Wolf RPG
The Sunspire if you're not drinkin' then you're not playin' - Printable Version

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if you're not drinkin' then you're not playin' - Kipling - August 31, 2014

She was selfish, but she wasn't heartless. So when Kipling had first discovered Jace beaten up because of his loyalties to the mountain, she had been silently distressed at the news. Not that she could do anything to help, seeing as she hadn't stuck a paw into the trade of healing not once in her short life. So, for the most part, Kipling avoiding him entirely unless it was necessary, because the whole thing had a way of making her uncomfortable, a situation she fervently avoided wit ease and only a pinch full of guilt. But the glimpses she'd gathered he seemed to have been getting better, slowly but surely, and she was grateful for it; knowing vaguely that they did not have a certified healer on the mountain but a few who did happen to dabble in the craft.

After some time she built enough confidence to approach his haunts along the mountain, where his scent seemed more pertinent and dominant to the area. It was easier now to catch him without the presence of Ferdie to distract the causalities she sought with the dark Beta, seeing as their Alpha was constantly preoccupied with the pups, and insisted on being shut off in the den away from the rest of the wolves. Trailing him down with small bouquet of wildflowers clutched between her teeth, she squinted, almost certain she could spot him in the distance but not quite sure it was him since she was currently traveling upwind.

RE: if you're not drinkin' then you're not playin' - Jace - August 31, 2014

Jace had been rather absent, and as such had not even realized that Kipling had been avoiding him. He had been happy to find her in their ranks, a bit selfishly guarding his secret that she had found him heartbroken and sobbing. He kept that close to his breast, not wanting to admit it to anyone, but knowing she had seen. He wondered if she would bring it up, when they finally did have a chance to meet again among the mountainside lands. He walked along the borders with purpose, finally finding a shady spot to sit and rest. The daily walking of the borders tiring him out, much more than he cared to admit.

A he sat with his tongue lolling out, he happened to notice a speck coming his way. He blinked whomever it was, they were coming from the inner sanctum of the pack, so it must be a member. He blinked as the other grew closer and chuffed happily when he realized it was kipling. He wagged his tail and waited patiently for her to get to him, after all he had not much else to do but sit around today. So why not pass the time with a potential friend.

RE: if you're not drinkin' then you're not playin' - Kipling - September 07, 2014

The chuff seemed to confirm her theory or at least gave her enough invitation to draw closer, where she could make out that it was Jace, and went about closing the distance between them. Kipling echoed the greeting with the own wag of her tail, flagging it low, though that didn’t keep it from exhibiting her genuine enthusiasm. She was silent though, her mouth preoccupied with the gift she'd gathered. Until the she-wolf drew near enough to toss the bundle of flowers forward, with enough force she attempted to sprinkle him in a slight shower of petals. “I thought I’d bring some beauty into your life.” Her tone light and humorous.

RE: if you're not drinkin' then you're not playin' - Jace - September 08, 2014

Jace chuckled There's enough beauty in my life with all the nature and women i'm surrounded by in this pack, but I can always use more. Thank you Kipling. He gave her a smile, he was merely jesting, poking fun at the fact that he was outnumbered by women in the pack lands. He bent his large head and sniffed at the flowers, they smelled good. He couldn't tell your for the life of him what they were, but the sure smelled nice.

He tilted his head when he looked back up at her. You getting along well in the pack lands Kipling? He took a minute to study her, she looked much better now that she had some more weight on her bones. Pack life would do that to you though, especially had you been a lone wolf for a long while.

RE: if you're not drinkin' then you're not playin' - Kipling - September 11, 2014

“You could’ve saved a compliment just for me—it’s just more charming of you to do.” She chided him gently, not at all serious of course, though she wouldn’t have been ashamed either way to admitting she’d been fishing for compliments in the first place. His gratitude did well enough to sedate her for the moment, falling back a few steps to give him a wide smile of jest. Though she didn’t meet his eyes directly, just as he paused to observe her renewed condition, Kipling took a moment to inspect his now novelty scars with more inspired than the disgust she thought it would arouse in her. But they weren’t disfiguring—more impressive than anything else.

She thought on his very brief, instead turning her thoughts towards the question, “I’m trying to help Erika the best I can.” She answered, wanting to show her Beta than it she was doing more than just fattening herself up. She wanted to seem useful, to make sure he had some confidence in her. Though their relationship was still fresh and vague, they lived together, and she didn’t want to purposely dissuade him. “Perhaps I can make myself even more useful and offer you some wooing lessons?” Light laughter complimenting her new smirk.

RE: if you're not drinkin' then you're not playin' - Jace - September 11, 2014

Jace chuckled Well i would be lying if i didn't say you were the prettiest. he jested back. He was not at all serious, not because she wasn't. But rather simply because he didn't pay attention. he felt eyes ghost across his fur, and scars. It was more a prickling awareness than anything, he knew they were there for all to see. He was almost used to others staring, almost.

Jace dipped his head that is good I thank you. Jace truly felt that everyone in their little family was pulling their weight or at least trying to. He couldn't do very much yet, but he was working on getting his strength back. He laughed out loud, blue eyes flashing. Well if i let you do that, what happens if it's you I decide to woo? I won't have any new material, you would have given me everything and then I won't win. He chuckled again, slightly teasing, but also slightly serious. He didn't know who he would be interested in, if anyone yet. So, he wouldn't be able to use the tips she gave him, if it happened to be her.

RE: if you're not drinkin' then you're not playin' - Kipling - September 15, 2014

A warm glow sprung from her chest, though she simply allowed her smile to soften and lowered her lashes humbly. A part of her was surprised to have Jace play along, though he had in the past, but it did not stop her from treasuring the fleeting moment of amusement. In another light perhaps she was so surprised because now they were not on even ground, he was her Beta and so she should have made him above herself. Before Teekon and the Sunspire, she skirted around her superiors, didn't seek them out as she had now for Jace, and definitely hadn't teased them so openly. It had been a no nonsense environment, and now it served as a reminder that despite the pits of mild trouble she had encountered on the mountain, there were more reasons to stay.

"Of course." She replied simply, at his gratitude--and it felt good, to be wanted, to be useful and to pull her part. That there was also a difference, she wasn't drifting without purpose any longer. That night she'd nearly wept to Heimdall (Ragnar) by the lake, seemed so very far away now. She wasn't a grasping to find her way at Sunspire, things fell into place, she knew what she wanted now and she was striving to make it work. Though Jace didn't seem to keen when it came to taking her advice, to which she burst in a fresh roll of laughter, not considering for a moment there might be some truth to it, her eyes narrowing in a clever motion. "Your mistake, my friend, is that you assume I can be wooed." Kipling responded smartly, "Or be won." As always holding herself out of reach, just above the standard.

RE: if you're not drinkin' then you're not playin' - Jace - September 15, 2014

Jace was a beta yes, but unless he needed to be he was not strict about the barriers that separated him from the rest in the pack. He tilted his head and chuckled along with her. He didn't mind the teasing so much, not really. He was known to jest more often than not, especially if he counted you a friend.

Jace did not know of her other excursions, or the fact that she had been worried about her place in the pack. He had not known she struggled with different things, had he known he would have done his best to help her. He was a gamekeeper, that meant he was willing to ply his trade when it was needed for those in his little family. He chuckled and his blue eyes danced in teasing light. You do not know how determined I can be there Kipling, and I may just be the victor where everyone else has failed. he almost wanted to accept the silent challenge, but it wouldn't be fair, if he didn't care about her, and he cared about no one yet. So he didn't he just teased.