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Sequoia Coast it's a healer thing - Printable Version

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it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 02, 2014


As promised Blue woke with the promise to take her daughter to the beach. They had started a day and a half ago and had made good time, and here they were finally over looking the beach and the sea. She had told Peregrine where she was going, so he would make sure to check on his brother, make sure he ate and she was good to go. It had been a quiet, yet happy trip to the ocean and she was anxious for her daughters first glance of it. The sun began to rise and she gently nudged her awake and pushed her towards the beach and then she waited.

The sun woke up and his face lit the ocean up in fiery hues of golden blue and the colors swirled around and made the ocean seem to glow and the satly spray blew up and on them and she sighed. This was beautiful, the ocean it was a powerful force and she was beautiful.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 02, 2014

Amelie's feet fidgeted momentarily before Blue's nose prodded her gently into lucidity. She had been dreaming with the trip actually, so she wasn't really bothered to be woken to go make her dream a reality. She shook her pelt quickly and trailed happily behind the now-Beta. She understood her mother's decision to allow Fox into leadership, and truth be told she didn't mind she was now second, to the yearling Blue was still at the top.

They trekked together, a soothing silence embracing the two dark furred females as they approached the coast. Amelie kept her ears up and her tail swaying, it was impossible not to be happy --her eyes traced across every tree or flower they left behind, her mind formulating millions of questions that she would soon throw at her mom.

She opened her mouth to ask about a particular shrub she had seen a while ago, but before the sound could climb through her windpipe her yellowe eyes fell into the beautiful mix of orange and red that began peaking out from the blue waves. She gasped and jerked her head to meet Blue's eyes.

"Wow! We're here" she breathed while letting her orbs rest on the rythmical flowing of the waves again.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 05, 2014

Blue Willow chuckled at the involuntary twitch of her daughter’s foot. She shook her head and continued trying to wake her gently. There was no point in waking her harshly she wouldn’t enjoy the view as much if she was cranky. She woke up in a good mood, which made Blue smile to herself, but she still kept silent letting her daughter take in the view. The first time one saw the ocean should not be marred with talking.

Blue was not fooled by Amelie’s silence however. Knowing full well that the girl was probably devising a million questions in her mind’s eye, and just waiting for the go ahead to speak them. She watched approvingly as Amelie traced over the flowers and trees and plant life.

Blue’s laughter rang out and she nodded. Yes we are here. Beautiful isn’t it? The ocean is its own beast. It is both life giving and life taking and you have to be careful of it, but it is beautiful no? Blue sat down softly and looked out over the water, just as a whale surfaced and shot it’s water to the sky. A smile twitched among the blue black fur of her muzzle. They had much to talk about her daughter and her, not including Kisu and plants, but for now she was content to just wait and watch.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 05, 2014

Amelie's own laughter merged with the Beta's as she looked at her with fond and loving eyes. To think she had simply welcomed her into her heart at the edge of the lake, without knowing much about her, Blue had taken Amelie as her own; and in a way the young girl had also adopted the Willow into her heart. Even if she knew that the blood in their veins wasn't the same, and that Blue might want to bear her own real children in a near future, Amelie was proud to call her mother.

The girl's yellow eyes followed the rythmn of the waves that crashed soflty against the shore, she listened to her mother's warning and gave a little umhmm to say she understood. Then as Blue's last words faded into the air, a black bullet broke through the ocean's surface and tumbled back underneath the waves with a heavy thud.

"What was that?", she asked, turning her face to her mother. She didn't care if she seemed like a little child with all of her questions, Amelie had an addiction to knowledge and asking questions was the way she sated her desires.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 06, 2014

Blue would do it all over again if she needed too, no matter if it hurt even. She would take Amelie and any other stray child that needed her, as far as she was concerned it didn’t matter about blood. Your blood could be the worst thing possible, but you could find the love you need in the heart of another. No matter what, even if she had her own children, Amelie would still be her daughter, the children would know her as their sister. She was adamant about this.

Blue watched as Amelie stared at the ocean. Watching it with wide and full eyes, blue chuckled when she got the answer from Amelie. It was noncommittal and rather quiet, but it was there. She knew she was just pleased with what she was seeing.

Blue smiled That is what you call a whale I think. It is a beastly creature, it could eat our entire pack! I don’t know if it would, but it could. She grew quiet then and smiled gently There are many dangers in the ocean and all of them are much bigger than us, there are even some dangerous beasts in the fresh water like rivers, and lakes and streams.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 06, 2014

With her eyes fixated on the area where the whale had jumped from, she listened to her mother's description and definition of it. A whale, she repeated in her mind while imagining the damage the bullet-shaped monster could do. She then turned to face the emerald-eyed female that had welcomed her so openly into her life. A small smile rested on her face while she glanced at Blue, Amelie knew how stressing everything had been for the Beta lately.

