Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek stalker - Printable Version

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stalker - Bazi - September 02, 2014

Hope it's OK to assume @Leon has been at the Creek at some point. :)

There was a second scent. Bazi followed that with her nose to the ground as well, tracking Leon as far as the Creek's banks. From there, annoyingly, a wolf could sneak up-stream or down-stream through the shallows if they wished to avoid detection. Or perhaps he had turned back after a drink of water, and walked in the direction he had come? Bazi swivelled, staring at the distant trees in the eastern half of the territory.

It was overcast today, threatening to rain. Autumn was upon them, and the pale Alpha worried greatly for the future of her pack. The numbers were rising, sure, but they were once again a motley crew of strangers. Throw in hunger and cold, and there was no telling what would happen in a group where the bonds of friendship had yet to be formed.

RE: stalker - Leon - September 02, 2014

absolutely! ty for making this >:D
Things were already turning out interesting here in this small little pack. It seemed there were plenty of folk looking to meet him and he was totally cool with making buddies with any of his fellow pack members. He had been offered a home here, after all, as temporary as it all might end up.
The grayscale brute had lingered nearby the creek for some time now, snoozing in the shade of the sparse trees the lands offered and doing what he could to rest his injured body. He couldn't very well go off and run himself ragged already, now could he? But there was this nagging pressure to get to work and do something to benefit the pack and begin to pay Bazi back for allowing him to join.
Leon had been resting in the grove where he'd met Scimitar when he got too restless to lay there any longer for some reason. Upon picking his lazy ass up off the comfortable ground and leaving the comfort of the trees, silver eyes quickly spotted the feminine pure white form of the Swiftcurrent alpha. With a cool, easy smirk upon his sleek muzzle he began to move toward her in a relaxed manner.
Once he got close enough he stopped some several feet away before politely dipping his head and nose to her, ears tilting back and curly tail hung somewhat limply behind his flanks though still curled. Once rather relaxed formalities were dealt with the man shifted where he stood and tilted his head at the young woman curiously.
"Bazi. Happened t'be lookin' fer me? he offered amicably with a friendly swoop of that fluffy tail.

RE: stalker - Bazi - September 02, 2014

It didn't take long to locate him. A dark, leggy creature unfolded itself from its resting place and approached her - smirking, of course, because that was the sort of wolf Swiftcurrent Creek tended to attract. Shadow's sneering face swam before the girl's eyes, and for a split second she wanted to ask what the flying fuck her new recruit was grinning at, but found the strength not to from somewhere.

There was something off about him. Not the literal, rotten meat kind of 'off' - nor was he unpleasant to look at in any way. He was a wolf in his prime, with a handsome face, strangely pink nose, and piercing, silvery eyes. He had the presence of mind to dip his head, and Bazi rewarded him with a gentle wag of her tail. He was very fluffy... a little like that swamp-smelling loner that belonged to the Sunspire now - what was his name? Had they exchanged names? Whatever. She cocked her head to one side, appraising this mysterious character with her stormy blue eyes.

"I was, but now I can't think of what I wanted to say, so.. want to do something? Hunt? ..dig a hole?" Bazi was particularly fond of digging holes. It took a long time, it was exhausting, and it was totally, utterly pointless.

RE: stalker - Leon - September 04, 2014

What a pretty thing she was. He didn't know her at all but it could be easy to get to know her; he didn't need many excuses to seek her out for company and start chatting her up and he got to look at that gorgeous face and those intense blues while he was at it. Why was everyone so hot around here?
A charming smirk pulled at his lips when he caught her tail moving. So far so good he guessed. He'd hate to not act proper enough and get his ass kicked by her because then he sure wouldn't be trying to make friends afterward. Head tipped ever so slightly and his ears twitched as they sat forward on his cranium as she spoke. Looking for him but couldn't remember what she wanted to say? Leon only allowed a chuckle to escape when she asked if he wanted to do something and used "dig a hole" as an example.
Quirky, he liked her. "Dig a hole? Whose grave would we b'diggin?" he joked lightly. Though he could end up digging his own; part of him was subconsciously nervous of fucking up this meeting somehow. Those in power never tended to like him for long.
"I'd love t'hunt, sweets, but I need a couple'a days t'rest from m'injuries b'fore I'd be any use huntin'." Otherwise he'd be all for hunting down some food with the pretty alpha. Though if she was quite serious about digging a hole he could manage-- he was less likely to injure himself further doing that... and it, oddly, sounded quite fun at the moment if he were to be completely honest.

RE: stalker - Bazi - September 05, 2014

Had Bazi been able to read his mind, she would have responded with "Like attracts like!" and a wicked little grin. Swiftcurrent was a pack to be reckoned with the Wolf Pageant stakes - and then some.

"Dig a hole? Whose grave would we b'diggin?"

Bazi laughed. Leon confessed his injuries were preventing him from hunting and the task was decided - they would dig a hole, just for funnsies. "Well, let's dig the hole, then have a fight, and the winner gets to drag the loser's body into the hole," she suggested, feigning a contemplative look. "Then it'll have a use!" In truth, any holes that Bazi dug to relieve stress were put to use as caches - or a temporary place to sleep before she filled it back in. "Come on," the pale little Alpha prompted, nodding towards the water. "If you dig deep enough near the bank, you hit water."

Digging was not a sport to be sniffed at. It required stamina and determination, just as fishing required precision and patience. Dig a hole, catch a fish, look good doing it - the way to Bazi's heart.