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Mischievous Times - Printable Version

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Mischievous Times - Mercury - August 31, 2014

@gunnar and @gyda I haven't threaded with you guys all that much and would like to hope it ok that I started.

As Ein made his way out of the den he was feeling rather bored, he had become rather anti-social which didn't fit his current mood at all. Sitting back on his rump he thought of something to do, his head tilted to the side as he thought, his tail brushing back and forth on the ground absentmindedly. "There is nothing to do..." He said to no one in particular, more for his own peace of mind than anything else. He needed some inspiration, some idea that would spark a master piece of a plan inside his head.

RE: Mischievous Times - Gunnar - August 31, 2014

Tveir walked slowly from the east side of their den and seeing his brother he wagged his tail. he trotted over to him and gave him a smile, ein was taller, but Tveir was bigger, it was an interesting thing. Hey Ein! He giggled and play bowed to his brother, his shoulders down to the ground and his rear end and tail up in the air. Inviting his brother to play, if he didn't want too, well Tveir would just run and do his own thing like he usually did.

RE: Mischievous Times - Gyda - August 31, 2014

You totally sniped me :D editing my post to accommodate

Gyda hid close by; her scent thoroughly covered by the mud she had rolled in, in the wee hours of the morning before anyone had woken up. She was dark dark brown only her eyes were mostly mud free.

Shortly after the move from Horizon Ridge to Stavanger Bay Gyda had taken to sleeping a lot and getting moody with everyone, But now she found she loved to be up just before the sun woke up, there was so much stuff to get into, and small animals to track.

She crouched low hunkering down like a large cat, (not that she had seen one) and waited until her brother got just a bit further from the den.... just a bit... further... The mud was beginning to dry and now instead of being joyful and squishy it was getting hard and cumbersome, but it was still wet enough to share.

She squinted her eyes, and grinned, unnoticed by her two brothers. Gyda leapt up and attempted to tackle them both squishing her body into what ever wolf or perhaps both of them as much as possible. She wanted to get the mud off by using Ein and Tevir as a towels

RE: Mischievous Times - Mercury - August 31, 2014

The mention of his name caused Ein to turn his head, completely oblivious to his sister in the trees. "Hey Tveir." He grinned as to shorter pup came closer, Ein knew his brother was larger, but he was taller which had it's advantages. Crouching quickly Ein was about to pounce on the younger boy when a mud ball came out of no where! Letting out a tiny yelp as Gyda crashed into him, "Gyda!" Ein laughed, trying to sound serious and scold the girl, but he failed miserably especially finding that he was covered in mud. "What have you been rolling in??" He asked although he didn't really care for the answer. He gave a look to Gyda, then to Tveir, and back to Gyda, as if calculating which one was easier to tackle, he flicked his head toward Tveir silently asking her to join him, two against one. Deciding that Tveir would be harder, but he still looked pretty clean...Launching himself with his back legs toward his brother with giggle of amusement.

RE: Mischievous Times - Gunnar - August 31, 2014

Tveir wagged his tail more so at his brothers greeting. Tveir howled a loud arooo! When Gyda crashed into both of them, though Ein got the most of it. Tveir went skidding across the ground, giving a large shake dirt and mud flying all about. Tveir was so busy shaking the mud from his fur and laughing that he didn’t see the look that passed between his siblings. He stopped shaking long enough to call his laughter, but it was probably much too late and he opened his eyes to see the two calculating him, and it was far too late for him to move, so he merely braced his feet, hoping he wouldn’t go head over tail.

RE: Mischievous Times - Gyda - August 31, 2014

Gyda's laugh was slowly becoming less puppy-like and just slightly more feminine, but that was hardly noticeable as she yelled probably loud enough to wake any other wolf sleepng in the area stinky black mud by the shore!! it was fun!! Gyda regained her footing and grinned though she needed no invitation to lovingly tackle her brother.

As she jumped at Tveir, her paws coated in the thick slimy mud, slipped out from under her causing her to fall awkwardly and belly flop just in front of both the boys with a umph the wind being knocked from her. the loss of air caused her to panic and wail as her lungs finally succeeded in gasping in more air, this though gave the boys opportunity to tackle her should they think they could hold down their muddy sibling

I pictured this with the legs [Image: 592NhWQ.gif]

RE: Mischievous Times - Mercury - September 01, 2014

Glad to see that his sister was going to join them Ein went for Tveir's middle hoping to pin him to the ground. But Ein was quickly distracted by Gyda's comical slip,waiting to see that she was alright, he let out a hearty laugh from his position near Tveir, when he could see that she was fine if a little taken aback. Hop/skipping over to the girl, he draped his two front paws over her back and tugged on her left ear, all while laughing. Unknown to him he had turned his back on his mischievous brother.

RE: Mischievous Times - Gunnar - September 01, 2014

Tveir sucked in a deep breath when Gyda hit the ground with a whomp, he winced having done that himself a time or two. Especially when he was getting his legs under control. Tveir grinned noticing an opening and with a hearty growl of joy he jumped at both his brother and his sister. Intent to bowl his brother over and then tackle Gyda after she got her wind back. They would all be muddy by the end, but it would be fun. Though mother and father wouldn't be happy as they would have to be the ones to help clean the three siblings up.

RE: Mischievous Times - Gyda - September 13, 2014

I'm sorry guys I hit a muse block with Gyda I'm afraid that happens more often then I'd like too :(

Gyda growled when her ear got tugged reaching up with a paw to swipe at Ein but she didn't need to worry long Tveir knocked them both to the side. Gyda tried her best to disentangle herself from them, she decided now of all times she was a lady shouldn't be roughhousing. It had nothing to do with the fact she was loosing at all. nope, nothing to do with that.

The ground all around them had a new layer of mud and though Gyda still wore the lions share of it, her bothers where thoroughly coated too. As feminine she was trying to make herself appear the muddy muzzle and face just wouldn't afford her much dignity.