Wolf RPG
Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Printable Version

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Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Orlaith - August 29, 2020

Orlaith felt.. Warm, knowing there was a place to go back to. She didn't know who she was, or if there was a place she previously even called home, but, now she had something similar to that, until she found out what to do. Indebted to the Kaistleoki wolves, the wolf vowed to return once she discovered a bit of who she was.

Though if nothing showed up- she would have no choice to return, and start over. Like she was a wee' baby, restarting her memories, her motives, ambitions, her.. What was she good at? She felt a fire in her heart, and a desire to pounce, a desire to roam free, she felt like something akin to a warrior, and felt that seemed accurate. Upon her reflection, she was a rather thickset canine.

Though perhaps someone could tell he if she was one.

So, Orlaith set out.. She felt a calling to the mountains, like something there was familiar to her. At times, she felt vague familarity from certain aspects, like a rage when she saw a butterfly, or irritation yet followed with pleasantry when it came to see a willow. when she saw a crow, there seemed to just be confusion mixed to her soul, and flowers felt with a pleasantry. 

Yet, all the feelings that came forward, were not her current self. But a past, she didn't know.

RE: Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Leshen - August 29, 2020

It wasn't often that Leshen found himself without both @Vanity or @Arwen, but it had been some time now since he had seen either.

He had no one to blame but himself, and this would certainly teach him better than to trade the comforts of his den for a rainy excursion. Yet, this new knowledge did not change the fact that he had become hopelessly lost -- confounded by the soggy trails -- leaving him with no way back unless he was found or returned.

The earthy boy was taking all of this mostly in stride, and he was occupied, for now, with trying to dig up a mouse he'd chased into a thin, muddy tunnel. He grunted and whined and dug and dug and dug as hard as he could, but no mouse came and fell limp at his feet. They always did when his mother was around... he didn't understand.

Leshen's frustrations mounted until he was barking -- loudly, repeatedly -- into the ruined burrow, boorishly demanding that he be fed this very instant.

Tags are for reference.

RE: Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Orlaith - August 29, 2020

She heard barking- small barking, akin to a child. Orlaith didn't really believe so, as who in there right mind would simply leave one out here? There was no pack smell, nor the indication of a group. She could only smell but that faintly one.

The flaming wolf approached to the barking madman, who was into a hole, "Hey kid, what you doing?"

RE: Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Leshen - August 29, 2020

A voice -- not mother! -- sounded from behind him, and Leshen spun about to fix his bugging, newly red eyes on the speaker. The she-wolf's emerald gaze, beset by a fiery mask, was the first thing he zeroed in on, and it was the only evidence of unfamiliarity he needed to turn his initial surprise into full on defense. He took an uncertain few steps backward and growled a note of high-pitched uncertainty deep in his throat. A warning maybe. For despite retreating slightly, his wiry tail remained hoisted up like a pirate flag: waving slow and tenuous like it was too heavy to hold up.

There came no verbal response to her question, even though he was quite capable of providing one, and instead the child gave her a good and long stare.

RE: Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Orlaith - August 29, 2020

Feisty- why did this bring an air of nostalgia? She knew for certain this child did not know her, because he became aggressive. This would lead no where to what she wanted, but at the same time, couldn't really leave a pup alone. Was she really going to have to bring this little asshat back to Kaistleoki, then head out again?

Seems so.

Orlaith did not have the patience to coo' him to submission, and so instead, opted to bend over him, and simply try to lift him up. Carrying him back for Speedy, would probably be the best solution.

RE: Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Leshen - August 29, 2020

The unfamiliar titaness heeded no caution the boy gave, and he was quite frankly stunned when she did not immediately turn tail and run. Leshen made a very confused noise -- lost somewhere between admonishment and faintheartedness -- and he plastered himself to the clammy ground in a misguided attempt to avoid her.

Teeth incapably bared, he better realized his disadvantage the moment she loomed over him fully and he could see her for the she-hulk that she was. He looked into her unforgiving eyes and felt frozen into offended submission. He was too busy -- feeling indignant over the female's sheer audacity -- to call God's wrath upon her before she could capture him.

He wasn't tiny by any means, but he could still be lifted off the ground if she kept her freakishly tall chin high, and his body curled up involuntarily as she took a firm hold of his scruff. Leshen snarled at the mishandling -- no! -- but his body held itself together tight -- yes! -- and he warred internally as the hate he felt mixed with the unbidden relief of being tended to again.

RE: Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Orlaith - August 30, 2020

do you want me to take them to Kaistleoki?

He was a bugger, definitely did struggle, but was no match for herself. There was a sigh that escaped, as it seemed definitely would have to go back. What an annoyance she thought! Though despite so, she was determined to take him back. It wouldn't be right to just.. Leave him there after all.

Orlaith didn't have any intention of bringing him with to find his parents either, that was a hassle. She had her own issues going on, and didn't want baggage to follow. If no one came forth now, she was taking him to the group.

RE: Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Leshen - August 30, 2020

I don't see why not! :D Start a new thread there?

Dangling heavily from the dominatrix’s unkind jaws, Leshen could no more resist her control of him than he could resist his instinct to chase and assault anything that moved. He thought bitterly of how uncomfortable this was compared to when Vanity dragged him around, but even with his growling-whines threatening this kidnapper’s very life, she still did not relinquish him.
Involuntarily, he was along for the ride.

RE: Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Orlaith - August 30, 2020

tagged on new thread!

Orlaith wisked him away, only a few hours outside of Kaistleoki, and she was already heading back. By no means was she hiding her dismay over this, and held a rather wicked look upon this disgruntlment. By the time they arrived, perhaps it would be nightfall, but they also were thankfully not far at all.

RE: Now I see fire, inside the mountain - Leshen - September 21, 2020

The longer she held him aloft, the more uncomfortable Leshen grew.
He squirmed in her grasp until his mild sense of helplessness had melted away to reveal pure desperation, and he began to thrash more and more in an effort to free himself. He felt pitifully weak against the titaness’ firm grip; his frustration mounting as he seemingly made no ground in regaining his autonomy. Regardless, the child goblin was too stubborn to relent.

As Leshen’s most valiant struggling went unheeded, his whining evolved into unsettling howls — his cries reaching up into the holy register of prepubescence in what could only be described as an attempt to deafen his opponent. The look in his blood-ink eyes screamed just as loud: Idiota! What are you doing to me?

It did not matter to him that she could not see his hateful expression.