Wolf RPG
The Sunspire It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Printable Version

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It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Akita - September 01, 2014

@Jace ... the title seemed fitting for her... Ahaha.

Akita had recently gotten into the habit of dancing during the day. Well... dancing as best a wolf could. Mostly, it meant walking with a pronounced swagger, swinging her rump in the air, tail constantly wagging. She heard music in the air all around her and just had to dance. She would begin humming some tune or other, and then break out into full singing. The songs were wordless most of the time, unless they were Pagan/Wiccan chants, but it didn't matter that they were wordless. She had to sing and dance. She was full to the brim with joy and wanted to share it with the world.

And this is what she was doing when she nearly bumped into Jace. (She had a bad habit of not paying any attention to where she was going). She stopped at the last second, and her heart went a-flutter when she saw who it was. The big boy who didn't know how to flirt. Her eyes, which already smiled like a thousand suns, only grew brighter in his presence. "Jace," she said, and her voice was full this time, not like a breeze at all, but more like a church bell, strong and beautiful, calling all to her. "Dance with me!"

She continued her dance, going back to singing wordlessly, a happy tune. She kept her eyes on him as she pranced a small circle around him, laughter filling her face even as it bubbled over into her singing.

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Jace - September 01, 2014

Jace was out walking, well limping to the best of his abilities throughout the pack lands. A smile was on his maw, he was in a relatively good mood today, it was amazing. He wasn't entirely sure what to make of it, but he wasn't complaining. His blue eyes lit upon the small form of Akita and he snorted to himself as she walked with a definite swagger. The girl was ten kinds of crazy and he honestly didn't know how to take her half the time. She was making loud noises and her tail was swaying as she practically marched towards him.

He was getting ready to chuff hello to her, when he realized she was still coming towards him and she was coming fast. He didn't even have time to slide out of the way, before she came to an abrupt stop in front of him. He quirked a brow and waited calmly, his blue eyes and black fur a deep contrast to her silver tipped fur. Uh I don't know how to dance?

He stood staring at her as she pranced around him and he was caught up and couldn't move. He watched her with fascination, amazed at the joy that oozed from all of her pores. It was amazing within itself, and he really honestly had no idea what to say or do, so he just watched.

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Akita - September 01, 2014

AKITA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO POOR JACE? STOP IT. I'm having way too much fun with her...

Akita smiled widely as she watched Jace watching her, and felt an urge to slow her dancing down to something more... flirtatious. So she did. Without a moment's thought. She slowed and swayed her hips a bit more, wagged her tail a little less. "What do you mean you don't know how to dance?" she asked, voice a bit lower and more sultry. "Everyone knows how to dance. Only, not many wolves do it. Want me to teach you?"

She took a pawstep towards him, slowly, wondering where to begin. "Everyone dances a bit differently," she began. "You just have to move your paws." She pranced in place, going back and forth in front of him. "Like when you're happy and running to greet someone. Make your steps lighter." She gave him a once-over, grinning. "Of course, you're a big, muscular, sexy wolf so I don't know how light you could make your steps... Hmm..."

She continued making small circles around the boy as she thought. "Perhaps," she began again, "pretend you're in combat, only make it fake combat. Make exaggerated movements with me, like a mock battle, except slower and not aggressively. That's a form of dancing, too."

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Jace - September 01, 2014

I and Jace think she's fascinating

Jace was a little blind sided when she slowed her form down, and talked to him all husky and low. He laid his ears back to his skull, unsure how to take her flirtations. He didn't want to read into them, but lets just lay the line down, he was an adolescent male, who was being flirted with by an adolescent female. It made his blood run hot, it was the way of the world. And anyone who knew him, knew he preferred the petite femmes to the ones closer to his size. Ermm...ummm....okay.. he swallowed swiftly and watched her trying to see if he could mimic her movements, while trying very hard to tamper down any less than friendly thoughts.

Jace stared at her Umm i don't run to greet anyone I walk. he was a more serious wolf by nature. He didn't run anywhere unless it was too a fight or on a hunt or just to run. He shuffled his paws, and looked down trying to make sure he was doing it correctly, he felt silly and a little bit awkward.

