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Chimera Fields To her surprise she was the one, - Printable Version

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To her surprise she was the one, - Miriam - August 12, 2020

Miriam didn't wander too far, she stayed quite close to where the forest could be, and made sure it stayed within her sights. She couldn't deny being wary being lost, but at the same time it was starting to get stiffling, being at Neverwinter on a daily basis. She adored her children, but desired to be a wanderer again. She was thankful however, they were growing to be more independent.

Her daughter was becoming a devot maiden, and she wished to one day bring her to the Orchid. Her son, though, seemingly looked like a troublemaker. He was often wandering around or sticking close to her, being a little angel, but then hearing the type of language he learned.. She could only sigh at the thought.

Thunder brewed in the back, the wind striking away the wildflowers that roamed the plains. It was a dangerous, but beautiful sight.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Vallkyrie - August 14, 2020

Enjoying the storm? The dark woman peeped as she came from the forest settled behind them, long limbs capturing the distance quickly. I know too much rain can be problematic...but I've always enjoyed it myself.

Vallkyrie could honestly say she had never spoken one on one with Miriam before, despite all the time it had been since she had joined their ranks. Kyr was a senior amongst everyone savor the Alpha and Beta, though she honestly (and sadly) could say she didnt have much connection with any then her twin. 

Icy pale eyes looked over the beautifully coated grays of the woman's pelt as she arched around to her side. A single paw rose, as though awaiting to see if she would favor company today before staying awhile.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Miriam - August 15, 2020

Miriam dipped her head in a polite greeting. She of course as seen Vallkyrie, and @Mal mentioning her so, but the two never formally met. During her depressive pregnancy, she rarely went out, and even afterwards, was far too worrying about her newborns. Now that they were older and wandering, and she felt more light, did the maiden start coming out.

"I'm.. Not sure," she said with honesty, "It is beautiful, but, I worry due to how long it's been going on." Everyone has noted it such, and she wondered when it'll end. Places were being flooded- and soon wolves would be driven away from certain territories.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Vallkyrie - August 15, 2020

That is true. Many things that are beautiful are equally dangerous. She spoke, allowing herself then to inch closer so that she may sit down next to Miriam's side and look out from the edge of their forest over the open plains. Ahead, the skies were dark, streaks of lightning flashing over the open skies and brightening the fields for moments. 

In my culture, a lightening storm, like this one, it is a sign of good blessing. For reasons one mmight think a bit odd. But she was a woman fully believing of the Gods and their power.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Miriam - August 15, 2020

"It is a double edged. A blessing, for the land to get it's need, but too much overwhelms it." She couldn't recall anything specific about the rain, and simply remembered what the mothers and sisters would say. It was a blessing for the Goddess to shed the rain for the vegation to spread out, but at the same time sometimes the darkness prefers to play, and flood the lands.

She felt that is what was happening.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Vallkyrie - August 20, 2020

Vallkyrie nods with agreement, silent for a moment as she watched the storm brew, gathering its energy and waiting for the opportune moment to release. 

I think, however, id take rain any day over fire. She mentions then. She had been lucky enough to not have endured a fire herself. But she had seen the aftermath of its destruction on wolf and landscape alike. Even here in the Teekon, The Heartwood being one such place. It would certainly benefit from these current storms. 

Do you believe in Gods, too? She wonders then, curious. Thus far the only one she knew did other then herself was her sister. Even then she wa as uncertain if @Valencia was a true believer or not.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Miriam - August 22, 2020

"I do agree." Water was always better then the destruction of embers. Miriam never personally saw any too large, except for the occasionall tree in smoldering ashes, but she was fortunate enough to avoid that season. She wondered if Vallkyrie had such an encounter, as she mentioned the preference.

"I do," the Maiden nodded, "in my culture we have two, our Lady Goddess, and the Horned God." She understood meeting a white wolf from a previous times, that some cultures held more then one. She found it odd, as how could they all hold the world together, if there was many. Would they not argue who rules what? In her own, the Goddess ruled all, with her faithfull protector, the Horned God.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Vallkyrie - August 30, 2020

Vallkyrie listens, happy that she too believed in the Gods, whether she believed the same thing or not. Although Vallkyrie wasnt a woman to often preach, she enjoyed knowing someone else was around that perhaps had the same kind of understanding as she did to talk to. The horned God? She couldn't help be curious by the name. Was he a great stag? Protector of the forests? 

