Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest Through gutters filled with black debris. - Printable Version

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Through gutters filled with black debris. - Revui (Ghost) - August 15, 2020

One thing that remained ever-present even with the torrential waters falling from the sky, was the stench of sulfur from the nearby springs. If anything they had become worse with the additional rainwater; as Revui sloshed his way towards them he thought on more than one occasion that he'd met their edge, or plunged his paw in to one of the hot pools, only to recoil and find no injury - only more stink. They remained hot all year round, and the addition of cold rain only served to cause more steam. As such, he skulked through the resulting mist, which soaked in to his coat and destroyed any other residual scent lingering there - no more Merrick, no more sea side, nothing but rotten eggs.

When he found the edge of a forest he was practically delerious from the stench. It had worked its way across his skin; a skin which was cold, clammy, and practically numb despite the thick coat that covered it. A mixing of the sulfur smell and obvious "wet dog" meant anyone could smell him coming - likely for miles, and probably for a while. Still, Revui did not care about any of the worn paths he crossed or signs of habitation within the woodland. He was wet, stinky, hungry, and quite done with roaming the lowlands.

He ought to have turned back to his mountain when the thought first struck him, and yet here he was, not lost exactly, but not willing to push himself to make that journey with this terrible weather dumping an ocean's worth of water upon him. He found a dark spot that was a little less soggy than the rest, and that's where he dropped himself. He lowered his chest and then his rear-end, sluggishly like a well fed lion, and did his best impression of a boulder to date.

RE: Through gutters filled with black debris. - Miriam - August 15, 2020

Miriam often found herself now roaming around Neverwinter. She was wary to go too far out since being lost to the wilds, it wouldn't be a problem if she didn't have her kids. She loved them so, but there was a slight part of her that felt.. Burdened. She always felt guilty when those thoughts came to be, because she loves them so, but missed the free roaming. She left the Orchid, for that reason.

Her thoughts were hoped to be wash away with the rainy walk, but her face contorted from an awful aroma. It smelled similar to the neighboring hotspring, absolutely ghastly. It wasn't possible to come this close, did the hotsprings overflow into neverwinter? Though it smells of.. Wolf as well.

"Hello?" Miriam called out.

RE: Through gutters filled with black debris. - Simmik - August 18, 2020

Simmik was in a foul mood today as she made her way along the borders. She hadn't slept in—well, she wasn't sure how long. Every time she closed her eyes, she was tortured with the memories she was trying hard to forget, and if she did manage to sleep, her dreams became an instant replay of one of the worst moments of her life. So, she tried to push herself past the exhaustion, which made for a very irritable Simmik. 

The smell didn't help her mood any; she hated that damn smell, and she didn't understand why it was here in the forest. It started off faint, but then grew stronger as time passed. The odor was so strong now that it had the Beta stomping through the trees, trying to figure out where it was coming from so that she could get rid of it. She wondered if some animal had wandered in here after visiting the hot springs and died or something. 

What she found was not a dead animal, but a heap of wolf—a stranger she didn't know, sprawled out under the trees like he was allowed to be here. With his smell so different and her anger clouding her judgement, she didn't realize the stranger was the wolf she had sparred with on the mountain. All she could think about was attacking the intruder. 

She heard Miriam's voice, and that only fueled her need to protect. With no warning other than a piercing snarl, Simmik launched herself forward, breaking into a sprint and aiming her punishing bite for whatever part of the stranger she connected with first.

RE: Through gutters filled with black debris. - Revui (Ghost) - August 24, 2020

[shifty eyes] Do you want me to roll a trespass roll, or can I give you a free win instead? :P

Hello? A little voice. He hears it, but he's too tired to care. An ear flick is all that he manages. As Revui sinks further in to himself and lingers somewhere between his confidence and laziness, something snaps.

It sounds like a spine being popped, and getting closer. The sound becomes more regular as it gets louder, and as the pale wolf launches from the shadows for him Revui wakes from his half-dream, but it is not in time. He snorts a breath and lurches up to his paws, stumbles awkwardly; his leg is asleep, the terrain isn't familiar. Excuses, excuses.

She hits him like a shard of glacier cleaved free, and then there were teeth. They snapped at his face and when Revui pulled back from the sensation the teeth roamed to his shoulder, his forequarter, his hip when it was offered. Slice after slice, she moved so fast—movements he'd seen before, but now was not the time to study.

She tore a chunk from his shoulder and rammed him again, and Revui felt a snap, forced a wheeze and wheeled about trying to deflect attacks that came at him as a blur. He slams in to a sapling and isn't sure if the tree snaps or he does. There is the stink of blood, the heat of adrenaline—and he knows he isn't in any condition to retaliate.

All he can do is try and run.

RE: Through gutters filled with black debris. - Miriam - August 27, 2020

leaving that up to Simmick!

Everything flashed before her- a white streak flying across the field and immedietly attacking what she came across. As soon as her vision saw the gray figure, an attack already begun. She immedietly stepped back with widened eyes, and an open maw, unable to say anything to help. She wasn't sure what was happening-

RE: Through gutters filled with black debris. - Simmik - September 04, 2020

either is fine with me!

He jumped up and stumbled a little just as she reached him. Her first attempt was at the face that should have sparked her memory, but her focus was too singular; the only thought moving through her mind was that she needed to rid the forest of the trespasser. Her teeth snapped the air in front of his face, moving to his shoulder next. Spurred by anger and the fact that her first attempt had missed, her teeth clamped down on the flesh there so hard that she thought she heard them clamp together again. Whether or not that was the case, she reused to let go of her mouthful. He was able to struggle free from her teeth, though, and she just moved onto whatever was closest, sinking her teeth again. She moved on to his hip as he freed himself once more, tearing into him there too. She had no intention of letting up until he was ripped to pieces or out of their territory.

She would normally show more restraint—at least enough to give him a chance to leave, but the anger that swelled inside her was so strong that none of her usual rationality was able to pierce through it; it came from a place that had nothing to do with his transgression, but she was too wrapped up in the moment to see it. She could control this moment—make this wolf pay for intruding into a place that didn't belong to him. So she would continue her assault of snapping teeth and ripping flesh until he stopped fighting or was out of her sight.