Wolf RPG
Reasons to be Proud - Printable Version

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Reasons to be Proud - Adair The Forsaken - August 31, 2014


Adair had followed Shadow, and all the while memorizing the landscape, and pinpointing various landmarks that could serve useful in the future.
He gazed at the birds, much fatter, a sort of fowl, that roamed the lands. Easy pickings.
He admired the large and prosperous amounts of rabbits. The deer who skittered away at the sight of the pair of predators that would hunt them down later. The trees that were untouched by harm. The flowers that sprung from the ground.
the air that was untainted, fresh to their lungs. Everything was gorgeous.

"Where else do you want to travel to in this Bypass, Shadow?"

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Shadow - August 31, 2014

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"Where else do you want to travel to in this Bypass, Shadow?" He tilted his head to Adair. "We shall go up that hill," he said, tilting his muzzle to the direction of a tall hill. "And we shall see how far this territory extends until it meets the mountains." he said, his tone calm as he made his way towards the base of the hill and began ascending upwards. Sturdy paws digging into the grassy dirt.

He had always been a good climber, being an explorer, a loner and a traveler in his years. After sometime he arrived at the top and waited for his subordinate, gazing out at his soon to be lands. "This is truly a beautiful sight," he murmured softly.

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Adair The Forsaken - August 31, 2014

"We shall go up that hill, and we shall see how far this territory extends until it meets the mountains."  spoke the stainless steeled lupine. Adair followed behind him, appropriately letting him take lead.

The woody coated hessian climbed up the rich earth, black claws digging easily into the dirt. The crumbles of the churned earth gave way to his paws with no resistence on its part. Soon, he sat beside Shadow, his ears swiveled to catch his admirance upon the view.
Nodding, the hessian agreed. He had a certain soft spot in his heart for a good height, meaning he could see very much the radiance of appreciation Shadow had for the land, himself.

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Shadow - August 31, 2014

<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#5e6d7c; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #ccffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/y77SqPt.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #477583;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#2e5c8a; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 525px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

The gentle green hills extended far into the distance until the white-capped mountains appeared. He turned his platinum gaze onto his own lands, in winter they could shelter in the thick woodlands that covered a small part of their territory. He had explored one of them and found caves hidden deep inside the forest. They might be able to fit all the pack members inside one cave, it depended on how many wolves decided to join.

"What do you think, Adair?" he asked the older male, gazing out at the view. Surely there would be other wolves that chose to live with him, live in the Bypass where prey was plentiful and the lands were beautiful.

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Adair The Forsaken - August 31, 2014

Looking at the ice topped masses of rock in the farther reaches of the land made Adair thing of brutal winters. Spinning his 4 year old mind into future planning. Again with he damned caches. a light chuckle escaped his maw.

"I feel as though with the mountains showing as much ice as the do, this far into summer as it is, that the winters may be harsh and unforgiving. With that, food may potentially be a problem, though with the plentiful amounts that roam this land, it just may prove to be in our favor."

A breeze swaddled lightly into his fur, and it reminded Adair of the temperatures.

"With it being 60° at this current time, and the sky looking as it is, rain will be here soon. But it will propbably only last for a couple of minutes, from the look of the land. It must receive a nice watering for it to be so healthy, the way it grows."

Adair turned his eyes to Shadow, awaiting his thoughts on the intel he had recently received.

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Shadow - August 31, 2014

<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#5e6d7c; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #ccffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/y77SqPt.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #477583;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#2e5c8a; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 525px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

"I feel as though with the mountains showing as much ice as the do, this far into summer as it is, that the winters may be harsh and unforgiving. With that, food may potentially be a problem, though with the plentiful amounts that roam this land, it just may prove to be in our favor." He laughed softly, "Think in a more positive way, Adair. After all its just our beginning."

After a moment, he turned around to look at the older male in the eye, "There's a female, crimson and dainty. Her name's Paarthurnax and she is one of our pack members from my old pack. Also we'll be mates soon, since you're one of the members I can trust, I will tell you this. Do not be hostile towards her or I'm afraid I will have to slay you and skin you alive." he said, smirking faintly although his tone was deadly serious.

"With it being 60° at this current time, and the sky looking as it is, rain will be here soon. But it will probably only last for a couple of minutes, from the look of the land. It must receive a nice watering for it to be so healthy, the way it grows." Shadow shook his head in amusement and confusion. "You want to be a Naturalist?"

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Adair The Forsaken - August 31, 2014

"There's a female, crimson and dainty. Her name's Paarthurnax. She is one of our pack members from my old pack. Also we'll be mates soon, since you're one of the members I can trust, I will tell you this. Do not be hostile towards her or I'm afraid I will have to slay you and skin you alive." 

Adair barked a bit of a laugh. Shadow said he trusted him, yet he threatened him. Such a contrast. But after subsiding his humor on the matter, Adair nodded.

"Aye, ya have my word, lad. Even if you had not of spoken to me of her, and she joined, I would have no hostility to her. Im not one for a mean sort of manner, friend . Especially not to ladies."

"You want to be a Naturalist?"

"Not just a Naturalist, but a Naturalist and a GameKeeper. Especially seeing how Im a pretty damn good hunter, and know how to save a bit more than a morsel for others. As for the Naturalist, ive quite an intrest in watching the weather. The wind..the sky..the temperature...the landscape...everything works paw in paw. Long as ya know how to connect their dots, all is well in survival. And now that im pledged to you, you have a bit more on the up side. "

Adair sent a gentle and kind smile to Shadow after the explanation of his soon to be Trades.

