meeting where Cara took the throne, but he was a stranger to the silver yearling. Keith had nothing against him, but he had awaken him in a rather rude manner, and he was a bit moody to top it off.

"Your name." he demanded with a more passive growl as he stood up with his tail held high. He'd rather not have a confrontation with the beast so he'd keep things cool. There was someone he knew who reacted explosively to his actions and he didn't want it to be repeated, one scar was far too much for the handsome boy to bear.