Wolf RPG
Duskfire Glacier She Wears a Coat of Color [IC Joining] - Printable Version

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She Wears a Coat of Color [IC Joining] - Idris - September 03, 2014

@Njal (decided to do this now instead of waiting 'til morning). Would tag Tuwa also but she's absent. Anyone else from DFG is also welcome! :D And OMG YOU GUYS MADE PACK QUESTS I LOVE YOU. I don't know how many I'll actually do, but the fact that you have them at all makes me insanely happy. There's a bit of some dark themes in here, but I don't think they go into enough detail to make this an M thread.

Idris stood around fifty feet back from the border of the wolf pack, wondering if this was such a good idea. She'd been a loner for so long that she wasn't sure how to initiate contact. Of course, she knew howling would get the pack's attention, but she had no idea if that attention would be good or bad. She might not have been anywhere near the border, but some wolves were just really territorial, and she'd rather not immediately piss anyone off. Especially if she wanted to get into their good graces. With some amount of trepidation, she tilted her head back and let out a howl. Then, feeling suddenly agitated, she backed up away from the border another ten feet or so.

Coming here at all had been a huge step for the fiery she-wolf. Her past spoke of one tragedy to another -- and all of them had occurred while under the "protection" of a pack. Packs were supposed to be like families, right? So why did she always end up getting hurt by members of her "family"? Why had her "mate" raped her? Why had one of her resulting pups died? Why had her pack chased her off for no apparent reason, but not before beating her half to death? Why did things just... never work out for her? Was this Fate's cruel joke, or was it all by chance? And if so, she had the worst luck in the known Universe.

With a deep sigh, she decided to rest her tired and sore body, and sat down. She just hoped her luck would make a turn for the better soon...

RE: She Wears a Coat of Color [IC Joining] - Tezcacoatl - September 03, 2014

Hope you don't mind me! Going for Warden as Tyrr's secondary trade so I figured I'd have him pop in here. ^_^

Týrr patrolled the borders often, simply on instinct many days but it brought with it the consideration that perhaps he should be seeking Warden as his secondary trade. The Northman within the Rekkr Prince could not let him leave borders un-patrolled even though he knew that Njal and Tuwawi had the borders covered. Still, he rose each morning and stayed each night to claim a section to run, pausing every so many feet to mark it, before moving on. He tried to keep up the caches he had made, also, before the arrival of everyone else, keeping them filled and replenishing what he took — though he rarely took from them. Autumn had hit the Teekon Wilds, the days cooling and the nights cooler still. He suspected that the larger prey would begin migrating before long, in turn with the leaves when they turned colors, as the land around them died. Death and Rebirth. It was a concept that Týrr was quite familiar with, having several and large instances laced through out the legends Floki and Ragnar had used to tell him as a child. Or at least, he thought that they told him the legends when he had been young. It was hard for him to remember his childhood, oddly enough. He didn't think much of it, though, assuming that it was normal. That mostly all wolves forgot things of their childhood — that it was apart of growing up.

Týrr's leg lifted to mark a section of borders, only to lower when the howl rose up calling attention to the loner that was at their borders. Ears cupped forth and twitched to the sides to determine the origin and distance from him. Likely, she sought only Njal or Tuwawi, the stranger at the borders, but he was close and greeting loners at the borders was apart of being a Warden. Decision having been made in a handful of seconds, Týrr abandoned his scent marking to, at least keep the woman company until one of his leaders arrived. He found her, easily enough, thinking for a moment that she was Fox. Confusion furrowed his brow until it smoothed out and the young Rekkr knew his initial mistake. The woman hadn't sounded like Fox, though she bore a fire kissed pelt similar to Fox and Tuwawi's. Hello, Týrr greeted her as he approached, his crystalline blue eyes taking her in, assessing and determining. May I ask why you're at Duskfire Glacier borders? It was true she wasn't, exactly at their borders. In fact, he had to raise his voice to ensure that his words would reach her. The shouting distance was a little annoying but he wasn't going to complain too much because she had certainly left a wide berth.

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RE: She Wears a Coat of Color [IC Joining] - Idris - September 03, 2014

*looks at territory description of DFG to be able to describe it IC* "It's a glacier and it's on fire. But only at dusk." ... VERY HELPFUL.