She offered some time, hoping Miriam might explain until then mentioning of her own culture she had grown up to. In my home land we spoke of the Gods as well and their great power. There is the Sun God and Moon Goddess, the God of all waters and the sea and of course, Mother Earth. Four, as it were, all which balanced the world and all that beyond.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Miriam - August 30, 2020

"We do not remember the original reason why he was named so, but he was a mortal, a loyal servant to her. She saw his loyalty and love, and granted an eternal place amongst her side. He is a guide, to all our warriors." There was a few theories on why such was named, that he used the antlers to plunge into his enemies, akin to a sword for the Goddess. It has always, been his name as so.

"I have met one, who had Gods with direct names. It was interested, to say the least." Vallkyrie's religion seemed similar in her own in the sense that the Gods did not have a 'name,' but just representations. She didn't understand how a name could follow, but thought it was interesting.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Vallkyrie - September 04, 2020

I like the sound of that. A mortal turned God by his good graces. She smiles at the thought and turns icy colored eyes up to the roaring skies. She wondered, perhaps, if the very first Archer whom had been born of the Gods, now lived up there as one of them. She had heard the idea of 'demi-gods' before though never knew of any confirmations of one. At least, not in her beliefs. 

Maybe the wolves made up the names, just to call them by? She wonders aloud with the woman and her head falls, turning back to the grayscale maiden at her side. Perhaps, She thinks, The Gods do have names for eachother, but spoken with a language I imagine far beyond our comprehension. She shrugs. She figures, many of the things the Gods did and all their capabilities were something such mortals would never be able to fully understand. They were Gods after all.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Miriam - September 09, 2020

"All our warriors respect him so, he proved himself in a way to the land in her eternal graces. We pray to him for safety, for hunt, for battle." Her words grew a bit softer upon 'battle,' as it was something she has not done. Rarerly did Miriam's prayers send toward the Horned God, but she respected him so. She only hoped her son as well, would do the same.

"Perhaps. The stories have been lost through time." Wolves only had one thing to pass down; which was their memory. All they could do was trust each other to hold down the legacies, and pass through the generations. Though there would some lost, as memories forgotten, and stories to be warped. The maiden will always believe in her Gods, but she wondered at times, what tales were truly true.

"I always wondered if only we pray to the Gods.. Do the birds sing to them? The elks whisper? The fish?"

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Vallkyrie - September 10, 2020

The Archer woman listens on, another rumble of the skies taking toll. A heavy breeze uplifting the black and white furs of her coat and causing her to have a pleasant quiver. Vallkyrie is left to wonder if Miriam's Gods are truly real or not, or just stories to boost spirits for the wolves. She could say the same for her own Gods, though they were not always kind. Then their was the thought if maybe her Gods were the same as Kyr's own, yet only two of them had revealed themselves to her native family. 

Curious and curiouser, her head arches to the side at the grayscale woman's next outward questioning of her own.

I dont know... I feel like maybe, it depends on the Gods choosing really. If they bless the animal with the ability to comprehend and the knowledge of them. Maybe not a fish, or crab, or mouse... But I feel like the deer, the bear, would be wise enough? She laughs and shakes her black skull, white brushed chin lifting up high again to look over the rolling gray cloud in the sky. But now I'm just picking and choosing who I think it too dumb or not to understand what a God is Another laugh, and she finds herself lifting up from her spot, upper half lowering to give herself a good stretch. 

I think I'm going head out. It was her original intent though couldn't help but to stop and have a chat with this pretty maiden, as she never really had. May the Horned God wish me luck, right? A soft smile to Miriam and a pause before turning and dashing off through the open plains.

RE: To her surprise she was the one, - Miriam - September 11, 2020

"The world is a mysterious place, only the Gods know what they are doing." Miriam chuckled alongside Vallkyrie, enjoying her company. It was always a pleasure to speak of the Gods and their ways, the mysteries they held. She remembered Komal, but didn't know what happened to them, shortly after she met Mal and well.. Her children had happened.

"I pray the Horned God may help in your feats." She smiled brightly to the black hunter, and nodded in the prayer for her hunting. She watched the other go and casted another one, "and may the Goddess bless you with luck and love."