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The Sunspire I'm a Hot Air Balloon - Printable Version

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I'm a Hot Air Balloon - Akita - September 02, 2014

@Jace if you want another one with crazy Akita. Was thinking she could bind his leg ICly here. Only if you have time, dear. (You've gotten me into that habit of calling people "dear"/"darling"/"love", Danni. Thanks. Lol).

Akita was finally done making her healing den. It had taken quite a few days first digging the place out, and then collecting all the nearby healing herbs and plants to fill up the space. She didn't sleep in it, and was instead now building a second den right next to her healing one to sleep in, instead. She didn't think it was right to sleep next to all the herbs, for fear of disturbing them or knocking some over and losing them.

She was at the Oasis at the moment, as that was the dampest spot in the territory, and the place where her plants and herbs wouldn't dry out too much. She'd have to build another healer's den somewhere far away from the Oasis, to keep only the plants that needed to be dried out for proper use. But mostly she was thinking of Jace's sweetgrass binding for his leg, which she hadn't gotten around to yet. And now that everything was situated, she figured it was as good a time as any. With a tilt of her head, she called for him, wondering if he'd actually show up or if he was off doing something or other...

RE: I'm a Hot Air Balloon - Jace - September 02, 2014

You're welcome Lol I'm always calling someone something dear, darling, love, hon, sweetheart

Jace had been watching the comings and goings of his packmates, especially the female Akita. He found her interesting and she made his day less dull. She was digging a medicinal cache, and he wished he could help her dig. He actually itched to help. He was tired of resting and relaxing.

Jace had actually been sleeping beneath the willow tree, on the opposite side of the female calling for him. He lifted his head to blink around slowly, trying to push the sleep out of his eyes. He stood and shook his pelt free of debris and he strode around the lee side to make it too her. Hey Akita. he spoke softly with a small tail wag.

RE: I'm a Hot Air Balloon - Akita - September 02, 2014

Has decided to incorporate this into Akita's personality. Yay for pet names! :D Um... sorry for ranting. I'm tired right now ahahaha.

Akita, who, after calling for the black-furred brute, had gone into her healer's den to rearrange some things, heard his muffled call from behind her. Instead of doing what normal wolves would do and pull her head out of the den to say hello, she simply called a bit loudly so that he could hear, "Hello, Darling! One moment, yes? Stay there! Don't move! Sit!" As she called out all of these orders, her words became even more muffled, since she was filling her mouth with enough sweetgrass for his binding. Finally, she had more than enough, and slowly scooted backwards out of the den, rump high in the air and back legs splayed open, which actually might have looked quite suggestive -- though for once she wasn't thinking of flirting. Her mind was too busy in Healer Mode.

When she actually burst out into the day, she turned and gave a smile to Jace, wagging her tail, and then turned towards a nearby pond in which to soak the grass. It was still fairly fresh, so she wouldn't need to soak it for long, but she needed it to be pliable enough, since this would be difficult as it was, with no opposable thumbs or even hands to speak of. She'd have to use her teeth to bind Jace's leg, and that would take quite a bit of time to get right. After dropping her bundle into the pond, she turned once more to Jace and gave him a proper greeting.

"Hello, Dear. How are ya? How are your leg and chest? Have you been resting as I told you to?"

RE: I'm a Hot Air Balloon - Jace - September 03, 2014

Jace perked his ears forward and had to strain to hear her. It was difficult due to the muffled sounds from the den. He thought he heard sit, and hello and something else, but he wasn't 100 percent sure what it was. As she backed out of the den he quickly averted his gaze and kept it pointed straight down. What the hell was she doing trying to kill him? Jeesh, he had to take a deep breath.

Jace chuckled as she turned towards him and began firing questions at him. You sound like my mother. yes I am fine, yes i've been resting. He shifted and sat down to his haunches curling his tail tightly around his paws and then he simply waited for her to check him over and bind him up.