Fox's arrival had stirred a bit of tension between the two females and on top of that she had to divide her time between the pack's leadership and Atticus. Still she had lived up to her promise, she had taken a chunk of her time to show Amelie the ocean and give her a headstart to Healing 101. "Thank you for bringing me here", she barked with a grin.

The aspiring healer then pushed her nose to touch Blue's chest and after nuzzling her lovingly she stepped back, blinking up at her with eyes that said 'Lets do this'.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 07, 2014

Blue did not tell her, but she thought about it. If the whale attacked any of them, there would be nothing left, but a speck on the ground. The beasts of the sea were huge creatures, and many of them had sharp teeth. The ocean was a fathomless, deep wasteland of water, and it did well to be cautious around it. The Ocean was one thing the healer both feared and revered.

Blue would not call it tension between herself and Fox, she would call it dislike. At least to her, fox did not like her, would never like her. She didn’t know why, but she did know it bothered her more than she cared to admit. She wanted peace with everyone especially those that Perry saw fit to have in his life, since he was her best friend and hopefully one day when Atticus woke up her brother in law. She smiled softly at Amelie. you are welcome Amelie.

Blue chuckled Okay shall we begin. Ocean water can be used to clean out wounds. It stings like there is no tomorrow and you are going to want to clean it later, but sea water will do in a tight spot. Seaweed like this. She motioned to a long tendril of greenery. that can be used to bind your wounds tightly and when it dries it tightens and shrinks, so when you keep it you must always keep it moist. I don’t keep much preferring to gather it when I need it, but I keep enough for small emergencies.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 09, 2014

Though the result could be catastrophic there was no chance the huge bullet-shaped monster could ever reach the plateu, and for that Amelie gave a silent thank-you to the stars, whom she thought were the regulators of the Earth. The sea was both beautiful and mighty as Blue had descrived, and unlike when she had first seen the holes in fire-spitting holes in the ground, she'd make a point of being safe before sticking her nose in.

As the lesson began Amelie focused her gaze on her mother's face, paying close attention to every material she mentioned and its uses. If wolves were able to carry pen and paper, Amelie would've been jotting down every word Blue said, making little notes to remember later. She nodded and blinked at the Healer as she continued her explanation, and though she wanted to ask how she kept it moist she abstained to do so as she didn't want to interrupt.

Once Blue was finished, a grin spread across the girl's maw "Do you have somewhere moist to keep it when at home? And what if the wolf can't come to the sea because of the injury, how does one clean the wound then?", she asked, her eyes bright and her ears alert.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 09, 2014

Blue did not trust the ocean, she had never trusted it. Did not see it as a friend, it was useful and it was home to many wondrous creatures and plants, but she did not like it. It was too large, and too unknown and it made her nervous. She could swim and sometimes she would, but not often.

Blue wanted to laugh, but kept her chuckle's quiet. She could almost visibly see the smoke and the wheels turning in her daughter's head. It made her laugh to no end, how incredibly curious her daughter was.

Blue shrugged IN a hole in the ground near the moist dirt, or in a rock pool are the best places. Or even in a cave if you have one. They are usually moist and dark. Like i said though I don't usually keep a lot of it on paw, too hard to keep.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 10, 2014

Maybe it was because she allowed her curiosity to take the best part of her, or because she lacked the expirience Blue had; but there was something about that mystery and that uncertainty of the ocean what attracted her so much. It was as if the sound the waves made as they crashed against the shore called her name in an attempt to lurr her in.

When the lesson continued, Amelie made an effort to shift her gaze from the foamy arms of the sea and focus on her mother. Ah, well that made sense, she though as Blue explained how she could keep it in a rock pool. "Oh, alright. You said you had friends here right?" she asked suddenly remembering this was near the place where Junior had dissapeared to.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 11, 2014

Blue did not blame Amelie for her love of the sea or her curiosity where it was concerned. Her father had been much the same way, Blue just did not like it. There was something that she mistrusted about it. Perhaps it was that it seemed to have a life of it's own, or maybe that all the beasts that lied in it were gigantic. She did not know and she did not dwell on it.