His ears perked forwards at her next words and he cuckled low and he did what she had stated. He laid his ears flat to his back and though he would have to go slow as to not agitate his wounds he moved as if he was moving to feint right. He then moved left and lifted one paw and jabbed. Shoulder muscles rippled across back as he lightly side stepped and shifted turning around.

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Akita - September 01, 2014

:D Akita and I both love Jace. Though, Akita loves him in a more insane way than I do lol. What's funny is that IRL I hate dancing.

Being a wolf -- albeit a slightly crazy wolf -- meant that Akita could feel Jace's... sensual tension as she flirted with him, and that made her positively bubbly. She smiled happily as he started to get the hang of dancing, and praised him with a, "There ya go! You're gettin' it!" She began playing along with his mock-battle dancing, prancing to one side, then the other to avoid his jab and movements. She spun 'round when he did, then advanced slowly with a jab of her own, twirling away at the last second and then coming close to him, attempting to brush her side against his.

Although much of it was flirtatious, and she wasn't trying to hide that -- for most dances with partners of the opposite gender had to hold some form of sexuality in them -- there was also a spiritual side to the moves, a way to free herself from her body by making movements that were light and airy. She who had no inhibitions knew how to make life fun, and one way was dancing. She kept her eyes trained on Jace and his body as they moved, and she continued her attempts at lightly and teasingly touching him. She was one-part simply enjoying the dance, and one-part gauging his reaction to her, wondering if he'd push her away or draw her closer...

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Jace - September 01, 2014

Jace seems to be well liked thus far :) I like to dance, but I can't so i usually reserve it for when i'm cleaning house and the only thing that can see is my broom and mop and they don't judge

Being that he was a warrior born, he didn't have to think much on the steps he was taking. So he could take in everything else, and it was a lot to take. His sensory modes were going haywire and the minute she brushed aside him, it felt like a hot iron had zinged up his sides. He wasn't used to such physical proximity, but it didn't necessarily bother him.

He shot her a quick grin and moved swiftly a flurry of pawsteps as he whirled and twirled as if fighting a foe. He moved his head one way and another as if he was shaking something and then he twirled his tail around her side and then backed up panting and teasing. A teasing glint in his eye. He was having fun, but he was also starting to hurt and he knew he had to slow his robe. So with a sigh he shifted his feet, drew his own tail across her chin and sat down holding his right foreleg and paw up a bit. he chuckled that was fun. but my injury hurts, I have to quit I'm sorry Akita.

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Akita - September 01, 2014

Akita was lost in the movements of her body and his, as they spun and pranced and generally had fun. He didn't seem to mind her close proximity, so she continued her light touches, brushing a tail or a side against him every now and then, her eyes a-twinkle with mischief. But then he stopped, and said, "That was fun, but my injury hurts. I have to quit. I'm sorry Akita."

Immediately, her dancing stopped, so quickly that she nearly tumbled forward, and she stared at him, eyes traveling downwards to where he was holding up a leg, paw hanging in the air. He'd been limping earlier. Why hadn't she noticed. She was a healer, so why hadn't she noticed? She quickly found his eyes, a look of sorrow overwhelming her usually sunny ones. "I'm sorry," he said, her voice back to its usual whisper. "I should not have made you dance."

She sat down, leaning forward a bit to study his leg. "What is wrong with it? Has it been looked at by a healer? Is there anything I can do? It doesn't look infected and there is no open wound. Did you... break the bone? Or twist it?" She couldn't help her words now. They poured from her mouth like a river breaking a dam. She had an urge to help -- to heal. Especially since she may have just exacerbated whatever wound he had.

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Jace - September 01, 2014

Every brush of her tail or side was felt by the boy. He had no qualms of saying that he was well aware of her. It didn't really help that she was so tiny compared to him, that he was afraid of breaking her if he accidentally stumbled on her.

He shifted to catch her, because she looked like she was going to fall, but she kept her footing. he watched as her sunny disposition fled, and he felt like the worlds largest jerk for being the reason. Jace nudged her gently with his head. No need to worry, i know my boundaries and i know them well. I am fine I quit before it hurt it further. Trust me, and i would have danced had you told me not too anyway. I'm not very good at listening to healers. He gave her a small grin, merely jesting he listened when he needed too.

