Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley wait this is you right? - Printable Version

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wait this is you right? - Shadow - September 01, 2014

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Although the lands were not his, not his just yet, the silver male had taken to patrolling what would soon be the borders of Noctisardor Bypass. He wanted to see if there were any other loners that wandered here, other than Farkas and Raven who he had recently recruited. Keen silver gaze scanned over the rich verdant lands as he walked, tail swinging in an offhand manner. Today he was feeling a bit bold and decided that with Adair probably hanging around, he could trust him to protect Paar, he would venture closer to the Creek.

A day had passed since he had ventured away from the Bypass and uneasiness pricked at his pelt but he ignored it, instead decided to hunt here. He crouched down, tail skimming lightly over the ground and pounced, the rabbit dangled from his jaws a moment later and he sat down, tearing into the fat rabbit flesh.

A gust of wind swept over the grass filled lands, he scooted closer towards a tree, hoping that it would shade him from the sun. He wondered what Paarthurnax, Farkas, Adair, any of the members that had pledged themselves to him were doing now? Were they enjoying the territory? Finding new loners for their pack? Whatever they were doing, it would tell him how much commitment they put towards the Bypass.

RE: wait this is you right? - Alfhildr - September 01, 2014

Life's unending roller coaster had hit an all-time high for Alf after all the shit she'd been through.

Leon was back. An old friend, a companion, someone she could talk to and vent to just to catch the younger male up on her ridiculously turbulent life. If only Alf was being hyperbolic and it really hadn't been that tumultuous.

Alf felt more at home than she had in an incredibly long time. Now the only issue was getting the boy to take care of himself. She'd left him to that nonsense, told him to go find a pack that'd take him in while she kept exploring. Nothing the tawny female had encountered thus far, beside Leon of course, had felt right. Traversing to the northeast was getting her closer to that feeling, though. She gave silent thanks to Tyche as she padded through unfamiliar territory; Alf was prone to finding occasional comfort in the goddess' connection to good fortune.

However, it's not like Alf ignored the deity's equal allegiance to shitty luck.

An all too familiar scent was blown into the female's face, and the woman had half a mind to take off in the other direction. Except.. What position was that asshole in to decide where she did and didn't go? Better yet, what position was she in to hold grudges when truth be told, the catalyst for their meeting having gone sour was Alf crossing a boundary she wasn't aware the stranger had? Didn't the tawny she-wolf have some of those, too? Would she want someone to hold onto a grudge just because she snapped at them sooner than she could stop herself?

Stopping in her tracks, Alf fidgeted nervously on her paws for a few seconds before carrying on in his general direction. The woman had wanted to go that way anyway, truth be told. The gray-furred pissant would just have to deal with it.

RE: wait this is you right? - Shadow - September 01, 2014

The sterling outrider paused in mid-chew as the wind blew a familiar scent towards him. The female he had met in Neverwinter Forest sometime ago, the one with the weird nest for a hat. Even though their encounter had ended badly, okay extremely badly, he had been amused and half wondered what was she doing so far away from the forest before realizing that she too, was a loner. Would she be interested in joining his pack? Even after he had been so rude to her? But she would be a good addition to the pack, the pack would need an entertainer.

Out of the corner of his sterling eyes, he spotted a large fat rabbit and pounced, it slipped away from his claws and began bounding through the grass. He chased after it, long limbs working tirelessly and a moment later it dangled from his jaws, lifeless. He looked around, spotting the tree in the distance but was too lazy to trot back there, instead sniffed the air, trying to scent the female and where she was going.

He was too busy trying to smell the unknown female that he totally forgot about the rabbit in his jaws for a moment. Was she walking straight towards him? Surely she had smelled him right?