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Hushed Willows Drifter - Printable Version

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Drifter - Taikon - August 17, 2020

Anyone who might be affected by Whitebark's destruction or wants to share bad news - might be good for those seeking Scout trades also. Tagged for reference

Taikon didn't like coming here. The Willows were a strange, mysterious place. The air left a funny taste on his tongue. His paws were muddy. The rain hadn't stopped since he had left the flooded stream behind him. Artyom and his family had pushed onward, and those that had followed were those that Taikon believed loyal to the point of self-destruction. Beyond the Taiga seemed to be nothing but desolation, and so the white wolf had moved ever westward, hoping that being closer to the sea might bring some change in weather.
It had not. The prince had been torn when he considered coming to Seelie Court. He knew that the Court were allies, and that he would not be attacked without reason. However, it seemed strange for him to relay such news. Then again, he knew that it was likely he was one of the first from Whitebark Stream to move this far west so quickly, as travelling came naturally to him.
The deciding factor had simply been his proximity to the Court. He recalled @Dante and his pleasant nature. He also remembered that the young male had been quick to tell him of current events. It was right to return the favour.
In late afternoon, Taikon raised his head to call out to the members of the court. In his howl it was clear his intention was to relay a message, and an important one at that. Surely, the allied pack would be disheartened to know that their friends in a potential war had been displaced, and disbanded.

RE: Drifter - Caróg - September 02, 2020

caw knows 0 about whitebark stream but this has been lonely for a while!!

caw is not very busy when the call comes. well, he is always busy! but it is not with anything that can't wait. no rituals or offerings that will be left incomplete. so he is perfectly free to abandon things and go after whoever it is who is speaking, but he waits for a few minutes first. there are many faeries better at guarding the borders than he is! fionn had knocked him down so quickly. he would probably prefer to take care of it himself.

but after the few minutes pass there is no indication that it has been answered, either. and it is not good to leave the opportunity for a stranger to walk into the court, even if they do seem to be here just to deliver a message. so even though he might not be the best choice, he is happy to try!

he lingers there for a moment, considering. he is probably supposed to look scary. that is what orlaith does! she always makes sure to lift her head and tail and snarl so everyone knows she is in charge. he can do this as well! motioning vrána down to his shoulder with a quick twist of his muzzle, caw waits for her to settle before he bounds off in the direction of the sound. 

he comes to a stop only a handful of minutes later, skulking out of the brush with his scarlet gaze fixed on the visitor. caw does not know who he is on sight, and it may be because it is very rainy, but a cursory sniff gives him no information otherwise. he could still be a saint, probably. they had called when they first appeared! he will just be careful.

tail lifted and head stretched evenly between his shoulders, caw blinks at the stranger. "hello! why at seelie court?"

RE: Drifter - Taikon - September 03, 2020

He will teach!!

He was wet. His fur felt sticky on his own skin. He didn't like being here.
However, this was not different from being anywhere, and he knew it. The weather had made him more likely to hate most of the things he encountered. Dante had been one of the only positive encounters in his life that had happened since the healer's death, and he knew that coming here was to honour him and nothing else. He was not here because of duty. He was not here because of a woman. He was here because he owed it both to Artyom and Dante to be present in the end, whatever it meant.
So when a yearling appeared, Taikon was not impressed. The prince was not sure what he had been expecting. Perhaps a larger beast? A warrior? He was not sure.
The beast that lay before him was a dark fellow. There was a black and grey dappled coat that decorated him. The boy held himself. There was a dark mark upon his shoulder—
Taikon realized this mark was in fact, a bird. His eyes focused on the thing, at first predatorily. Then, his stare transitioned to one of curiosity. He tilted his head. He did not understand. The boy asked a question; Taikon was brought back.
I come to share bad news, he said. He sat. His fur felt gross. He didn't feel like he fit with the environment. He was not a faerie. My name is Taikon Tse, he began, dipping his head, assuming wrongly that the boy would know they were allies, My pack, Whitebark Stream, to the east has been flooded. He said it as a matter of fact. The reality was that nothing was as it had been. He no longer had a home. Artyom, our leader, and his family have fled the lands to the East. I don't know where. Whitebark.. he stopped here.
Taikon dipped his head low, shuffling his paws from left to right. He didn't know how to move, how to act. He waited for the boy to respond. He could not finish.

RE: Drifter - Caróg - September 04, 2020

as the stranger mirrors caw's own examination of him – he looks a little like dante, all pretty creams and golds – vrána squawks on his shoulder. she shifts her place in his fur, her wings rustling. she has never been much of a fan of strangers. but this time she seems especially concerned, and when caw looks curiously to her then back to their visitor, he catches the barest glimmer of...something? he is not sure.

the man tilts his head. caw mirrors the movement, staring intently at him with the plume of his tail swaying softly in the air. what is it that vrána does not like? maybe he is a saint after all, and caw cannot tell! his scruff bristles uneasily, and he draws his head back, trying very hard to recall how fionn had attacked him the first time –

then he starts speaking! and caw leans his head even more heavily to the side, settling back down. so he is not a saint. this is good. but caw is not all that new to the faerie court anymore – he is certainly not the newest here! – and yet he still has very much no idea what this person is talking about. he does not know the names taikon or tse or artyom, and whitebark stream means about the same. maybe important to the faerie queen? but the faerie queen is not here right now, so he has nobody else to ask.

