Wolf RPG
Northstar Vale Sunshine, She's Here - Printable Version

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Sunshine, She's Here - Akita - September 01, 2014

Set some time after this thread. Anyone is welcome! :D

Akita had pranced happily nearly the whole way to the Vale, so that now she had a joyous bounce in every step, and her eyes shone with inner bubbly feelings. She'd get to do good work soon, for someone she cared about. Jace. She knew they both enjoyed their flirtatious escapades, but for the most part, that wasn't why she liked being in his company. It was just... having a friend that was nice to her. Someone who didn't seem to mind that she was a little bit crazy. It wasn't true, what they said about being crazy. Sometimes people did know that they were insane, and Akita definitely knew. But she didn't care. She was high as a kite on happiness most of the time, and didn't let other wolves' comments about her sanity get her down.

She went sniffing around once her feet touched the cooler earth of the vale, cooler due to all the multitudes of small lakes in the area, and the fact that the sun was a bit lower in the sky. She swayed a little as she walked, remembering with fondness her dance with the boy. Soon enough, she found a few patches of sweet grass and began the meticulous task of carefully pulling them up by the roots. This would take a while...