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Wapun Meadow to catch a butterfly - Printable Version

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to catch a butterfly - Falwasi - September 03, 2014

Falwasi stretched out onto her back, facing the sun. The tall grass swayed back and forth, the slight breeze calming her nerves. New to the pack, Fal wanted to explore, but as she walked through the meadow she couldn't help but rest for a few moments. The buzz of the bees, the singing of the birds and the deliciously smelling flowers was all too welcoming for her to walk through without stopping.

The autumn was starting to sink in quickly starting with the change in temperature. It was Falwasi's favorite time of year. There was nothing better than waking up to go hunting in the crisp morning air, leaves falling around her and the gentle squawking of birds nearby.

A tickle on her nose woke her out of her daze. A tiger butterfly landed on her nose. Fal couldn't help but sneeze, causing the beautiful insect to fly off of her slim, cream snout. It hovered above her, fluttering its wings so gracefully Fal craved to be as elegant. Fal stretched her paws out, moving them about, playing with the delicate creature.

Oh, what a wonderful world.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Shadow - September 04, 2014

Hope you don't mind me joining, it would be interesting to see what happens since Shadow used to be in SC

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The sterling outrider's paws led him far away from the Bypass, towards the direction of his previous home, Swiftcurrent Creek. He wasn't stupid enough to go directly at their borders, but he did stop by Wapun meadow. Remembering the conversations he had there with the Sunspire wolves, he couldn't help but smile internally. He felt no hostility towards them anymore, it had only been the sense of protecting his pack that had made him feel hostility towards the mountain wolves. But now, he'd left, kicked out and he no longer felt any hostility towards the Sunspire wolves. He'd left the rivalry behind him, that was the two pack's problems, not his. Unless, he scowled at the thought, Bazi decided to create an intense rivalry between the Bypass and the Creek. But surely, Scimitar was wise enough to stop her from doing such a stupid move.

He shook the troubling thoughts away and instead trudged through the flowers and grass of the meadow, wondering if he would ever be able to relax here again without tensing up and glancing around every few moments in case a hostile Creek wolf leaped out at him. Sure, he could easily defeat them but that didn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to relax.

He was about to lie down on the grass when he caught a faint whiff of Swiftcurrent Creek. Immediately He tensed up, was it Scimitar or Bazi? Surely the ivory Alphess wouldn't be stupid enough to venture pass the Creek's protection and borders, he wondered if she thought of him as some kind of raging maniac, that if she walked out of her home he would be there, ready to kill her. If that was indeed how the snowy Alpha thought of him, he'd be amused. He knew he was intimidating to some wolves, however much he seemed snide and cocky. Yes, he knew he seemed arrogant and full of himself. After all, he did choose to put on that mask.

He followed the trail and finally saw the Creek wolf. But it wasn't either of the Creek's leaders, the smell on the wolf was faint as if she was new. Of course, Scimitar and Bazi would have traveled all around Teekon Wilds to fill the ranks but they would never be able to fill in their former member's presence.

"Hey," he called out, a faint smirk gracing his features as he slowly trotted forward, he knew that he still smelled of the Creek, however faint it was. But soon it would fade away and he would only smell of the Bypass.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Falwasi - September 04, 2014

[size=x-small]no problem! :][/size]

Falwasi froze, her paws in the air and the butterfly flew away. She got up and shook the loose grass off her fur. The voice had startled her, although he smelled faintly like the rest of the pack. She turned to face the wolf, a big, muscular silver male.

'Oh, hi.' she said,'I don't believe we've met? I'm Falwasi.' she introduced, giving the wolf a swift nod. He looked about her age, his eyes a bright silver gleaming with intelligence.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Shadow - September 04, 2014

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"Falwasi," he repeated with a tilt of his head and a faint smile. He laughed softly when she asked if they'd met. "No, we haven't and I'm pretty sure Bazi won't be pleased to see me so near her lands," he gazed at her with piercing silver eyes. "You're a new recruit huh? Looks like Scimitar and Bazi are working hard to fill the ranks with new wolves after she kicks her senior wolves out."

His tail sways nonchalantly gazing at the distance to what he deemed as Swiftcurrent Creek. He missed it but he would never admit it and even if Bazi regretted her decision to kick him out-which he was pretty sure she didn't-and offered him his old position in the pack back, he wouldn't return to the Creek. He had a new beginning, a new home, a place that welcomed him and most importantly, Paar.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Dovev - September 04, 2014

Hope if you don't mind that I hop in too! Looking for more threads with SC wolves, previous or present. xP

The treeline was spread across the meadow, tall conifers that poked the sky with their triangular tips. The forest stretched and blanketed the mountains that rose sharply behind them, the gray face a cool shimmer in the daylight. The border of Swiftcurrent was still strong but not present as Dovev traipsed about the flat river beds before turning back west. He had enough to do now- explore, meet, greet... Even if the latter was something of a formality and not a joyous occasion.

