Wolf RPG
Big Salmon Lake He drew on me first - Printable Version

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He drew on me first - Michonne - September 16, 2013

Walking along the banks of the river, Michonne paused to stare at the rings that would suddenly appear on the water. There were fish in there, making snacks of the bugs that danced over the surface of the large lake. It had been a few days since she had eaten, and the thought of fish caused her mouth to water. “I know it won’t be easy, now be quiet before you scare my prey away” Michonne waded in to the water and stood perfectly still. She stared at the water watching as fish swam between her legs and pass her face. Fishing wasn’t a game for impatient people it took patience and a lot of faith, you had to wait for the perfect time to strike, if you moved to early the fish would scatter and you will have ruined hours of work.

Michonne was standing so still that anyone watching would think they were looking at a very life like statue. The only movement from Michonne was caused by the wind as it whispered through her fur. Eyes focused on the water’s surface Michonne finally saw her moment to strike. Like a streak of lightning she lunged at the water, her fangs flashed for only a moment before her whole mouth was clenched around a juicy trout. Michonne raised her head from the lake, and shook the water from her fur. ”I don’t hear you nay saying now mr. Debbie downer.” She turned from the spot she had caught the fish and walked back to the shore. Once she reached land Michonne set down the trout “you didn’t do any of the work so I hope you don’t expect me to share.” Michonne lowered her head and began to tear in to the fresh trout she had ripped from the lake.

RE: He drew on me first - Tekovaca - September 24, 2013

Tekovaca had always enjoyed being alone, but as much as he enjoyed being alone he also liked watching wolves he didn't know. The lake was one of Tekovaca's favorite places to relax. He had already a full stomach so he had no need to hunt nor fish. He just relaxed in the shade of the trees surrounding the wind swept lake.

He dosed off for a bit and awoke to a strange site. A wolf, female from the scent of it, standing perfectly still in the water. He was still drowsy from the nap so he stayed in the shade, just watching. After what seemed like hours the female snapped her jaws and gracefully pulled a fish from the water. He could not make out what the wolf was saying but it seemed as though she were talking to herself.

She slowly crept closer to the shore and finally after reaching land rested her whole body on the ground. She soon began wolfing down the fish she had caught. Tekovaca's curiousness get the best of him. He knew not to approach an eating wolf, especially one who he hadn't met. Something drew him to her, before he could stop himself he was within feet of her. Tekovaca sat on the ground, and finally mustered up some words. "Hi, I'm Tekovaca, and you are?" he asked softly as the wolf ate the fish.

RE: He drew on me first - Michonne - September 25, 2013

OOC: I was kind of hoping you would reply to this thread, im psyched to write with you!

There was little left of the fish she had caught, but Michonne had learned early in her life to never waste food. She gnawed at the fragile bones, savoring the sweet marrow trapped inside. Michonne allowed her mind to drift, the sweet flavor taking her back to happier times surrounded by a loving family. It wasn’t very often that she found herself thinking about her family, but no matter how often she did it never hurt any less.

A stranger’s voice ripped Michonne back to reality; she kicked herself for allowing fond memories to distract her to her surroundings. The newcomer was a wolf with a red tinted pelt, he named himself as Tekovaca. Stepping away from Tekovaca Michonne bared her teeth and allowed a warning growl to pass her lips. She wasn’t sure what the new comer wanted, but if he meant any harm to her he would be very disappointed.

” My name is Michonne, Why do you approach me on such sneaky feet Tekovaca? If you wish to share in my kill I’m afraid there is not enough for the two of us.” Michonne appraised the red tinted wolf, his posture didn’t appear aggressive, but if he did make a move he would find a more than capable opponent. ” I don’t want any trouble, but I feel I should warn you I’m more than capable of defending myself.”

