Wolf RPG
Sequoia Coast Watch me watch you - Printable Version

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Watch me watch you - Kieran - September 01, 2014

After his talk with Bazi Kieran had departed immediately to recruit. His language would be an issue, but he would do his best to get his point across, even if he had to repeat himself a dozen times. It was his turn to do something in return for the hospitality he had been shown. The once born warrior strode towards the beach and its sandy coast, he would start there, too much tension in the upper territories. It had taken him a few days to get there, but here he was none the less.

Mahoghany fur was licked by the sun rays, turning it to a deep fiery red, while he continued on. Large paws tearing up the ground as he walked the sandy beach. He watched the tide ebb and flow and was immensely curious about it, but he did not stray to near it. He knew very well what hazards lay in an ocean and he wasn't about to test the waters so to speak. The sun would occasionally trace the scar that he bore across his face, lighting up the pink scar and making it brighter than it usually was.