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Ankyra Sound bells bleed and bloom - Printable Version

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bells bleed and bloom - Junior - September 02, 2014

Shades of pink and lilac streaked the sky to the east as Junior roved the beach, feeling the warm, soft sand beneath her toes when she wasn't busy dancing in the surf. She enjoyed frolicking with her pack mates in their new home, celebrating their new claim in the presence of the Sea and Moon. And long after they drew to higher ground to sleep away the day, she remained near the water's edge, breathless and eager to start her new life.

And there were some very rudimentary tasks to be done, she knew. After racing from one end of the sound to the other, Junior began to lay scent markers. The Matriarch and High Priestesses would do the most marking, yet Junior knew every acolyte should do her part to stake their claim. She ran in a wide arc, then made her way up to higher ground, sprinkling urine when and where she could and leaving tooth marks on trees and claw marks on any rocks she came across. Anyone who drew near would know this land belonged to the sisterhood.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Gunnar - September 02, 2014

Tveir had been prone to exploring more and more lately. His father was allowing them a little more freedom and he was liking it. he was not allowed to go past the beach or the forest, his father had made that perfectly clear, and he did his best to abide by the rules. He followed along the beach when a teasing scent tickled his nostrils. Following, it he came across Junior running around like crazy, marking what looked like borders, so he stood respectfully backwards. That was one of the first lessons father had instilled into them the importance of borders and respect.

he stood at attention and chuffed once to let her know he was there. Then he sat down and waited until she had the time to come talk to him, learning as time progressed that he needed patience for all avenues of his life.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Junior - September 02, 2014

Emalee shared a doodle of the sound and I think the beach is actually closed off by cliffs, so I'm going to pretend like they're up there instead, near the forest. :)

The rocky flats offered a clear view of their surroundings (not to mention a stunning view of the ocean), so Junior noticed the approaching wolf long before he came near the borders. She felt strongly territorial over her new homestead and charged in his direction, ears thrust forward and tail high, a black flag to warn him away. Yet when she came near enough to catch his scent, Junior stopped short and stared.

"Tveir, is that you?" she called to him, trotting more slowly now toward him. "Holy crap, you're getting big!" she told him. Junior paused a good three yards from him, torn between wanting to greet her fellow pup and wanting to honor the borders she was busy marking. She also felt a sudden worry that he might be upset with her for leaving the plateau but not coming to the bay. He would surely tell Ragnar too.

"This is my new home," she told him after a pause. "Let's move away from the borders..." She gave him a quick nudge, then pushed past him, leading him away from the sound's strip of beach, unaware that as she headed further inland, she approached a hillock her cousin, Pied, had once named Jawbone Hill after her birth pack.

"Why are you this far north?" she questioned Tveir when she found a nice patch of sea grass and sat down, facing him.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Gunnar - September 05, 2014

Tveir had seen Junior clearly after she saw him. He was taking in the view. It was rather pretty here. The forest was pretty, and there were cliffs around he could look down and see the view from a birds eye so to speak. He panted happily, enjoying it only as a baby could.

Tveir smiled and puffed out his chest Yep I came ‘ere all by myself! I know I be warrior someday and a good hunter. he grew quiet after that, he was growing out rather than up, but that was okay. Tveir was not privy to her internal war, he saw nothing wrong with making her own home.

It’s a nice home. You can visit more! he giggled and wagged his tail at her nudge. He trailed along behind her, tail wagging entire body moving in tune with the tail. He settled to his haunches beside her, his tail curled around his paws, like his mother and father did. Daddy lets us go on beach and forest and that’s all. Tveir was smelling and remembering. that was the best way he could think to say tracking, and learning.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Junior - September 05, 2014

"Maybe an Outrider too?" she suggested lightly, grinning at him. "If you like to wander, I mean. I can help you with that or Warrior. I'm an apprentice in both!" she boasted proudly, thrusting out her chest and then giggling at her own dramatic flair.

"Remember?" she questioned, then suddenly said, "I've missed you a lot, Tveir! I'm sorry I missed the festival a while ago. How's everybody doing? How's life in the bay?"

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Gunnar - September 06, 2014

He shook his head wanna do Warrior to protect everyone, gamekeeper to feed everyone, and healer so i can fix them. That is what Tveir do. He giggled as she did, happy to be spending some time with her. He had fully accepted her as a sister, and he was glad to spend his time with her. Even if she wasn't part of the bay anymore.

He nodded yes remember scents. He tilted his head as she fired questions at him in rapid succession. It's okay it wasn't very fun mommy was a sulky suzy cause of daddy's new wife Nerian. daddy has two wives now...and mommy doesn't like it. I don't really either, but Daddy and mommy say it is part of vikings. Julooke got hurted real real bad few weeks ago, A mean wolf attacked her! She's going to have puppies soon too with Ver!

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Junior - September 07, 2014

Junior would've been happy to keep talking trades, yet she forgot all about them when Tveir answered her question about life in the bay, mentioning Ragnar's new wife. At first, she misunderstood, thinking that her foster parents had split like her own birth parents. But then Tveir continued, explaining that Ragnar had two wives. Ah, she thought simply. That wasn't unlike her father. In Osprey Jr.'s world, monogamy was actually the exception.

