Wolf RPG
Whitefish River rainy days - Printable Version

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rainy days - Malila - August 25, 2020

What was with all this water?! Young Malila shook out her fur for what must've been the twentieth time that day. It seemed that she was constantly wet. The ground under her feet too, made spongy by the unusually heavy rains. She craned her neck back, letting her eyes travel up...way up. High above her was an endless stretch of miserable gray clouds. From them rain drop after rain drop fell, hitting her on the nose or smack between the eyes.

It was a real annoyance, she began to think. She much preferred being dry. Huffing, she nearly turned to retreat to where the rain couldn't get to her in the den. But something caught her eye, stopped her. With the rains came an explosion of green. Of color. Slowly, her now dual toned eyes widened, delicate little mouth forming a soft O shape. "Preeety!!" She exclaimed with renewed joy, bounding forth to dive full on in the closest batch of plants. Malila could not yet distinguish between common vegetation, weeds and flowers. Which to avoid, such as thorny brambles or vines or even poison ivy. She was fascinated and that's all that mattered to her.

RE: rainy days - Celara - August 25, 2020

After the training session with her new mentor, Celara was tired, as well as rather embarrased. A few scratches still stung as she made her way into the strange camp. Her shaggy pelt was soaked by rain. Despite all this, by the time she reached the earthen dens, her mood had rather improved. She was curious to see what the lairs of the other pack would look like, in this sparsely wooded land. 

As the grey wolf walked, something small and fast charged right by her. She froze for a second, startled, before hearing its speech. "Preeety!!". She turned around to see a tiny pup diving into a bed of plants.

RE: rainy days - Malila - September 10, 2020

Malila had been so caught up in her excitement, that she completely missed the other wolf she zoomed by. Surprise filled her, but it was too late as she was already immersed deep within the explosion of green, dotted with whites and gentle purples.

Squeaking and grunting, she wriggled herself free, or enough so to pop her head comically out of the foliage. What she had not expected was that despite the clear blue skies, was that it was still wet in there. The rains had been relentless and with so much of it, water was bound to linger for a little while. Looking utterly disheveled with her now damp fur and bits of twigs and leaves clinging to her, she blinked rapidly. She hadn't seen this adult before, and took a single step closer, a bright smile lighting her face.

RE: rainy days - Celara - September 13, 2020

The pup was looking at her now. Was she supposed to do something? Celara distantly remembered that there was a way you were supposed to talk to pups. She didn't remember why, but there must be some reason. 

"Umm... Whooza pretty girl?"

That sounded about right, but she couldn't think of anything else along that vein. She shook off her pelt and turned away, hoping the tiny creature wouldn't chase her. Honestly, how did people spend time pups?

RE: rainy days - Malila - September 17, 2020

That...wasn't exactly the greeting young Malila had been expecting. She blinked rapidly, perplexed. Then one soft brow quirked up. She may be young, but she wasn't a teensy baby anymore! Sheesh! As wet and disheveled as she was right now, Malila was hardly looking her absolute best.

Tipping her chin up and puffing out her shoulders just so, she gingerly stepped out of the foliage she had immersed herself in. "I am. Thanks." She stated in a rather matter of fact voice for someone so young. These adults had really start treating her a little more seriously. She may be cute, but she was a growing girl. Displaying her constant display of boldness, she stepped right up to Celara, looking her in the eye. "Who you?"

RE: rainy days - Celara - September 26, 2020

Alright. Clearly, the pup was older than she had thought. Or else just very smart for her age. Now, how would she get out of this situation without the child hating her? She muttered awkwardly, her cheeks burning.  "I'm sorry. I though you were younger. I'm Celara." 
That seemed like a good start. Now all she needed to do was get out of this conversation before she embarressed herself further. It couldn't be that hard, could it?

RE: rainy days - Malila - October 15, 2020

Luckily for Celara, Malila was a truly sweet girl at heart. And quick to forgive, too. The instant the apology left the adult's lips, she nodded, letting that classic smile of hers find its place on her lips. "S'all good!" She chirped brightly, leaning up to let her nose graze the fine outer hairs of Celara's chest in a curious sniff. "I'm Malila. I have a brother...Mohe!" She cast a glance around her, ears falling slightly, disappointed to see that he wasn't in the area.

RE: rainy days - Celara - October 16, 2020

She nodded, glad that the pup had forgiven her. Slightly uncomfortable, though, now that she was sniffing her. And that the pup was talking into her chest. Thankfully, Malila, as it seemed she was called, soon stepped away. Celara stepped back once, to be safe, however. "Really? Is he nice?" The she-wolf responded, carefully. This seemed a safe response to give.

RE: rainy days - Malila - November 12, 2020

She nodded, her head bobbing animatedly. "Oh he is, he's very nice!" Malila proclaimed, wagging her tail. She and her brother did lots together and they were easily close friends. Then again, Malila was the type to befriend others easily and she really could not think of anybody she wouldn't like. The same went for this new visitor, Celara. A curious head tilt followed. "What 'bout you? Ya got any brothers and sisters?"

RE: rainy days - Celara - November 13, 2020

Celara froze. The pup's question, so innocently asked, had cut her to the core. For a long while she was silent, utterly still except her jagged breathing. 

At last, she replied, slowly, carefully. "I used to have a brother." He voice was kept carefully emotionless, her face blank. She would not break down here, especially not with a pup. "He is gone."

RE: rainy days - Malila - December 28, 2020

Malila's eyes lit up as Celara stated she also had a brother. The smile that had been on her lips faded when she learned that he was gone. "Oh..." But how? And why? Ignorant of how deeply her question had hurt the agouti female, Malila still held up her positive attitude. "Well..." She looked down to her paws, as if searching for the right words. Then glanced back up, bright eyed. "I hope you two find each other again, someday! Siblings should never be apart!"