RE: He drew on me first - Tekovaca - September 25, 2013

OOC: :D as am i! i love your character btw <3

The response the female gave to him reminded him of a friend he once had, she was always on edge but a nice companion to have. He smiled at the memories of his puppyhood. As she bared her teeth Tekovaca couldn't help but smile. 'I honestly do not know what's wrong with me today'

As she continued into her defensive stance Tekovaca tried to be friendly. His tag wagged and the smile was sill plastered on his face. "As much as I would love to share a meal with you honey, I seem to have already filled my belly elsewhere." His drowsiness from the nap was still clinging so he rested his hackles on the ground as she continued to look defenseive. "I do not disagree that you would be a fit opponent. But at last I am too tired to fight. Please share tongues with me?" He asked trying to add a little flirtation in his voice. Sensing he already lost the romantic air Tekovaca simply smiled. 'I never was a lady killer'

RE: He drew on me first - Michonne - September 25, 2013

OOC:Thank u still flushing out her personality, I like Tekovaca he reminds me of this batman villain named Hush

  Tekovaca’s cavalier attitude threw Michonne off balance; this unusual wolf didn’t seem concerned at all by her unfriendly demeanor. Michonne relaxed her aggressive stance, and eyed the strangely calm wolf suspiciously. He didn’t want her fish; it actually seemed that all the stranger wanted was company. Tekovaca took a seat leaving him completely open to attack. Conflicting thoughts flooded Michonne’s mind, she didn’t know if she should feel insulted that he didn’t see her as a threat, or glad that anyone could feel that relaxed around her.

  She didn’t have time to decide how she felt before the red haired male uttered a confusing request. Share tongues with him? Michonne couldn’t help but wonder if Tekovaca’s mind was disturbed. ”I told you I’m not sharing, and what place do you come from that has fish with tongues?” Taking a few steps closer to the laid back wolf Michonne couldn’t stop her curiosity from getting the better of her. Her brothers and sisters suffered from the same problem; they all received their adventurous spirit from their mother. Michonne looked to her right, and lowered her head in a deferential manner. Turning back to the anomaly sitting in front of her, Michonne decided it would do no harm to engage the interesting male in conversation.

  She had never been very good at social interactions, and the majority of the time she tried to avoid other wolves. She had learned early on in her adventures that trouble stuck to other wolves like ticks. Michonne searched for what she should say to Tekovaca, but her words always escaped her when she needed them most. She decided the best thing would be to speak from her heart. ” You are a weird yet intriguing wolf, would you like to join me for a drink Tekovaca?” Michonne motioned to the nearby lake with her head. She stood by awaiting Tekovaca’s answer, he may have been interesting but that didn’t mean she was fool enough to turn her back on a stranger.

RE: He drew on me first - Tekovaca - September 26, 2013

OOC: I think I died when I read this “Tekovaca’s mind was disturbed.” LOL im still laughing

Michonne seemed utterly confused whenever Tekovaca spoke. He wondered if he came off as confusing. ‘Is it something I said?’ he asked himself. Before he could question himself again Michonne confirmed his idea. ‘Sharing tongues does sound odd doesn’t it?’ Before he could stop himself he chuckled. “Sharing tongues simply means to chat and catch up.” He beamed at Michonne. “But yes I would quite enjoy joining you for a drink, I am parched and water would do just well.” He accepted her weird yet intriguing comment as a compliment.

Tekovaca had not met another wolf in this territory since he decided to wonder from his home pack. Michonne’s behavior absorbed Tekovaca. Her overall stand-offish deportment set him off. ‘What kind of wolf acts this way, it has to be something in the water.’ He queried. He observed as she untrustworthily waited for him. He rose from his seated position and made his way over to the lake expecting Michonne would follow. ‘Well on the bright side if she attacks me, at least I die looking good.’ He smirked at himself, he put all his faith in the confidence that the wolf wouldn’t foray him from behind.

RE: He drew on me first - Michonne - September 27, 2013

  with a brisk walk Michonne caught up to Tekovaca and slowed to walk beside him. For safeties sake she should have just kept the male in front of her, but her pride wouldn’t allow her to walk behind like some subservient pup. Tekovaca wanted to catch up? Michonne wracked her mind for any past memories of this wolf, but she was unable to recall a single time they had encountered each other. She thought it was just another of this wolfs idiosyncrasies.”You have a strange way of speaking Tekovaca, which leads me to believe you aren’t from this land. Where is your home?”

