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The Sunspire Heart of the Goddess - Printable Version

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Heart of the Goddess - Akita - August 30, 2014

@Kipling Takes place the morning after she joins. And no, I have no idea wtf is going on in this post. The chant she sings is a Wiccan/Pegan chant, though. It's a real thing. Here it is if you wanna listen. Be warned: It gets stuck in your head very easily.

Akita awoke before the sun, in the time between the dark of night and the grayish-pinkish-yellowish light of dawn. Having just arrived in the Sunspire pack yesterday, she'd not had time to start digging out a den, not that she wanted to. She did not sleep in dens usually. Not during the summer, anyways, when it was still warm enough outside during the night to sleep comfortably. She sat up and lifted her face to the sky, smiling. "Good morning," she whispered, to herself, to her new pack, and to the Earth and all Her glory. She watched as the stars slowly faded from the sky, going out like dying white embers one by one. But even as the sun began to rise, she could not much enjoy its beauty for the clouds that were slowly rolling in from the sea far away to the west. Although the sun rose in the east, the scene was not as lovely when you could not see its light from all around. This morning, the glory of the sunrise was blocked into one section of the sky, while the rest slowly darkened into a grey mass of clouds.

Akita sighed, watching the small sunrise for a while. Even the grey could not bring down her mood, for there was a certain kind of artistic beauty to a morning full of dull color. She imagined that the clouds were sparkling silver instead of slate grey, and that made her feel better. She rose to all four paws after a time, and, as she padded gracefully to a nearby stream for a drink of water, she began to sing a chant she had known since her birth:

"The Earth, The Air, The Fire, The Water,
Return, Return, Return, Return.
The Earth, The Air, The Fire, The Water,
Return, Return, Return, Return.

Ah-ay, ah-ay, ah-ay, ah-ay, ah
Oi, oi, oi, oi.
Ah-ay, ah-ay, ah-ay, ah-ay, ah
Oi, oi, oi, oi..."

RE: Heart of the Goddess - Kipling - August 31, 2014

man that is catchy @n@

Kipling, who did sleep in a den, had presumably woken up just a tad bit earlier than the newest member of Sunspire. Naturally hours of rest had left her throat somewhat dry, and her abode only being a short walk away from the main creek that had cut down the mountain, had drawn her in to refresh herself before seeking out the company of her fellow packmates. What she had not expected, hidden among the reeds and rushes that edged the creek, was the low chant that announced the presence of another--a stranger at that. At first, reasonably the she-wolf's hackles raised in alarm not recognizing the scent swept to her in the same moment of the creek's current, but she was quietly assured by Ferdie's scent which was laced as a familiar note along with the new perfume.

The chant though, while light, was strange, and to Kipling the impression made left her creeped out. Peeking her nose through at first, her head soon followed as she watched the other female continue her singing eyes following the bright figure as she approached the water a further bit upstream. Emerging from her place amongst the mountain greenery, she padded cautiously and kept her distance. But just enough, so she could clear her throat loudly and announce, If you're cursing the land or something, I'd rather know up front. Not that she would flee her home, not at all superstitious enough to take such a warning to heart. But there would other action taken against such ill intent.

RE: Heart of the Goddess - Akita - August 31, 2014

I know right. Reminds me of my mom though so it makes me happy. I think I may have inadvertently made Akita sort of Wiccan in my head... Lol.

"If you're cursing the land or something, I'd rather know up front," came a young, almost annoying-sounding voice from behind Akita. She turned and looked at the young girl, one who she didn't even realize was older than her, for Akita had essentially no grasp on time and how it worked. She knew it was there, and that it was like a river, ever-flowing. But beyond that, time meant nothing to her. For all she knew, the river could be flowing in all directions at once, and flooding the Etherial Plains. So, to her, Time was a jumbled mass in her brain, and she could be a thousand years old if she wanted to be.

The girl's comment made her laugh, and her laugh was like wind chimes once again, tinkling like a fairy's laugh. Her golden eyes, warm and inviting, looked to the one who had made her laugh so and said, "Is that what I am doing, silly goose? No. I am merely singing a chant for the morning and Earth Goddess. In fact, as opposed to cursing the land, I am probably helping it become more fertile. I do not enjoy the chants that curse. I avoid them like the plague unless they are necessary." She sat down now, getting comfortable, and let her eyes wander in no particular direction: the sky, the ground, the stream, the silly girl before her. "Clearly you know nothing of the Goddess -- or the God, for that matter. That is alright, though. Not all must know. It is enough that some know."

She was silent then, done with her small speech, and unaware that she had been blabbering in the first place. And only the sound of the water broke the silence.

RE: Heart of the Goddess - Kipling - September 07, 2014

At the back of mind hot anger flared to the surface, threatening to consume her at odd girl’s tone. Barely established with her place in the pack, and regarding her superior with snickered amusement, if she had not meant to be condescending she certainly had come off that way to the Eta. But instead of giving into her internal needs, the edges of her smile curled into a subtle smile and Kipling tilted her head invitingly as if almost curious to hear more. Though, of course, she wasn’t. Trying to stomach the little bullshit that had been spat had been challenge enough for the she-wolf, and it took enormous will-power not to sigh and roll her eyes.

“We really are so lucky to have you here then.” Furrowing her brow as she tossed the words into the air, her smile widening with force, “But I’ll just suggest you bless a little quieter. Okay?” Then widening her eyes with the suggestion. Because if she had to share space with this freak of nature, that by some bad luck had happened to sneak into their ranks, then she wanted to be able to avoid her and her creepy songs as often as possible.