"I don't know Julooke or Ver... oh, wait, I guess I remember them," the Redleaf-DiSarinno answered. She didn't know enough about pregnancy to query about the attack's effect on it, though she asked, "She's gonna be okay?" She paused, wondering what to say on the subject of Thistle and Nerian, and decided to share, "My dad has two mates too. One's a boy and one's a girl." She shrugged. "And an old mate too. He and my mom broke up after I was born. Not 'cause of his new mates, though. I think they broke up 'cause they don't really like each other." Why they'd had pups together, Junior didn't know.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Gunnar - September 07, 2014

Tveir moved onto the next topic with ease. Forgetting quickly what they were even talking about. He was happy to talk about whatever she wanted, just as long as he got to spend some time with her. We see you more now that you livin so close?

Tveir frowned Julooke she da white one! And Ver the big brown and black one. that was the best he knew how to describe them. Julooke was his playmate, but he wasn't sure if Junior had ever seen that certain aspect of his life. Yes she be okay. Mama she fixed her up real good. He grew quiet then and listened a boy mate...he didn't know if that was okay..he'd have to ask his dad next time they got to have a conversation. He was too young as of yet to really notice to many differences between boys and girls so at the moment he saw nothing wrong with it, he may never see anything wrong with it. Tveir shrugged Daddy got new wife cause he wants lots of sons. he had heard his parents talking knew his dad wanted kids, as far as he knew that was the only reason he had mates was for babies...he didn't know anything of love other than his love for his family and that was an entirely different type of beast.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Junior - September 09, 2014

Although she loved exploring and fully intended to continue her pursuit of the Outrider mastery, Osprey wasn't sure what the Sisters would make of it if fraternized with a strange pack or spent a lot of time away, for the matter. It was one of the many things she would have to figure out about her new leadership.

"Maybe. I'm not sure. I'm gonna stick close to home for a little while, so I can get used to it and stuff," Junior answered. She paused, looking at Tveir's young, sweet face and added, "I'll try my best to come visit soon, though."

Then the conversation took a dark turn. Ragnar was no more spared the Shield Maiden's disgust than Peregrine. "Why do our dads need to have so many babies?!" she hissed with sudden irritation. "That's why I ran away — 'cause my dad's gonna have a whole bunch of new puppies to replace us," she shared with an unhappy leer. "Ragnar already has two sons. Why does he need to have a bunch more?"

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Gunnar - September 10, 2014

Tveir listened and he looked down, so she wasn't really going to come. Sure she was trying to promise him, but he had heard the slight hesitation and yea he was a child, but even he could pick up on that. But he nodded Okay then I'll watch when i'm on the borders for you.

Tveir shrugged I don't know daddy says he will have many sons. Is not my job to ask daddy why. Figure just do my best. Tveir was already used to being replaced at least in his young mind, so to him it wasn't anything really serious. He was fine as a solitary being and he didn't mind so much. Yea sometimes it hurt and sometimes he got angry but mostly he just dogged his way through the way of the worlds as best a child could.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Junior - September 11, 2014

Tveir admitted he wasn't the type to question his father. Instead, he would keep his head down and just do his best. Although Junior admired his ambition in part, she frowned at his easy acceptance of Ragnar's wish for more sons. Didn't Tveir feel misplaced, replaced? Why didn't he question his dad's need for additional sons when he had two good sons already?

"I wish I could steal you away and bring you here," Junior murmured, her eyes roving his soft, sweet features. "But the Nereides... they kinda look down on boys. Like, they're always at the bottom of the pack. It's great for me," she said, "but not for you." In that way, Tveir reminded her of Pura. Young Osprey had no qualms lording over males she didn't know and love, but she would never wish this lifestyle upon her little brothers.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Gunnar - September 12, 2014

Tveir felt misplaced, but he always had so this was not a new feeling. One day it may come to a head and it would blow him up from the inside out. And those on the receiving end of that anger would feel his wrath, but until then his head would be down.

Tveir wrinkled his nose I no like that idea. and I'd miss mom and dad and gyda and ein and juloo and Ver. he grew quiet. He would love ot be with Junior, but he would miss everyone else too, it made him sad to think on it.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Junior - September 13, 2014

He told her he didn't like that idea anyway and Junior's brow furrowed. It was the sentiment that mattered. She didn't know how to express that to him, though it strangely hurt her feelings when he didn't reciprocate.

"Okay, well," she replied, stiffening her upper lip, "you should probably go back home to them now." As soon as the words left her mouth, Junior felt like a dick and she guiltily added, "Tell everybody I say 'hi,' okay? I'll come visit you," she reminded him. "But you'd really better get out of here. I dunno what my queen would think if she caught a little boy so close to the territory. Go on, Tveir. I'll see you later."

She moved forward and planted a quick kiss on his cheek, then shooed him back in the direction of the bay. Junior then spun on a black heel and trotted back into the protection of her pack's new domain.

RE: bells bleed and bloom - Gunnar - September 13, 2014

Tveir had not meant to hurt her feelings, but he was much to young to understand sentiments and emotions fully yet, so he was bound to make some mistakes. He did whine softly though I miss you Junya.

Tveir's entire body stiffened when she spoke to him the way she did. He for the first time felt like no one wanted him. His family was hardly ever around, other than for lessons. He never saw his siblings really always off on their own adventures and now the one wolf that actually liked to spend time with him, she was shooing him away too. It hurt his little heart and he bowed his head ears tight to his skull. Okay. he all but whispered.

He returned her lick and then turning on heel he strode towards home. His lust for adventure burned out at the moment.