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Swiftcurrent Creek Old Man [IC Joining] - Printable Version

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Old Man [IC Joining] - Remus Wolf - September 03, 2014

@Bazi and/or @Scimitar cos you guys are the leaders, but anyone else in SC is also welcome! :D

Remus was tired. He'd traveled far too long with far too much arthritic pain with far too little pain-relieving herbs. His addiction to them only made it so much worse when he ran out, because now he was going through arthritis pain and withdrawal symptoms. As he neared the border of the Creek pack, he muttered to himself, "I'm gettin' too old for this." He'd been a wanderer all his life, and it saddened him a bit to know that his wandering days were over, but he hoped to make some friends before he died (though he still had a few good years left).

Being sure to stay a-ways back from the actual border, he tilted his head and called for some company. He knew he might very well be turned away. It'd happened before. He couldn't fight or hunt, really. Not with the limp he had. He had almost nothing to offer to any pack he went to. He was an accomplished Naturalist, but most Alphas, it seemed, cared little for astronomers or astrologers. With a deep sigh, he sunk to the ground, too tired and pained to continue sitting up. Soft rain filled the atmosphere, and the cold and wet did little to make him feel any better, but he was too old to really complain about those kinds of things. Sometimes there were going to be days when it rained and upset his joints. Oh well...

RE: Old Man [IC Joining] - Leon - September 03, 2014

can't help but join this!!
Looks like Swiftcurrent wasn't doing awful in the way of garnering some new members. The ranks were sparse as hell and it was hard to simply run into someone because there hadn't been that many around... but now with new faces showing up, it'd be easier to find some company.
Though Leon held no rank he decided he wanted to say hello to whoever had called at the borders. He knew Bazi or Scimitar(or maybe both) would end up showing up to greet the stranger as well and perhaps they'd gain a new member out of the person. He made his way from his favorite spot at the grove that was cut in half by the creek that ran through the territory and gave it it's name and to the borders and beyond to the figure that he managed to spy laying down in the distance.
He began to trot to make it over there quicker, obviously somewhat concerned that whoever this was might be injured or in need of aid. He understood hanging safely back from the borders as he'd end up doing the same thing, but he wouldn't ever lay down... he hoped the guy wasn't hurt like he himself was.
The dark gray male let out a chuff of greeting and to let the man know he had company now. Once he was close, only a few feet away, he stopped and lowered his head to tip it to the side in a concerned manner; normally stoic expression mirrored his worry.
"Y'aight?" Leon asked gruffly as silvers ran over the stranger's body-- he had some age on him, that he could tell, but not how old he was. A handsome guy, really, but that was what he thought of everyone these days apparently. "Are y'hurt?"

RE: Old Man [IC Joining] - Cadfael - September 03, 2014

Since Cadfael is newly accepted, decided to barge in. :P
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The dark prince had just been accepted into the Creek and had taken to doing border patrolling. It was a habit of his to simply watch, listen and learn when he arrives at a new pack, to simply observe and he was doing it again. Midnight blue gaze swept over the lands in front of him as he walked with quiet grace. Two scents drifted by and with a gentle inhale of his nose, he identified one scent to be a wolf of Swiftcurrent Creek while the other was unfamiliar.

A wistful look flashed through his dark gaze for a brief moment before resuming its usual serious look. The roman would have immediately rushed forward, his stance protective as he glared at the wolf at the borders. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he made his way forward, the aura of grace and strength emitting off the welsh warrior. It wasn't long before he arrived at the scene. The wolf that smelled faintly of Swiftcurrent was apparently a halfbreed? It didn't matter to him, not really, as long as the wolf was the dominant animal he didn't really care.

The other male was well, old and apparently had collapsed onto the ground. The aspiring healer quickened his pace although the same stoic expression was still on his dark handsome face. "Are you hurt?" he asked in his soft, lightly accented voice at the male that had collapsed onto the ground after flashing a faint smile at the halfbreed.

RE: Old Man [IC Joining] - Remus Wolf - September 03, 2014

Remus, it seemed, had immediately caused a commotion upon nearing the border. Within thirty seconds of one another, two wolves appeared not too far away, and they both asked him if he was alright. Both carried concerned looks in their eyes and faces, and this made the old man feel a bit worthless. With a push, and a grunt, he managed to sit up, though it pained him. This was already getting off to a bad start.

"I'm a'right," he called to the both of them, once he had found a somewhat more comfortable sitting position. "I've just got a bit o' arthritis in these ol' bones o' mine. I'll take some pain-relievin' herbs later if I can and I'll be right as rain." He gave a sheepish grin, feeling bad for unintentionally worrying two potential pack-mates. "Listen, boys," he began. "I'm old, and my wanderin' days are over. Ya think I can join yer pack? I'm a good Naturalist, if nothin' else, and I'll stay outta everyone's way if you'll let me stay."

Remus hated himself right about now, for making himself seem so lowly, but, then again, it didn't matter in the end. He was too old to be prideful. He just wanted a nice rabbit every now and then, and a place to get out of the rain, and he'd be happy. He was a simple sort of wolf. He didn't need much to be happy -- just enough to survive.

RE: Old Man [IC Joining] - Bazi - September 05, 2014

Remus > Bazi > @Leon > Cadfael - I think? (Edit: Thanks Will, you're right!)

The kerfuffle attracted Bazi like a moth to the light - the only difference being that Bazi knew she might meet trouble when she reached her destination, whilst the unsuspecting moth hadn't the foggiest clue that it was about to kick the bucket.

But it wasn't trouble she met. Leon and Cadfael, both new recruits, had caught a trespasser - an old one, much older than Galileo. He sagged against the ground, battered by exhaustion and rain alike.

The pale Alpha barked to announce her arrival, nodding appreciatively at her two patrolling pack-mates. At Remus she shot a perplexed little frown, lowering her head to look him in the eyes and take a deep breath. The scent of damp wolf filled her nostrils, but nothing more sinister than that. No rot, no death - not yet, anyway. And Bazi was not in a position to turn wolves away.

"You don't smell sick," she announced, looking to her wardens for confirmation. It was clear that he sought sanctuary, and.. why not? Old wolves had their place - Bazi's own mother was six when her final litter left home, and might have survived longer for all her children knew. The Swiftcurren queen re-focused on the the old man at her feet. "What can you do for us?"

RE: Old Man [IC Joining] - Leon - September 12, 2014

sorry for the delay ): won't happen again!
One large ear tilted toward the newcomer to come greet the stranger before silver eyes glanced over to him. The black wolf asked much the same question as he and the older man forced himself up off the ground... sounding rather pitiful doing so, but Leon's face remained stoic once he go the answer that he was okay except for being old as hell.
He listened curiously to his answer and tilted his head, keeping his calm, sharp gaze upon the elderly fellow as he stated why he was here. Looks like he was done being a loner and knew to find a pack... though he had age on those bones and he wouldn't be much use in physical labor, Leon knew it would be beneficial to the pack to have someone with those particular talents. An herbalist was very useful.
He did seem rather pathetic, saying he'd just stay out of the way otherwise. Now surely there would be no need for that! Ear tipped again at the alpha's arrival and he turned his head to give her a nod of greeting and a small wag of his curly tail. Not sick, just world-weary.
Leon felt as though it'd be rude to answer for the old guy, but as he'd just said what he had to offer before Bazi came, he'd pipe up and the stranger could elaborate further if he wishes-- could help his case if the alpha wasn't keen on having him otherwise... but he didn't think her the cruel kind.
"Says he's a naturalist. S'ppose that means yer good with plants n' such?" Herbs, poisons... could be very useful.