Idris immediately stood up again upon seeing the wolf come to greet her, and instinctively felt her guard hairs raise, her lips curl back. She had to force calm into her body. Not all males were rapists, she reminded herself begrudgingly. Not all males would abuse her. Not all males were like him. Still... she would have preferred a female to answer her call. She felt slightly more comfortable in their presence. But even females... even females had their faults. Like stealing mates from other females. And killing pups. But this was all in the past and not important in this present moment. It was hard to let go, though. Damn near impossible most of the time.

The flame-pelted wolf shook her head, trying to bring herself back to the now. She watched the male before her cautiously, even when he stopped at a certain distance and did not come any closer, preferring instead to call to her from the gap that divided them. And she was perfectly fine with that. He wanted to know what she was doing at the borders of... Duskfire Glacier. A beautiful name, no doubt. But then again, beauty could be quite dangerous.

"I am here to join your pack," she called to him from the distance. "I am Warrior and Warden, by trade. A Gamekeeper, too, though I do not hunt as often as others. I will do as the Alphas command and protect the borders like any other pack wolf. Will you take me?" Take me. Idris flinched at her own words -- at that phrase, which carried a double-meaning. But she could not take it back now, not that he would even notice the words, probably, so in the end, it didn't matter. She simply waited now.

RE: She Wears a Coat of Color [IC Joining] - Tezcacoatl - September 04, 2014

The fire kissed stranger rose within the instant that Týrr assumed that she had seen him, his crystalline blue eyes touching resting upon her. His expression was not uncordial but she was a stranger and he was approaching her as a Warden ...or, more accurately, a soon to be Warden. He did not know her intentions and though she left more than an agreeable distance between her body and Duskfire Glacier's borders he knew better than to allow that to drop his guard. Appearances could be deceiving and intentions could be well hid, this much he had learned from Ragnar who had, himself, taught Týrr how the cunning operated. He was not as naturally suspicious as his father was, but he knew how Wardens were meant to conduct themselves and the decisions they made, accordingly. The Rekkr kept his expression neutral, chocolate colored ears cupping forth when she began to speak to him, having chosen not to allow his attention and curiosity to linger on the forceful shake of her head she had given as if she were trying to chase away haunting memories.

She began by speaking of joining his pack and in response Týrr's ears slicked back to rest half mast atop his skull. He did not realize that his posture had given her the false idea that he was the one in charge. He did not presume to take over Tuwawi or Njal's rank and the Rekkr forced himself to relax his stiff posture a bit. I do not lead here, Týrr interrupted her demurely, not wanting her to get it in her head that he was of any considerable rank. He was only a Mu, and merely trying to assist Njal and Tuwawi in any way that he could. While 'Warden' was not his primary trade it was his now, secondary, and he wanted to prove himself to them. Show them that he could handle potential joiners and strangers at their borders. I am just a Warden, Týrr clarified so there was no further or potential misunderstandings. It wasn't the full truth but then again he wasn't about to tell some strange woman that he was a Warden In Training ...that might give the perception that he didn't know what he was doing, when in fact, he did know what he was doing.

Týrr allowed her words to settle between them, ear flicking absently despite that he had given the fire kissed stranger his rapt attention. She was there to join the pack, and accordingly got right to business naming the Trades that she was experienced in. Her naming them off without prompt from him, for a moment, left the Northerner in his own silence as he thought of something else he could ask her. She sounded qualified but it was not his decision to make. It was not his place to vote or veto her chances. All he could do was pacify the time while they awaited Tuwawi and Njal. Why Duskfire Glacier? Týrr inquired, wondering if she would even be able to answer it. He supposed in the long run it didn't matter if she could answer him or not. He was not the one whom she had to please with her words. She could have abruptly refused to talk to him the moment he told her he was only a Warden — then again if she (or anyone) had in their mind they could disrespect him he would not hesitate to inform Tuwawi and Njal about such incidents.

As far as Týrr was concerned though, everyone had a reason for choosing a pack even if they knew nothing about said pack, which he suspected was the case here. She did not smell of any of the known packs in the Wilds and they were too new for word to spread that quickly with any sort of realism. He had been spreading the word on his travels as an aspiring Chronicler but then again he had only spoken thus far to Ame and Fox about Duskfire Glacier. Patiently, the Rekkr awaited her response, or her silence.