The large arctic brute's shaggy winter coat hung long about his torso and tail, waiting for the plush down of winter to fill it out. After last night's thunderstorm, rain had wet down the earth and caused large clods of dirt to become stuck on his fine hairs, but it left a wide range of uses. Through the grass was a deer trail coated in the finely shaped pawprints of a wolf, smaller and more lighter on its' step as Dovevs' own paws decimated them. The trail had opened up to a smooth curve surrounded by trees, and from there, the aroma of his new comrades rode strong in the air.
A female stood, the tall grass swaying to reach for her stomach. As the alabaster brute drew near, standing with perked ears towards the mountain. His pale orbs drew over her frame quickly, deeming by her scent to be a fully fledged Swiftcurrent soldier. Past her, he sought out what he inferred to be the object of her attention. This male had approached from the crooked rocks, and held a more relaxed demeanor. Dovev could catch the last snippet of conversation as he steadily walked toward the pair.
"... kicked her senior wolves out."

His audits shot forward and he couldn't help but feel the bereaved hairs along his scapulars spike. No doubt this male had some connection to his new queen; the light but barbed sentence had caused enough reaction in Dovev over the young but confident alphess. Even if he had plans for the future, the current state of his new titles was not an object to be scorned. He turned first to the tan and sandy hued female and gave a slight nod as his rigid tail swished slowly back and forth. I'm Dovev, he spoke, his pools flickering briefly on her before locking on the sterling brute.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Falwasi - September 04, 2014

[size=x-small]That's fine![/size]

The sun started to leave the sky, the temperature becoming slightly cooler. Falwasi's hackles rose slightly as the large wolf spoke his last sentence. 'What's that supposed to mean?' Fal asked in a cold tone, returning his stare. She wished he would wipe the smile off his face. 'I came here on my own accord.' she said. Why was he kicked out? she thought to herself. Hearing someone speak of Bazi in that way made her feel bad, for Bazi had been so welcoming when they first met. Maybe I'm being too defensive, over-thinking it. Maybe Bazi isn't who I think she is. Fal pondered. She suddenly felt much, much smaller than the silver male who's name was still unknown. That didn't help.

Falwasi had been so fixated on what the ex-Silvercurrent wolf had to say, she hadn't realised another wolf was approaching. Her hackles lowered slightly, the presence of another body calming her nerves slightly - especially since he had introduced himself. She didn't take her eyes off the other male, and she could tell Dovev wasn't either.

The sun was setting quicker than she thought it would do, leaving the sky a beautiful orange color. If only the situation was as beautiful.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Shadow - September 04, 2014

More drama! :P

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The silver wolf's platinum gaze swept calmly over Falwasi as she spoke, "What's that supposed to mean?" she said coldly. "I came here on my own accord." When another Creek wolf appeared, Shadow felt the urge to sigh. The scent of the Creek on them were both extremely faint, they must have just joined then. Of course they didn't know what happened to Swiftcurrent Creek, how their Alphess really was like. He didn't hate Bazi, just felt sorry for her and maybe a bit angry but he'd gotten over the pissed off part rather quickly, although he doubted he would ever be able to truly forgive the ivory female for kicking Danica out just because she liked her.

The other male introduced himself as Dovev and he dipped his head politely over to him before turning to the female again. "When I was still a Creek wolf, when the ranks were full, only the best wolves were accepted. They had to be in best conditions, excellent skills before getting accepted." he replied as he lowered himself onto his haunches, in no mood to fight the wolves in front of him.

"Bazi wouldn't be too pleased to hear that I'm this near her territory. I'm Shadow, former Gamma of Swiftcurrent Creek. I don't know whether or not you want to hear this but I'm going to tell you anyways. I had a friend call Danica that was also from Swiftcurrent Creek, she's now in Duskfire Glacier. But thats not the point, she liked Bazi, not in the friendly way and confessed to her. Bazi decided to kick her out just because she liked girls. Because she like girls." he suppressed a sneer at that instead for a brief moment, his masked vanished, revealing the pain etched deep in his platinum gaze before it vanished, replaced by the cool look again.

