Wolf RPG
Firestone Hot Springs Let it go... - Printable Version

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Let it go... - Āzon - August 12, 2020

Setting: Late in the evening. Dark but not quite night.
Tagging: @Haoniyao
Note: Merc Thread (from here). This is quite late, my apologies! We can backdate this if you wish, just let me know! ^-^

Āzon groaned softly with relief as he slowly began to submerge his body into the waters, the uncomfortable itch that once plauged his messy pelt slowly disapearing. It was still water that he'd been touching, and these floods made Āzon sick of anything wet at this point, but it's balmy temperatures which soothed the brute's irritated skin made all the difference.

These hotsprings were a rare sight to see considering they are a first time discovery for Āzon — not that he could complain. It was about time he found a spot to relax in that wasn't mud infested. And so he closed his eyes and breathed slowly — in and out — a relaxed state of mind amplified only by the thick clouds of humidity which further enchanted the white wolf in an almost drunken state.

RE: Let it go... - Haoniyao - August 14, 2020

We don't have to backdate!

He was fascinated by the hotsprings, having nothing like it near where he was born, and only ever hearing of the phenomena. Constantly heated water. At an almost perfect temperature. It seemed divine sent, for all the warriors and athletes he knew would love to soak aching muscles in the heated springs.

Even now as he was just the tiniest bit sick of water he was lured to it. It would be a nice change from the cool, bone-chilling damp that the rain brought.

It seemed he wasn't the only one with such thoughts, as he found another wolf enjoying the warmth and steam. Yao chuffed loudly, announcing his arrival to the stranger, slipping in not too far from the other.

RE: Let it go... - Āzon - August 14, 2020

It looked as if the prince wouldn't be getting the alone time he assumed, because when he opened his slightly-dazed eyes, there was someone else sharing the heated pools with him. While Āzon's usual reaction to sudden encounters like these were to become defensive, he was far too tired — too relaxed — to put up a fight as of now. Maybe just for once, Āzon can try a less...aggressive approach towards a new introduction. If he learned anything being a newcomer to the Teekons, it was that not all wolves were out for his blood like before. Maybe this one wouldn't be any different?

"So....come around here often?" He'd ask the brownish wolf, eyes closing to take in the feeling once more. This "First impression" sounded more like a cheesy pickup line, but it was a start in contrast of trying to attack on impulse.