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Ravensblood Forest Hide and Seek with Odin - Printable Version

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Hide and Seek with Odin - Gunnar - September 01, 2014

Tveir walked across the soft mossy ground of the forest. This forest it was both a blessing and a curse. His parents both loved it, and he wanted to find out why. As he walked the youngest son of Ragnar thought on the different gods he had heard stories of. He had heard of them, and his mother she followed Frigga and Freya and his father followed Odin, but who could he follow? Who would he find to be his muse? the God or Goddess that would speak to him most. He held the upmost respect for all the gods and goddesses, but he wanted a guide for his own. He sighed as he walked both in frustration and in awe. The forest was indeed awe inspiring, he looked to the tree tops hoping for a glimpse of the ravens his father so revered, he would love to see them, not that he doubted they were there. He just wanted to see them, see them there. He smiled as he walked happy and content. His father and mother were right to love this place it was beautiful.

RE: Hide and Seek with Odin - MorrĂ­gan - September 01, 2014

The Raven-Queen still haunted the coast. It was different than the dark, misty woods she was born and raised in. It was wild, active, loud. Kind of like her almost. She returned to her woods to deal with business, but she was drawn to the sea. Perhaps she could move her conspiracy there.

She mused about the possibilities as she perched in the tree tops. Down below, she heard something down below. Pawsteps? She dove down to the lower boughs of the tree, staring at the pup below her staring upwards. She blinked her singular eye at the pup, speaking in rough, accented wolfspeech, though it was more towards herself."There are wolves in this forest too?"

RE: Hide and Seek with Odin - Gunnar - September 02, 2014

Tveir gasped when he saw a raven alight on the branch with only one eye. Could it be the allfather here and now. It even spoke, but it's voice was feminine, so perhaps just a harbinger of Odin. Yes there are wolves here too, but we don't live here, we live near the bay! Whatcha doin? he asked a simple question, but loaded. Which was the way of the young. Able to ask serious questions that had more than one answer in the simpliest of ways.

He wagged his tail, he couldn't wait to tell his father about his meeting with the raven. He was so proud of himself, he hoped his father wouldn't be upset with him, for not calling for him.