Blue chuckled at the change of topic I would not say friends, we are acquaintances yes. The leader of the Bay Ragnar and I can have friendly conversation and one of his members Julooke and I are also on friendly terms. She is an aspiring healer herself. We may see them on the beach, we also may not.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 11, 2014

Amelie nodded at her response understanding that they didn't really matter at the moment, she had thought meeting other members and aspiring healers would be cool but really spending time with her mother alone was equally as good, if not better. That meant there would be no distractions and that finally she could beging her journey as a healer.

What she knew wasn't much, she been gathering knowledge from here and there, keeping some of her mother's remedies in the back of her mind and aquuiring new ones as she went along. "Is there anything else the sea can give that is of use?" she asked, wondering that if maybe the tiny seashells that laid scattered on the beach's floor had a purpose too.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 12, 2014

Blue thought about those she had named. It wasn't that they did not matter, it was simply that Blue was not friendly enough with them. She wouldn't just go and howl for them at their borders, it just didn't seem like the right thing to do. Besides that, they seemed like a very private pack, and only would want to talk with you if you had information to freely give.

Blue thought about it, You can eat different things from the sea I have heard, animal wise, but other than that I can think of nothing that would help to heal. There are aquatic plants that help to heal, but most of them are in rivers, streams, and on the edges of lakes.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 12, 2014

Amelie contemplated the idea of telling Blue that they should go for a swim, but after having seen the huge whale splat out of the depths of the ocean in a wonderful display of power, the idea was quickly thrown out. They didn't have to get into the water, but Amelie would've liked to see the waves and the tiny critters of the beach more closely.

"So it is not as useful," she mused outloud while tracing her gaze along the shore. "Can we get closer?" she barked suddenly, her ears pricking and her tail swaying in softly. Blue had made clear she didn't trust the ocean but.. with the precautions needed, would she deny her daughter to see the waves up close?

She blinked at her pleadingly, a pretty please threanening to slip from her tongue.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 13, 2014

Blue wouldn't have necessarily said no about the swim. As long as they adhered to the side of caution, she would have allowed swimming. She herself even waded in the surf sometimes, but you had to watch the waves they could get you and pull you down. They were like a living breathing creature all their own.

Blue shifted I wouldn't say it isn't useful. I may just not know very much about it. It maybe useful. And yes we can get closer. Just be careful. Blue walked forward and stood at the edge, not quiet in the water. She did not wish to go closer than that.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 15, 2014

Amelie's tail swished from side to side as her mother agreed to get a closer look. As they walked closer, the yearling payed close attention to what laid in the beach's floor. All around her feet, scattered in the sand there were tiny pieces of rock and shells that popped out against the brown sand. She even saw one that crept away as she tried to poke it with her nose. No crabs or snails were interested in meeting her.

As they finally reached the shore, the girl shot a smile at her mentor and mother, then without a sound she slipped into the water , letting the waves lick her feet with their white, foamy tongues. She liked the feeling of the water crashing against her skin, though the smell was strong and the taste was no better, she found the rythmic motion of the waves soothing.

"It's just.. wonderful", she muttered, feeling unable to find another word to describe it properly.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 17, 2014

As they walked Blue bent her large head and sniffed at the nearby plants and small animals that played amongst the sand. She even unearthed a few shells and tossed them towards the edge of the clearing, she would take them home. She could store crushed things in them. And besides that they were pretty.

Blue frowned when Amelie stepped in the water, mostly out of discomfort. But she followed her in regardless. She looked down at the white foamy liquid that sucked nad pulled at her paws, and the way the sand filled up around her, causing her paws to stick harder in the murky sand. She didn't say anything just stood and enjoyed the moment.

A small smile worked it's way across her maw Yes that it is Amelie, beautiful and treacherous.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 18, 2014

Though she kept herself at a decent distance from the shore if anything were to happen, the waves quickly reached her midlegs, licking and crashing ocassionally at the fur on her chest and underbelly. The girl simply smiled as she trashed her paws around, bucking and kicking like a wild bull. The moment sorta reminder her of the time she had first met Blue.

She had been found on the edge of the Greatlake, thristy and lonely in the middle of the flatlands. Then a few weeks or days after she had been taken under the healer's wing they had gone back to the lake, on a pretty and sunny day for a swimming lesson. An here they were again.

As the girl stopped flailing wet sand and water around she turned to see her mother also standing in the water. A wide smile took over her maw as she made her way between the foamy waves to meet her."I am so glad we're here, we needed this getaway" she whispered once she was close enough. She knew her mother had been under a lot of stress lately..