  She stopped at the bank of the expansive lake and lowered her head. A mixture of the fish and Tekovaca had caused her mouth to become dry, it felt like her mouth was stuffed full of fur it was a very unpleasant feeling, one which she planned to fix at once. She lowered her head and guzzled up the water, anyone watching might think the lake held some miracle cure to a sickness that plagued her body. She eyed Tekovaca without pausing in her almost gluttonous consumption of the sweet nectar that filled the lake. Tekovaca seemed like he was well built; and though their attitudes differed she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of stories he had. Thirst finally sated Michonne raised her head and quickly glanced over her shoulder. He would certainly be more entertaining than any current traveling companions she had.

RE: He drew on me first - Tekovaca - September 27, 2013

After a few seconds Michonne caught up to Tekovaca. He watched out of the corner of his eye just in case the wolf had bad intentions. Soon after reaching the water Michonne questioned his birthplace. "I come from the mountains not far from here. A day and night travel if you are healthy." He said. Her question brought back memories of his homeland. "And your story my lady? Where is it you were birthed?" He added, meaning to push conversation on more with her.

After he finished his part of the conversation he bent his head down and began to slowly drink. Enjoying the cold refreshment the lake offered. The wind whisked through his fur and he was pleasantly chill. "It is so beautiful out today." He looked over at Michonne and studied her appearance. The way the brown and tan fur fell across her body each hair going in different directions. Suddenly without warning she raised her head and he could see her eyes, two different colors: yellow and green. The scar running down her muzzle fit to her face well. The female looked fiercer with it. "The world isn't the only beautiful thing here." he lifted his head from the blue water and smiled absent-mindedly.

RE: He drew on me first - Michonne - September 27, 2013

OOC: LOL Tek is kind of flirtatious isn't he

  Tekovaca informed Michonne that the mountains were where he was born and raised; it sounded like a veritable playground where he had spent most of his days. Michonne had been to the mountains many times in her travels. It was a beautiful place the snow fall, the chill in the air, even the rocky ground called to her. It made the mountains feel like a place she could one day call home. It was hard for her to imagine what could have drove Tekovaca away from such a beautiful place. Perhaps there were a couple of wolves that were up to no good, and they started trouble in his neighborhood. Michonne had just met the red male but in her opinion he didn’t seem like one to back down. If he had gotten in to one little fight and his parents feared for his life, then it would explain his leaving such a beautiful place.

  While running through the scenario in her head Tekovaca mirrored her curiosity about origins. It was a touchy subject for Michonne, mostly because she couldn’t find her way back home if she wanted to try. Tekovaca lowered his head to lap at the water as he awaited Michonne’s response. She was unsure where to start or how much information to give, but she did not want to be thought rude her parents had raised her better than that. ” I was born very far from here, my home was filled with beautiful trees that reached so high they could tickle the stars, and flowers with colors so vibrant and varied that rainbows turn green with envy, you could not take a step without tripping over deer so succulent they fight to not take bites out of their own bodies. I have never seen another place like it, and even if I were able to find my way I would not wish to return.”

  Michonne fought to stay composed in front of Tekovaca, thinking about her home brought with it memories of her family, and that brought too vivid images of the night she lost all she loved. With her tears defeated Michonne looked down at the red male and caught him smiling at her, but his eyes looked as if he were many miles away. Michonne dipped a paw in the cool lake water, and allowed it to linger there for a bit savoring the way the chill caused her hair to stand up. She swiftly moved her paw in Tekovaca’s direction causing water to splash his face. She allowed a small mischievous smile to crack her icy feature for only a second before her cold heard mask once again took over. ”What is that smile about mountain wolf, did I say something amusing?”

