Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle if i lose you now - Printable Version

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if i lose you now - Naoyuki - September 16, 2020

all welcome! tags for reference.
he's definitely still blind, just enjoying the shadows. :)

morning’s sunlight washed the island over; in its breadth bathed amefurikozō. carefully, he parted his lidded eyes, giving permission for light to paint shadows of the horizon onto his vision. wherever his family was, he was somewhere else, enjoying his solitude and the beauty it could create.

naoyuki didn’t understand the implications of his disappearances, but he wouldn’t have been bothered by them, had he known. more than @Takara and @Minori’s son, he was a child — a child without sight, and therefore, inhibition. his remaining mother would never be watchful enough to keep him from wandering, not while she had miwa to take care of, too. 

and so, he would often sneak away undetected, finding solace in something more stimulating than the repetitive hum of silence. sun, yuki whispered to himself, can you stay always?

RE: if i lose you now - Nǚwū - September 16, 2020

nüwu was not loud or boisterous, but she was learning that she liked making friends. mama said not to talk to strangers, but all the other yuèlóng wolves still felt like strangers in a way- and yet, they were nice. she loved her siblings dearly, but she wished to meet the other children too. and so whenever she encountered them in her wanderings, she rarely held her tongue. 

nao-nao! she called to the boy. nüwu galloped over to him with her dark tail waving, coming to a controlled pause as she neared the dark child. the sandpiper didn't know what blindness was- she had no idea that when he looked upon the horizon like this, he did not see all she could. it didn't seem to matter anyway- he looked like he enjoyed the world around him well. there was only a small part of her that wondered why his pupils were not so dark as she and her siblings. you are looking at the sky? she observed quietly, letting her energy settle. and so did she, plopping down onto her side on the earth beside him.

RE: if i lose you now - Naoyuki - September 17, 2020

naoyuki paused, then shifted to an attentive stance. his head tilted gently in either direction to assist in the tracking of approaching footsteps while his tail raged behind him with jovial excitement. it was still difficult for him to differentiate packmates by scent alone; instead, he waited for his company to speak before deciding who they were.

nao-nao, called the familiar voice. yuki again turned himself in nüwu’s direction, trying to differentiate her slightly darker section of space from the rest of the unknown — still, his eyes remained focused on the space just above where she lay.

nüwu asked something which prompted great thought: you are looking at the sky? naoyuki sat back down onto his hindquarters, facing the sun rather than the island’s interior. what’s sky? he retorted? while his sighted mothers had done their best to explain some things, they couldn’t have known how difficult it might be for him to understand.

RE: if i lose you now - Nǚwū - September 21, 2020

he didn't seem to look at her directly, rather, she felt a slight unease when his eyes rested just above her gaze. was there a bug on her head? she didn't feel anything, but flicked an ear anyway, trying not to feel self-conscious. nevermind that! his next question caused her little dark jaw to drop before she clicked it back shut. didn't his mama teach him anything? sky is alla that, she explained with a jerk of her muzzle towards the gold-blue fabric. she didn't know that wouldn't help. it is blue, and it has clouds, and um. nüwu paused, unsure how to continue. what else about that vast expanse could be explained with her limited vocabulary?

RE: if i lose you now - Naoyuki - September 26, 2020

naoyuki frowned, unsure of what nüwu meant. all of that? he asked, slowly shifting to face the light again, it’s sky? smaller shadows dimmed parts of his canvas, fading just as quickly as they’d appeared.

blue, nüwu called it. naoyuki knew that ocean was blue, and that it was wet — is sky wet? he asked, figuring that it was a logical conclusion. clouds, too? 

yuki wondered if their home was surrounded by ocean. were there fish above them, swimming in the light? he parted his eyelids until the creases at either corner ached, then stared upward to search for movement.

RE: if i lose you now - Nǚwū - October 06, 2020

yea, it is sky. she affirmed at his question with a steady nod. his next question was intriguing, and her mouth parted into a little 'o' as she considered it. being a wolf, nüwu knew nothing about the texture of the sky- thus the idea that it was just a second ocean, but this one above them, was exciting indeed. oooh, maybe it's wet, um, it is blue, maybe it's alot of water. she giggled, tail thumping against the ground a couple times. though that did leave her wondering where the ocean's clouds were. our mamas gonna hunt fish in the sky, maybe!

RE: if i lose you now - Naoyuki - October 07, 2020

naoyuki listened to those smaller parts of nuwü’s words, from the inflection of her voice to the soft thumping of an eager tail. he thought that she was excited, or happy, and that he ought to be, too! with a half-crescent grin, he turned to where she might have settled and reached a paw for her chest.

we can, too, he mused alongside his packmate, fish. he wasn’t that good at hunting, nor would he ever be, but the thought of doing so alongside takara and minori was a welcome one.

RE: if i lose you now - Nǚwū - October 14, 2020

he smiled, and a warm feeling spread across her chest. had she made him happy? was that her doing? she liked the feeling of it. he offered that they could fish too, and nüwu was bashful to admit, i don't know how mama gets there, though. she certainly hadn't mentioned the route, or nüwu was determined she would've remembered. there was that big hill in the middle of the island, and the girl figured it scraped the sky... but the thought of climbing it without mama or @Haoming beside her was a scary one. did your mama tell you? if she didn't... maybe we just fish down here? they could always save traveling to the sky-waters for another day.