RE: I'm a Hot Air Balloon - Akita - September 03, 2014

D'aww... awkward Jace is adorable. :D

Akita smiled vaguely as she dipped a paw into the water and sort of stirred the grass around in the pond, trying to make the soaking process go faster. As a conversation starter, because she couldn't bind his leg right away, she asked, "So how are you enjoying the first few days of Autumn? We're already getting some rain, which has been nice. And you get to enjoy the Earth after it rains, like you told me you liked." She smiled at him then. Looking down again at the pond, she checked the grass.

"I think it's ready now," came her soft voice. "Move your tail away from your paws, please, and stick out your foreleg. Remember, this'll be a loose binding. Too tight on strained muscles will only make it worse. I'm only binding it tight enough so that it won't move around too much. Try to hold still, all right? This'll take a while."

Slowly, and with care, she began the process of binding Jace's leg, taking out strings of wet sweetgrass and gently pressing them against the fur of his leg, and then twisting her head around to grab the dangling pieces and wrap them around wit her teeth. She tried to be gentle, for his sake, doing her best not to bump into his leg too much while she was wrapping it, as she didn't know how much pain he was actually in. She just hoped this would actually help.

RE: I'm a Hot Air Balloon - Jace - September 05, 2014

Aww thanks :)

Jace watched as she swirled the grasses around and around. He had to close his eyes tight to fight the dizziness that threatened to overtake him. The ripples did not help in the least. He chuckled I like autumn, the crisp smells, and I like Spring the new smells. Yes I like the smell of the earth after the rain. And you get to dance in it. he chuckled. He had been surprised she remembered that about him, most did not remember much that he said; especially being that he was so quiet most of the time.

Jace shifted and held his right foreleg up, and sat his tail whispering across the ground behind him. He only grunted once when she pressed on a rather sore spot. He wasn’t in a lot of pain anymore, but there were some spots that were so tender he wanted to scream out in absolute agony, if anything touched them. She managed to touch a few of them.

RE: I'm a Hot Air Balloon - Akita - September 05, 2014

I'm trying to make this go to 10 posts so we can use it for EXP... can't think of what else to say though. >.<

After a few long minutes, as binding anything without hands took forever, Akita sat back and admired her work. There were a few strands of grass dangling off of Jace's leg, so she leaned back toward him and bit them off carefully. She didn't want him stepping on them and untangling her work. "There," she said, sighing in satisfaction. "Now your leg muscles won't tear any further -- as long as you don't do anything stupid like going and getting yourself into a fight while you're still healing." She looked up at him sharply for a moment, feeling suddenly like a mother, and then her expression softened.

"Don't get hurt, okay? And if you do, call me first. I'll fix you up." She knew there was no reason for him to stay any longer, now that she was done binding his leg, but some part of her, the part that was his friend, wanted him to stay a bit longer. "So... um..." she began, wracking her brain for something to talk about. And then her eyes lit up, and she looked at him teasingly. "You gotta girlfriend yet?" Then she laughed, tail swishing as she waited for a response. Something about Jace's personality made him so easy to tease that she just couldn't help it sometimes.

RE: I'm a Hot Air Balloon - Jace - September 06, 2014

Jace tried his hardest not to move, allowing her to tirelessly bind his chest and leg. He smiled Thanks Akita, I’ll do my best not to fight anyone. I can’t promise though if someone’s in trouble. he grinned cheekily at her. Mostly teasing, though his jest held a small ring of truth. If it came down to it and he had to save someone or save his leg, he would save the other wolf.

He smiled at her My own personal healer huh. he chuckled. He settled down to his haunches and then lay down Sphinx like to pass a little bit of time. Mostly he just didn’t want to move, he was comfortable. His eyes went wide at her question, then he frowned for a moment. Well I though I may have one, but she was from another pack. Then her leader came up here and started trouble and we took her prisoner and then there was this big mess and now I can’t find her. Her name is Leaf, and she’s a little red furred imp and she drives me absolutely batty, but it’s the good kind. But I haven’t seen her in weeks. he sighed sadly. He supposed he should probably give up on the little leaf that stole his adolescent heart. how about you Akita got a boyfriend?