RE: He drew on me first - Tekovaca - September 28, 2013

OOC:What can I say. He's a male(:

While michonne told the decription of her home land tekovaca couldnt help but feel jealous. He longed for a beauitful land like she decribed. In a way it remindeed him of his home. The air was different in the mountians than here. The air was thinner and because of it each breath seemed moore precious and needed. Each step more cautious and wanted. It always had  a chill to it, that he loved. The birds songs were louder and the wind more fierce. The days were hotter and the night colder.

there was something about michonne that seemed distance after she told the story of her land. "why would she not wish to return there" he wondered. Before he could question her a blast of chilled lake water hit his face. He had just enough time to snap back into reality and catch a glimpse of Michonnes's smile that is before she returned to her blank face.

his own smile then filled his face "your words were not amusing green tree wolf, but your face was!" he hurled the friendly insult then splashed water into her face quickly before darting off into deeper water. "Come and get me, if you dare."
He challenged. Then to add insult he paraded around imitating a female's stereotypical strut.

RE: He drew on me first - Michonne - September 30, 2013

  Michonne hid her face as the water flew towards her. She had little time to react, and was shocked as the frigid water made contact with her. Michonne shook the water from her fur as Tekovaca threw a playful insult her way. The red wolf’s words fell on annoyed ears, Michonne whipped her head around to fix Tekovaca with a venomous glare, but he had retreated in to the lake taunting her to catch him if she could.

  ”Your challenge is accepted mountain wolf!” Michonne leaped to her feet and sprinted out to Tekovaca who was now strutting through the water; Michonne couldn’t help but feel competitive after the multiple challenges this wolf through her way, she had no intention of letting him get the upper hand. Barreling at the male wolf Michonne angled herself to ram him in to the water. She wasn’t moving so fast to cause the other wolf any injury, but she did wish to soak him. Perhaps that would wash the smug off his too pretty face.

RE: He drew on me first - Tekovaca - September 30, 2013

OOC: Sorry for the random table lol, im trying it out. Looks good ^0^

Tekovaca was too involved in his own mockery to notice right away that Michonne was charging at him, like a bull in Spain. Luckily he noticed her at the last second to brace for impact. He let her hit his side and they both fell into the knee high water together.

After Tekovaca rose from the lake he looked at Michonne, he smirked"It looks as though I have made you wet." He said with a smile raging across his face"I know I am attractive but contain yourself." Then daringly he leaned over and nipped her ear. Before she could respond he gave her a lick on the muzzle.

RE: He drew on me first - Michonne - October 08, 2013

OOC: Very nice table did you do that Yourself? Oh and Walking Dead next Sunday! You as psyched as I am?

  Michonne recoiled at the brashness of Tekovaca, the last wolf that tried such a bold move was now howling in a higher octave. Though she had to admit his advances were not completely unwanted. It had been some time since she had been with a male, but that didn’t mean she would just roll over and let him do as he wished; she was a lady after all.

  A nip and a lick, that sort of action would usually cost a deer carcass, a few fish if you were cute enough, which though she loathed to admit it Tekovaca was. ”You enjoy living dangerously mountain wolf?” Michonne turned from Tekovaca whipping her tail in his face as she walked away towards the shore. It had been quite some time.

RE: He drew on me first - Tekovaca - October 08, 2013

OOC: No I didn't, Arla did! I am excited! I cant wait to see everyone again after waiting this long!

Michonne recoiled at his flirting and at first he was disappointed, but then something about her changed. She seemed like she liked it. Tekovaca couldn't contain the smile that spread across his face. "My lady, if being with you is living dangerously then I am flying with no feathers." she proceed to hit her tail against his face and wander off towards the shore. His toungue fell out of his mouth as he watched her go. 

He quickly backed out of his thoughts and placed his toungue back in his mouth before following the female like a lost puppy. He decided he would try and get to know her better. As they reached shore he found a spot in the sun and layed down. "So tell me about yourself Michonne." he said as he began bask in the sunlight hoping she would stay and do the same.