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Kiss while your lips are still red - Printable Version

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Kiss while your lips are still red - Daenerys - September 16, 2013

After Daenerys long talk with Oracle she was interested in meeting some more wolves from neverwinter. Normally Dany would have kept to herself and stayed back in the forest hunting, watching, and sleeping. Today there was something odd with her. She wanted to socialize and see other wolves. There was just something about meeting new wolves that excited her.

Daenerys found herself wandering off in her own thoughts as she approached a large tree. She stopped and looked at it for a moment. Dany went up to it and layed down basking in the sunlight that shone through the branches and leaves. She closed her eyes and took in all the scents of the surrounding forest. The fox who den was near, the wolves of neverwinter scents old, the pond filled with algae, the deep forest scent that seemed to surround everything eloping it in its grasp. "This is truly a wonderful day to be alive." Dany thought to herself. Nothing could ruin this day.

RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Rivet - September 25, 2013

i don’t wanna be without you, babe
i don’t want a broken heart
don’t wanna take a breath without you, babe
i don’t wanna play that part
i know that i love you, but let me just say
i don’t wanna love you in no kind of way
[size=3]i don’t want a broken heart[/size]

She hadn’t been socializing with others much, and with the realization that there were others that were now gone from the pack, Rivet figured she better make her presence known so that others didn’t think that she, too, had left the pack. Some days, though, she considered it. Rivet found herself giving serious consideration to returning to her roots, but clearly hadn’t acted on it since she was still here. The reason she was still here was because even there mere thought of being without her companion tore her up inside. But what if she’d be better off apart?

A sigh escaped her lips as she made her way through the forest. A flash of white caught her attention and she changed her path to move toward it. As she neared, she realized the white she saw was the fur of another pack member. A soft woof was let out to alert the other wolf of her being there. She stopped when she was nearer, but not too near. “Hello,” she greeted the other female. Rivet felt socially awkward because she didn’t get out and socialize much.

RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Daenerys - September 25, 2013

Soon after Dany entered pure relaxation a bark was let out by a wolf. This snapped her back into reality. As Daenerys slowly awoke the female that barked came near. When she approached Dany could already see her beauty, pure black with multicolored eyes. A trait that Daenerys had only heard about until now.

The she-wolf greeted her with a simple hello. This made Dany smile. She could smell the neverwinter scent upon her a Dany felt safe. "Hello to you to." Dany rose from her position under the tree. "And what do I owe the pleasure of your visit." Dany inquired softly.

RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Rivet - October 10, 2013

Knowing that she needed to put forth more of an effort to meet and greet others within the pack, she’d called out to the snowy colored female whose name she did not know, purely because she hadn’t made any sort of effort to know who was who and such within the pack. That would be her downfall if she planned on remaining within the pack ranks, she was sure of it. And since this was where her companion had chosen for them to be, she knew she needed to try to come out of the shell that seemed to have grown around her over time.

She offered a faint smile as the other greeted her in return. “No real reason,” she began to answer. “Just trying to meet others in the pack.” Rivet was feeling terribly awkward at the moment but was trying her best to not show it because it felt terribly unbecoming. “I’m Rivet,” she introduced herself, giving her muzzle a slight dip and adding a faint swish of her tail. “And you are…?” Rivet was being pleasant enough, or at least she hoped she was. Since her lover hadn’t given the name of the woman that she’d flirted with, Rivet had zero idea that this was the woman.

RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Daenerys - October 10, 2013

The black female said she was just here to meet new wolves. Which Dany didn't mind at all, it was good to know your pack mates. She introduced herself as Rivet, "A pretty name for a pretty wolf." Dany told herself. Rivet then asked for her name, in which Daenerys replied, "I am Daenerys, call me Dany." Dany wanting to start light conversation asked,"How are you liking Neverwinter?"
set by sophie

RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Rivet - October 10, 2013


The other female was pretty enough, but since her heart absolutely belonged to only one, she was unable to think of others in such a manner. After having asked the other female for her name, she stored away to memory the name that she was given, though taking note of the nickname. "I like it well enough," she replied, allowing her mismatched gaze to drift around for a moment before returning to the snowy colored female. "I grew up in a forest, so seem to have a certain drawing to them." No, she wasn’t about to launch into a personal history lesson. She was merely trying to help make conversation, something she wasn’t very good at.