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 19, 2014

Blue watched as her daughter frolicked, laughing as the girl ran through the wave like a wild child. She needed to have this time, she needed a moment just for herself and her daughter, the way things were this would probably be her only child. She looked down and quickly quieted those thoughts, she was losing faith fast in her pack, mostly because of the wolf Fox. It disheartened her to know that she had given the reins to a selfish, immature child and she was extremely disappointed in Perry. SHe did not know everything going on, but she certainly could hear rumors and they upset her.

Blue smiled i am glad we are here too Amelie and yes we did need this. We both needed to get away. Each of them for different reasons Amelie for heartbreak, herself for lack of faith.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 20, 2014

All the running and kicking had left the girl exhausted, as if all the bad energy and worries had been expelled from her body and sinked into the ocean where they would no longer be found. She wondered if the trip had been as therapeutic for Blue, with all the drama at the Plateu, she was sure she'd appreciate the getaway.

Her mother confirmed this with her soft soothing voice, one that made the girl's heart thump happily against her chest. She raised her eyes slowly, meeting them briefly with her mother's emerald green eyes. For some reason a small tingle met her side, seeping onto her chest and making her feel numb. The last burden she wore on her shoulders began to slide off her shoulders.

"Atticus will come back," she began, smiling sweetly as she went on, "And I-I am sorry I didn't tell you about.. Kisu," she breathed, she was sure the juicy gossip had reached her ears by now. Fox wouldn't have stayed quiet, she had probably scattered the news around the plateu like the plague.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 20, 2014

Blue watched as her daughter tired and she herself retreated to the edge of the water to look on. It is heavy water isn't it? You would not think so, but it is. Water was hard to surge through, and you didn't realize the dangers until it was too late usually. Blue sat calmly her tail swishing the sand to and fro behind her, enjoying the leisurely day.

Blue smiled as her daughters eyes met her own green gems. She dipped her muzzle sweetly, feeling the unspoken agreement passing through them. She knew her daughter would get over this, it just took some time.

Blue nodded Yes he will. She chuckled at the next words softly and kindly. Oh Amelie, you are a grown female now. I know there are somethings you won't tell me right away if at all and that is fine. I do want you to know however, that no matter what you tell me it will not change how much I love you or anything like that. SHe grew quiet hoping that she could reassure her and she would tell her things in the teacher, but if not that was okay too.

RE: it's a healer thing - Amelie - September 26, 2014

do you wanna fade here and get a new one, cuz so much has happened since :p let's pretend they keep talking about herbs and the sea haha

Though she suspected the strain on her muscles was due to the wild bucking and kicking she had done earlier, she couldn't deny that the ocean water did seem to weigh down her wet fur, though it could also be due to the force with with the crescent waves crashed against the skin. Either way, the girl bobbed her head in agreement when her mother made the brief comment, her drenched tail swinging to and fro.

Then, with her heart fluttering inside her throat, the girl awaited patiently for the femme's response. She wasn't sure how'd she would take her encouraging words about Atticus, even if they were meant for support, they could trigger tears Amelie didn't really want to see. And as for Kisu, she was worried Blue might tell her to stay away from him (as if she would've wanted to chase after him) and to learn the real meaning of love.

Instead she spoke sweetly, as it was only common for her. She shared her optimism about Atti, though time was against them, her beliefs seemed to be pure and true. What she said next however, wasn't something the girl had expected. Being a year older didn't make her feel like a grown female. Sure, she was not a child, but she didn't believe that the 12 months of life she had, would make her capable of facing the harsh world of adults. "I-I didn't even noticed he liked me.. and when he told me he immediately rejected me." she barked, her brow furrowing a little, "Like why do you build something just to tear it back down?" she asked rhetorically.

Not knowing that that same question could be applied to a certain King that with his decisions and blind love for his lovers had begun to tear down his own kingdom.

RE: it's a healer thing - Blue Willow - September 26, 2014

Blue was certain that Amelie would have much to learn, and she was not knowledgeable about all the world. However, she was an adult and Blue needed to realize that, no matter how hard it was. The girl was considered an adult and it was the way of things.

Blue chuckled, but not in disrespect. Ah Amelie even at my age we sometimes miss things that are right before us. I cannot answer that question, but I can guess. I believe that Kisu knows he is damaged and that he will hurt you even worse in the long run. He is giving you a fighting chance I suppose. It's crummy and not fair, but he thinks he's doing the right thing. She grew quiet and rested her head to her paws as Amelie came onto the sand. They would pass the day with leisurely talking and walking and learning. All of the tings that Blue wanted to pass on at the moment she would. The day would be a fun one.