RE: She Wears a Coat of Color [IC Joining] - Idris - September 06, 2014

So I totally forgot about this ahaha... Also, I can never write as much as you T_T

Idris snorted with anger when she realized she'd had to deal with a male who wasn't even a Beta, let alone an Alpha. So she'd have to wait. She would have liked to have laid down to do so, but she didn't fully trust the male before her -- as she didn't trust any males -- so she continued standing. And then he asked her why she had chosen this pack. The fiery femme had half a mind to tell him to shove it, because she hated dealing with males, but that was not a good way to get into a pack's good graces, so she swallowed her anger, as she so often did, and opted to answer him.

"All other packs, it seems, were full," she replied, and then shut her mouth and said no more. For really, there was no other answer. She could smell the borders of this pack, and could tell by their freshness that this was a new pack, and small. It needed members and she needed a home. It was as simple as that. She refused to say more, going so far as to turn her body away from him, as she waited for an Alpha to show up. She hoped it would be a female. She didn't mind females as much, though the last one she'd had to deal with had killed one of her pups. So, really, it didn't matter what gender a wolf was. Idris was probably going to hate them regardless.

RE: She Wears a Coat of Color [IC Joining] - RIP Njal - September 06, 2014

The pack was indeed new, and very small. It was this limitation that Njal desired most within his new family. The smaller the group, the more work each of them would have to put forth - but it meant a greater reward, or so he thought. The newness also afforded some kind of safety in its own right; a larger pack was hard to maintain and to keep secret. While the glacier wolves were not exactly trying to hide from the world, Njal felt like it was the best course of action in order to keep his children from harm.

These thoughts worked their way through the deepest parts of his mind, mainly settling in to a subconscious level. He heard the summoning howl and was making his way towards it - but then he caught sight of Tyrr, and dropped his speed. As important as it was for the Alpha to defend his land, it was also important to test his companions; he watched from afar as Tyrr intercepted a ruddy red stranger. At first, Njal thought it was Fox. He was indeed startled by her appearance at his border, and a subtle anger sparked within him.

How dare she show up here, after what she did. The man bitterly thought, and launched himself towards her. But no sooner had the thought of Fox entered his mind, did it evaporate again. This stranger held herself low. He heard Tyrr question the girl, and the girl in turn responded with a snappish, sharp comment. The man gave Tyrr a brief glance, and then turned his glacial features upon the fire-coated stranger.

I am Njal. He stated firmly, but calmly. There was no need to append his statement with his rank, for he had assumed quite a dominant posture upon arrival. To live here you must be willing to work. What is it you can do for us?

RE: She Wears a Coat of Color [IC Joining] - Tezcacoatl - September 07, 2014

The woman claimed to be a Warden but her reaction to Týrr when he spoke to her the truth did not garner her any good impression with the young Rekkr. Týrr's suspicions were only proven correct at the woman's audacity to let out an angry snort ...as if he were squandering her precious time. Týrr had no patience for disrespect and loathed it even worse because it often stemmed from the fact that he was young or because he was not a leader, in this case. He was still a Warden — something that he would have expected her, as a fellow, supposed Warden to understand. He was performing his duty as his Trade demanded of him. Crystalline blue eyes bore into her, unforgiving and sharp as he stared at her unimpressed. Her snappish tone and clear attitude did nothing to soften the harshness in which he viewed her. You claim to be a Warden and yet you do not show me that respect that you would demand of me if our situations were reversed, Týrr spoke calmly, understanding that his words were probably going into one ear and out the other. As a Warden you should understand that I am doing my duty: greeting strangers at the borders. Unless of course you are not the Warden you claim to be. He wasn't outright calling her a liar — instead he favored a more polite and subtle tactic by hinting at his personal skepticism regarding the matter.

In hindsight, it probably didn't matter. It wasn't his call to make and it would be what it was. Týrr couldn't stand being disrespected and didn't believe in showing disrespect to his fellow pack mates. It was why he had opted against joining The Sunspire, why he shunned and disliked Ferdie. It was not something that Týrr would stand for. He perceived the fire kissed stranger's words and actions to be disrespectful to him and the Rekkr was not afraid to let her know that it displeased him, whether she cared or, and mostly likely, not.

Týrr offered her no further words, his eyes only leaving her when Njal approached. The Rekkr adjusted his posture accordingly, submitting to the other Northerner with respect and admiration, taking a step back to allow Njal to take over. Týrr remained silent but watchful hoping that Njal did not mind if he stuck around in the background to observe.