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Shadow - September 01, 2014

<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#5e6d7c; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #ccffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/y77SqPt.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #477583;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#2e5c8a; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 525px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

"Aye, ya have my word, lad. Even if you had not of spoken to me of her, and she joined, I would have no hostility to her. Im not one for a mean sort of manner, friend . Especially not to ladies." He grunted softly and leaned forward to touch his nose to the top of his subordinate's head before withdrawing again and listened to what he had to say with another tilt of his head.

"Not just a Naturalist, but a Naturalist and a GameKeeper. Especially seeing how Im a pretty damn good hunter, and know how to save a bit more than a morsel for others. As for the Naturalist, ive quite an interest in watching the weather. The wind..the sky..the temperature...the landscape...everything works paw in paw. Long as ya know how to connect their dots, all is well in survival. And now that im pledged to you, you have a bit more on the up side. "

He smiled, a glint in his platinum gaze. "We have an experienced healer and an aspiring Gamekeeper and Naturalist. Guess our pack got lucky, huh?" he flashed Adair a bright smirk in return. He had faith in Paarthurnax.

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Adair The Forsaken - September 01, 2014

( Im so sorry, school has me passing out at 1 now. Dx)

"We have an experienced healer and an aspiring Gamekeeper and Naturalist. Guess our pack got lucky, huh?"

"I guess so. Wait a second... Who's the healer? "
Adair knew nothing of Paar's occupation, so he turned his crown to Shadow, in confusion.

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Shadow - September 01, 2014

It has me at 2
<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#5e6d7c; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #ccffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/y77SqPt.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #477583;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#2e5c8a; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 525px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

"I guess so. Wait a second... Who's the healer?" The dark wolf gazed at him, confused. He flashed him a smirk before looking around again. "Paarthurnax, she healed plenty of wolves back home. Guess the Alphess would be mad at me for bringing her away, but it was her choice and now all of us can start again." he replied in a soft tone. The rich verdant hills and prey-filled plains would be a great start, a great beginning. The river that gave them fresh water and the lake teeming with fish. The beautiful sunset. What else would they need?

"Are you a good caretaker?" he asked Adair thoughtfully, the thought of being a father excited him yet made him nervous. Paar would surely be a brilliant mother but he doubted himself, how could he be a good father when he had his Alpha duties to attend to. He also knew he couldn't step down from the Alpha rank, he did not want to give up his pack.

He turned away from Adair and gazed out at his own lands, at the creek that winded around the hills and finally ended up at the lake in the middle of his lands or soon to be lands. Thick woodlands dotted the plains, they would provide good shelter in winter if the need ever came.

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Adair The Forsaken - September 01, 2014

"Paarthurnax, she healed plenty of wolves back home. Guess the Alphess would be mad at me for bringing her away, but it was her choice and now all of us can start again." 

Adair smiled at this. He knew once of young love. It was best served 'forbiddenly'. His memory brought fourth the thought of the beautiful Katiah he had once courted. They planned to marry, to have pups, to start a life of their own..together.
Adair severed that memory due to the shortness of that 'forever' when he watched as Katiah was slaughtered in front of his eyes.

Maskings the pain behind wise amberized hazeled eyes, Adair sent an understanding gaze to the young soon to be alpha.
"Love is a thing that can't be severed easily as one would think. Is this the first time you had hearts for a female, lad?" asked Adair with a gentle smile and a soft tone.

"Are you a good caretaker?"

Adair's heart leapt with joy at the question, and he swished his silked tail, approvingly. He adored little pups. There was nothing in the world that Adair loved more..caches included.
Sending another soft gaze to Shadow, one that held a bit more excitement than the last, Adair spoke.
"Aye, I love little ones. I raised a few back in my pack days, and they turned out pretty good. Last I heard, Falia is an Alphess in her birth back, and Demeter is a Alpha in his. Turned out pretty good, id say, Shadow. They both remembered one thing about me; the treats I made." Adair's rich laugh sounded, showing his fondness of the matter.

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Shadow - September 01, 2014

Shall we fade along here?
<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#5e6d7c; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #ccffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/y77SqPt.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #477583;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#2e5c8a; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 525px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

The silver wolf's gaze locked onto Adair's eyes before shrugging. "Love is a thing that can't be severed easily as one would think. Is this the first time you had hearts for a female, lad?" asked Adair, smiling again and it was getting annoying to the battle-hardened outrider but he didn't show it. "No," he replied pleasantly.

"Aye, I love little ones. I raised a few back in my pack days, and they turned out pretty good. Last I heard, Falia is an Alphess in her birth back, and Demeter is a Alpha in his. Turned out pretty good, id say, Shadow. They both remembered one thing about me; the treats I made." The soon to be Praetor flashed him a smirk. "When I claim these lands, I will be known as the Praetor of Noctisardor Bypass. Its how the Alpha rank is called in my native language."

RE: Reasons to be Proud - Adair The Forsaken - September 01, 2014

( And there you go. )

"When I claim these lands, I will be known as the Praetor of Noctisardor Bypass. Its how the Alpha rank is called in my native language."

Shadow held passion in his voice at the mention of his owner ship. Adair held no reason to hold it against him.
Shaking his thickly draped spruce wooded mane, the hessian sat on his haunches, wondering who the young Alpha would rule, and promises would hold true to the future.