"whitebark stream gone?" caw fills in, completely oblivious to taikon's particular feelings about the matter. for a prolonged moment he considers this, head still practically perpendicular to his neck, and then says, "who whitebark stream?" 

RE: Drifter - Taikon - September 07, 2020

The whole thing was weird. The bird started making noises at him, shuffling and clearly troubled by his presence. Taikon pushed back a sneer, not wanting to insult a faerie on the borders of his home. The boy seemed confused more than anything, listening to what he said but not seeming to grasp the intensity and despair of the situation.
It wasn't his fault. The boy didn't speak a name, but it didn't matter. He was likely trying his best. Again, the white male didn't know what he had expected. He had hoped perhaps to meet someone of rank who could hear his words and make him feel like he had done the right thing. Now, of course he had to explain all of it. Who the hell was this kid with the bird?
Taikon answered the questions, annoyed at this poorly spoken half-wit of a child. He raised his head to speak.
Yes, the river flooded and we are all homeless. His words felt sharp on his tongue, though he said nothing of insult or disrespect. His body felt tense. Dante told me that the Court and Whitebark are—, he paused for several seconds, shuffling a paw on the moist earth anxiously. were allies. I worry that the Saints are still a threat, and now we cannot help should the rogues appear on your doorstep, he explained.
The boy was trying. Taikon was really just redirecting everything he felt into some odd form of disappointment. Still, the prince worried about the Saints. He worried what they might do if things were to escalate and the allied packs were slowly disbanded from this shit weather one by one.

RE: Drifter - Caróg - September 08, 2020

caw blinks owlishly, by now feeling a little in over his head. it does not seem so hard to walk away from the water. this is what they have done with their own flooding river! but maybe he just does not understand. he is beginning to think taikon is a little upset, too. like orlaith, there is something sharp to his voice. caw floats the plume of his tail uncertainly above his hindquarters, regarding him with renewed focus.

"we had visit from saints! happened month ago, maybe. but they left." he gives his tail a short wag, hoping this will buoy taikon's spirits. "not seen them since! faerie court safe, except for flooding."

"will tell dante and faerie queen about whitebark stream. but that all news about saints. not had many visitors to court." just many faeries, coming and going. caw did not think that faeries spent so little time with their courts, but maybe these are just strangers passing through to lands they know better. he does not know so much about them, even if he is one now.

what he does know is that they are not all faeries when they arrive. that is what the ceremony is for! and if they are allies... "you said have no home now." caw tilts his head again. "faerie queen would let stay with seelie court!"

RE: Drifter - Taikon - September 08, 2020

Taikon watched the crimson-eyed boy, feeling his amiable nature through the wag of a dark tail and answering subconsciously with a slow wag of his own white tail. The tactic worked, especially as the boy relayed what he knew about the latest encounters with the Saints. Although his speech felt poor and stupid to the prince, he knew that this was no fault of the yearling. Clearly there was something wrong with the boy, for why else would he be accompanied by a bird that clung to him so fiercely?
The Court had also been the victim of flooding, but had been lucky enough apparently to have plenty of territory not surrounded by river that no evacuation was necessary. This pleased him, but part of Taikon felt angry. It was directed at nothing. He was angry because Artyom had moved his family far, leaving Taikon and the rest to wither in the aftermath. He knew not that the Deorwine had plans of their own to collect the scraps of Whitebark. He softened toward the boy, hearing of his pack's recent hardships. He was glad at least to hear that the Saints had not had a significant impact of late.
Then, the boy did something the prince did not expect. The invitation was swift, and true, and Taikon felt strange. Awkwardly, he pushed his chin toward his shoulder as though confused. The faerie queen would allow him to stay. There were many feelings that went through him. The first was a vague happiness that he might not have to be alone again. The second, and more overpowering, was his lack of trust toward this dorky boy and his bird and what he thought the female leader would feel toward him.
He sighed as a most overwhelming feeling of certainty came to him that the faeries were not his path. He knew little of their culture or beliefs, but knew that he would never be able to accept whatever shitty magical hullabaloo they were into. Indeed, how could he of fine breeding submit to a woman who claimed herself to be a faerie? Preposterous.
Still, he felt charmed, oddly. That is very kind of you, to say this, he said, dipping his head in that regal way that had become his signature. I do not think I am the right fit for the Court, though I wish you only the best of times and better weather ahead. I.. he cut himself off, and realized something. What is your name, boy? He didn't mean it to come out accusatory or harsh, but it did sound as though he had caught a youngster in his cabbage patch and had asked the question while lifting him by the scruff.