He perked his ears forward No one really knows what's wrong it's on the inside. I was in a fight a few weeks ago and something pulled or twisted or tore inside my chest and foreleg. We have been using the hot springs, some pain lessening herbs and lots of rest. he grew quiet then, a few had looked at it Aleera, Vienna, Nightingale, but he wasn't sure if it would be considered looked at by a healer, because none of them carried the trade, though they knew what they were doing none the less.

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Akita - September 01, 2014

*is stealing your seaweed binding idea from Blue helping Perry when he broke his leg*

Akita listened with an attentive ear as Jace told her what had happened and how they were treating him. "It sounds like you tore some muscles in your chest and leg. You shouldn't be walking on that leg at all, or really doing much of anything, most especially dancing. Since it's in your chest, as well, even small movements can tear the muscles further, and cause more damage, more pain, and more time to heal." She stopped talking then, examining the leg he held and his chest area.

"Are you using poppy seeds for pain? If you are, you shouldn't be. Those can become addictive and cause all sorts of added problems. You should be using something like... prairie dock, to help with pain, and ironweed, which'll strengthen your blood in case you're bleeding internally. That can happen sometimes with muscle strain, if you tear something..." Now she was mostly talking to herself, trying to think...

She looked up at Jace. "Would you let me bind your leg? It needs to be held still so it can heal properly. Not tightly bound, only loosely. If we were close to the ocean, I could use seaweed, but since that's not available, I'll have to use strands of sweet grass, soaked in water. I won't if you don't want me to, but it may help your leg heal faster and keep it from tearing the muscles any further."

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Jace - September 01, 2014

that's fine

Jace listened to her and spoke again This happened several weeks ago Akita and I didn't walk or move for a little bit when it first happened, and I do my best now not to move too much. I get tired i sit, i don't hunt, i don't run two things that I love to do. He didn't move while she looked over his chest and foreleg. Happy to sit still for her.

No am not using Poppy seeds, I forget what I was given. I don't take any pain lessening herbs hardly anyway, don't like them unless i'm really sore. He grew quiet then it was true though. If he could handle the pain, he didn't bother with the medicine, didn't want to be groggy and tired if something should happen.

He chuckled and dipped his muzzle If you want too an if it would make you feel better by all means wrap away. He lifted his leg further up so she could reach it better.

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Akita - September 01, 2014

Fade here?

Akita smiled as he lifted his paw a bit more. "No, silly," she said. "I can't do it now. I've got to collect the sweetgrass first, and that may take a while, as there doesn't seem to be any on the mountain. I may have to go searching for some. I know there's a vale nearby, and there's probably a lot down there. Sweetgrass like cooler, damp climates."

She stood up from examining his leg and paw and said, "I think I'll go and collect the grass now. I'll feel better about all this the sooner your leg gets wrapped. I'll call on you after I've collected what I need, alright?" She smiled again, and her eyes were back to their bright and cheery expression. She was back to being slightly crazy, too. It seemed her joy and her insanity went hand-in-hand (or, in this case, paw-in-paw).

"It was nice to dance with you, Jace. I hope we can do it again some time. After you're healed." She gave him a mock-glare and a serious expression. "I mean it, now. No foolin' around with your chest and leg like that!" Then, with a single wag of her tail back-and-forth, she leaned in and attempted a light kiss on his cheek, before bounding away to the northwest, in the direction of Northstar Vale.

RE: It Might Seem Crazy What I'm 'Bout to Say - Jace - September 01, 2014

Okay Thanks for the thread must have more :D

Jace shook his head at her and dipped his muzzle in reference to her decision. He was by far no healer, so he would do as she said. He looked around and flopped down underneath the trees. Well I'll be here for the time being

He shook his head as he watched her bound away and he lay his head to his large paws and closed his eyes. That dance fest had made him extremely tired, and he wanted to sleep. So with a soft sigh, he began to doze off content at the moment with everything.