"What about you?" she asked in return. "Are you liking it here? Settling in alright?" Since she wasn’t entirely sure just how long the other female had been here in the pack, she figured it was a polite thing to ask. Even though she’d been in the pack a while now, Rivet still didn’t know the entire forest as well as she should by now. She made a silent mental note to herself to remedy that, to stop being so antisocial and to learn her way around the entire territory. It would happen, but it was going to take some time.

RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Daenerys - October 11, 2013

Daenerys watched the female's gaze wonder from her to the forest and back to Dany as she spoke shortly about her time in neverwinter. "I grew up in a forest to, so it's just like home to me but the wolves are way better." Dany replied trying to sound as exciting as possible. "So have you met any of the other wolves here?" She inquired.
 So far Dany had only met 2 other wolves besides Rivet and she was curious on who else was here. Daenerys glared down at her paws as she waited for Rivet's answer. The last few meeting with wolves didn't go so well she was just hoping this one didn't take a turn for the worst. 
set by sophie


RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Rivet - October 11, 2013


Rivet gave a slight tilt of her head as she listened to the other she-wolf speak of having grown up in a forest as well. "Which wolves are way better? The ones where you grew up? Or the ones here?" she inquired, hoping she wasn’t going to offend the other female with her questions. It was how to learn about others, right? She was so out of practice with interacting with others but hoped it wasn’t painfully obvious.

"Not really," she answered, giving a slight shake of her head. "I have this bad habit of keeping to myself, only interacting much with my companion." Rivet really needed to get out more, meet others, learn new names and faces. Keeping to herself was no way to be a pack member. That was why she was trying to put forth the effort right now.

RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Daenerys - October 12, 2013

Dany chuckled as the she wolf asked which wolves are better. "I wouldn't be here if the wolves here were worst now would I.""The wolves here are better." She announced. Rivet seemed to be awkward at conversation so Daenerys didn't want to push anything by asking to personal of questions. 

"The wolves here are really friendly they are not hard to interact with if you try,." Dany said politely. She really hoped this wouldn't offend the female. Daenerys had a bad habit of coming of as mean or aggressive when she only meant well. She didn't need another wolf in the pack not to like her.
set by sophie

RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Rivet - October 12, 2013


Being socially awkward was definitely not a very good feeling, but Dany didn’t seem to be offended by the question that Rivet had asked. That made her feel a little better, and even allowed herself to smile a little when the other female chuckled, allowing her tail to slightly sway behind her as well. Maybe this whole meeting others wasn’t going to be so bad after all, though only time would be able to tell for certain.

What Rivet wasn’t aware of was that this was the female that had very nearly been the cause of the breakup between herself and Turquoise, nor would she for a while to come (since this thread takes place long before the latest thread between Dany/Turq and the latest thread between Rivet/Turq). That would obviously end up changing everying. "I haven’t really tried meeting anyone else lately," she admitted, giving a slight shrug of her shoulders. "I’ve been… kind of anti-social I guess you could say. But I’m trying to fix that, trying to actually meet other pack members."

RE: Kiss while your lips are still red - Daenerys - October 12, 2013

Dany watched the female closely as she responded to her own actions. Smiling when Dany chuckled, it seemed to be when Daenerys acted happy she responded happily. To break more tension Dany wagged her tail and made a point of smiling and looking happy hoping this would help the female. She listened intently when the female admitted to not meeting a lot of people lately. 

"Don't worry we all go though spurts of not wanting to be around other wolves." Dany said encouragingly. Daenerys saw that she was going to have to be the one to get the conversation rolling more. "So Rivet tell me a little bit about yourself. " She asked the female.
set by sophie