Wolf RPG
Northstar Vale You don't need no papers - Printable Version

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You don't need no papers - Takeshi - September 07, 2020

for @Hime , if you want!

It was only a matter of time now. His children had asked and asked again after the woman that was already rotting flesh- and then there was that terrible day. His daughter had found it all. The author is being vague about that for now, but Shi knew it would be hard to lie his way out of the shit he had gotten himself into. No matter how many times he made up one excuse after another- claimed he knew nothing of whatever he saw- even if he could preserve his children's innocence a little longer, he was sure the adults would all- could all- see right through him. They knew him far too well. 

The equivalent of a tired old man smoking a cigarette on the balcony, Takeshi kept to himself in this week, guarding the edges of borders and avoiding the trails of others whenever he could. His leadership was falling apart, too- maybe it was the waiting, the waiting for his trial and sentence, but he couldn't feel inclined to treat his pack like a pack anymore. Soon enough they'd find someone to lead better than that pale bastard, but for now he looked down upon them as a scattered jury for his crimes.