Wolf RPG
Mindless Wandering of Time - Printable Version

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Mindless Wandering of Time - Aleera - August 31, 2014

I agree with you @Ferdie von Pelt any kind of thread is fun! So here we go! XD

Aleera had decided that it was time for her to make her own den, nothing to big, just somewhere to call her own. Finding a suitable Oak Tree, she began to dig, it was the perfect location in her mind, near a small patch of useful herbs and one of the herb den locations she still had to dig, close enough to a small stream yet not so close that it would flood. She found though that she was seriously lacking the muscle she needed to dig into the tough soil, Aleera was slightly larger than the average female, and she was stronger than most, but she was growing tired from her exertion. Pulling back in a huff, panting heavily with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. She wasn't sure what to do next.