Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest river and waterfall - Printable Version

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river and waterfall - Valencia - September 15, 2020

for @Vallkyrie <3 Lenny needs some sister time.
Making some assumptions - if anything needs changed, let me know! 

It had been a while since Lenny had had some quality time with Kyr. Sure, they'd talked every now and then, but things had been busy lately, and they hadn't had time to just... exist, together. Which sucked, because Lenny had a lot that she wanted to talk to her about, and she was going to make time now to do so. Now that Yao was back, she felt better, but... there was a lot of weight still on her shoulders, and she didn't know how to alleviate it.

The young Archer padded slowly through the forest, seeking her sister's scent. It wasn't hard to find, and soon enough she happened upon her. 

"Kyr," she greeted quietly, brushing her muzzle along her sister's shoulder as she approached. "Got some time to talk?"

RE: river and waterfall - Vallkyrie - September 15, 2020

Over the past few days or so life within the Neverwinter forest had changed for the better, if only slightly so. With one of Mal's lost of pups still missing, Cupid's obvious passing amongst other things, the forest wolves had indured hardship after hardship. But Hao had returned to them in one piece. Cam, an older member from before Kyr's time had joined, Phillip even had been scented. Another new member showed promise and the visit from Moonspear was a look up for the pack and getting back on track. (All the vagueness for pending threads.)

Still, life for the forest dwellers had been anything but easy. This Vallkyrie knew and fought with herself on doing what was right for the pack and what was best for herself. 

Licking her muzzle clean as she burrowed a small chipmunk away into a cache, her head and ears perked up to her sister's arrival and then a wave of her tail to her touch. Of course, sis. What's on your mind?