RE: Drifter - Caróg - September 14, 2020

caw is very certain the faerie queen will be happy to allow taikon here. maybe orlaith would not be so happy, but caw has not seen her in some time. perhaps she has also left for a different court! so there is no reason to think otherwise. 

not that he considers these things very deeply.

tail still held over his back, caw wags, waiting expectantly for this invitation to be accepted. his scarlet gaze remains fixed on taikon as he tucks his chin towards his shoulder and sighs, and caw blinks in confusion when his offer is ultimately rejected.

"all can be good fit for court," caw explains, eager to correct any misunderstanding that has occurred here. this must be what it is. "are not so many rules! only protect willows and help faeries, and –"

he is cut off by taikon's question. this man is not a faerie, or his family. but caw still feels a bit scolded. it is not so different from how his mother has spoken to him...and probably how she would now, now that he has run away. 

deflating a little, caw flicks his tail. "my name caw," he says in a considerably more subdued voice, turning his muzzle to the crow on his shoulder. she seems perhaps a bit less upset now, but she still treats him to a very sharp glare when he noses at her. caw's neck rolls farther against the curve of his shoulders, and he looks back to taikon. he knows better than to protest these things. "this vrána," he adds.

RE: Drifter - Taikon - September 22, 2020

The boy didn't seem to understand Taikon's response, but it didn't matter. Though Aphrodite had left him less averse overall to pack life, the prince was in no hurry to commit himself to another just because a boy with his weird bird decided to be nice one day. Still, the offer had left him in better spirits, despite the wet blanket of clouds and rain overhead.
The boy tried to explain further how great the faerie court was, but Taikon was not in any sort of listening mode.
The dark faerie's tail swished, and Taikon couldn't help but respond himself with a small bristle. It was no threat, more a defensive feeling that bubbled in him. He wanted to apologize as he realized his mistake in tone, but he wasn't the sort to back down before damage was already done.
Caw, Taikon parroted back, giving a lighter bow of his head having already introduced himself. As the boy gestured to the bird, Taikon shifted his head back subtly, feeling a strange discomfort about the animal. He did not repeat back the name of the crow. Such animals should require no introduction. Such animals were hardly capable or worthy of being even pets, and Caw seemed to hold this creature with much higher regard than that. He licked his lips anxiously.
You will tell your leaders of my pack's misfortune, yes? He asked the question as though addressing a secretary. He blinked then, making a small face of guilt and correcting himself. I hope that... I wish for the Court to remain safe, as you say. I'm glad that the floodwaters have not harmed anyone, he said, looking down, his fur and stance more relaxed. He would not wish harm on the boy, nor anyone he knew in the Court.

RE: Drifter - Caróg - September 30, 2020

caw turns his attention back to their visitor in time to watch taikon bristle. he hunches his shoulders instinctively, eyes narrowing, and vrána shrieks, her claws pricking sharper into caw's fur. 

but it must be okay. he is here to speak to the faerie queen and the faerie queen would not want to speak to anyone who was not friendly to the court. still he cannot quite stop from feeling all the feathers threaded into his scruff rise with his neck, and he flicks his tail again, a little sharper this time.

it does not escape him how taikon does not respond to vrána. he blinks, the focus of his gaze unusually direct as he meets the man's eyes. vrána does not like most strangers. this is true! so it makes sense why she keeps clawing at him, but it is also not very polite for taikon to ignore her. would he do the same thing to loinnir? 

caw noses at vrána again, understanding now her complaints, and returns his ruby stare to taikon again with something that is probably as close to distrust as he ever gets.

"will tell faerie queen about whitebark stream. yes," caw repeats. and then, because he has not forgotten his manners even if taikon will not extend them to vrána, wags his tail. it does not exactly go well with his words. "am sorry to hear about whitebark stream. hope you have good luck finding new home."

RE: Drifter - Taikon - October 13, 2020

Thanks for taking this thread - I really enjoyed it even though Taikon is a dick xD
Taikon felt... strange. The boy locked eyes with him. They exchanged an intense glance as the boy's hackles rose and the bird voiced its complaints. The white wolf had no foundation to understand an animal riding on the back of a faerie. This was a foreign, uncomfortable concept. Though he knew that the eye contact and tail flicks were a form of chastising from Caw, he did not waver. However, he did break the eye contact quickly out of respect for the Court.
The red gaze of the boy felt harsh upon his face, even after Taikon looked away. The prince was here to pass along information to a pack he respected, though it was directed to those he did not.
The words Caw spoke felt dim on a cloudy outlook. Taikon didn't know what to do with himself. He had left the Whitebarks to what they would be without him. He had come directly here to the Court to tell his kindred wolves of the change, but the prince would have no purpose after.
Taikon knew that the boy had meant well, despite their differences. Thank you, for passing the message and for your kind words, he dipped his head. He couldn't bring himself to smile nor wag his tail. His posture instead sat low and cold, as though he had been trotting through rain for days on end (in fact he had). Be well, was all he managed as a farewell.
The cream-coated wolf turned around and moved on. To others it might have been foreseen as better pastures. To Taikon, it was a return to the same flat-lined thing he called life.