"Anyways I decided to confront her, ask her if it was real and well, she got pissed off and told me to follow Danica, told me to leave the Creek and never come back. And I suppose she's even more angry at me now, after the wolf I was courting came with me." he smiled faintly. "Maybe she thinks that I purposely took her away from the Creek."

He gazed at the two new Creek wolves in front of him, he did not want them to leave the Creek after they heard the truth. He only wished for them to know and it was up to them to decided whether to trust him or not. "Its up to you whether you choose to believe me or not."

RE: to catch a butterfly - Dovev - September 04, 2014

It wasn't long before the focus of Falwasi and Dovev's attention began to speak, his physicality changing to less of a threat. Dovev remained on his toes as the brute sat down, his eyes remaining a respectful calm as the pair of Swiftcurrent gathered at one end of the Wapun Meadow that lead back to their river. What the stranger had to say was turning Dovev's triangular receptacles away, swivling farther back on his skull. Normally the action would signal fear or worry, but his ivory teeth were itching to be bared.

The Tuq, and later his pack, had never encountered the idea of a female loving another female. It remained a legend as he grew up, and although it was plausible, Dovev had never come across such a being. Perhaps the luxury was too costly- that far north, survival depended on having enough progeny to help hunt and patrol the large swathes of tundra that was his ancestral homeland. This Danica had approached Bazi, a female he had only met in formality, to pair up. The placid expression on Dovev's visage wavered slightly to one of confusion as the silver brute's story continued on. Perhaps there was some detail he forgot to include, but the notion of Bazi removing Danica from the pack... Dovev didn't know any of these wolves well enough to pass his own judgement. It was hard enough now to leap to his new leader's defense after that enthralling tale.

It's quite a tale to spin if it were false, the brute mused, half to himself, his porous nose sniffing the air, as if he could discern truth from fiction. Although he didn't really care about scandal, as he himself had been the centerpiece of some, this had turned his perspectives quite a bit.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Falwasi - September 05, 2014

Falwasi finally stopped looking at the brute, who had introduced himself as Shadow, and dropped her stare to the ground. The tall grass tickled her nose, but she was too confused to care. How could Bazi do something like that? she thought, staring at the little flowers she was standing on. She didn't know whether to believe Shadow or not. She had just met him, and she couldn't imagine Bazi losing her temper and banishing two senior members of the pack.

Without another word she walked off, her demeanor calm, towards the creek. She wanted to analyze and think about the situation; who to believe. It was an obvious answer: do not believe Shadow. For all she knew, he could've been kicked out for a completely different reason and wanted revenge so he made up a tale to ruin Bazi's reputation.

Fal had never heard of a female loving another female. She didn't know what to think of it - it was bizarre, and probably wrong in some ways, but she didn't have a problem with it. She didn't like females, but she didn't care if somebody else did.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Scimitar - September 05, 2014

Couldn't resist!

Wapun Meadow was a neutral terrain – when the Beta of the Creek caught wind of Shadow’s scent, he trailed after it, curious to how the silver male was faring after Bazi had banished him. Shadow had aggravated the nerves of both the leaders, but he had been a good sparring partner and had proved to hold down his duties to the pack.

His paws were swift as they moved through the grass. Shadow had gained the attention of not just him, but apparently two other wolves—one of whom he recognized as Falwasi, the she-wolf he had just allowed entry in to the ranks. She drifted away from the group, and Scimitar watched her with a light furrow of his brow – the air seemed tense, and withholding a sigh, the large male strode closer to the group, offering a nod to the retreating form of the female. “Something either of you said?” It was a light joke, but the rumble of his tone hinted that he knew something seemed off.. and while he did not know the ivory man, he did smell of the Creek. Instead, his gaze fixated on Shadow, waiting for the arrogant trademark smirk he would likely be bestowed with.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Shadow - September 05, 2014

xD This will be interesting

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The sterling outrider rose to his paws when the female began walking away, towards the direction of the Creek. He should be returning to the Bypass now, it would be a few days of travel and lots could happen in a few days. When he smelled Scimitar, he barely resisted the urge to scowl, trust that Beta to come barging into places he didn't belong in. Why the hell did that agouti male have to intrude anyways! “Something either of you said?

The silver male turned his steely gaze to Scimitar, tail swaying nonchalantly behind him. After all he no longer needed to submit to him. "Well, hello Scimitar. I was just telling the pair of them about how Bazi kicked me and Danica out. I'm pretty sure you heard about that, its interesting isn't it?" he tilted his head slightly, a faint smile on his face.

He couldn't believe Scimitar had the guts to walk up to him and talk like they were old friends. They were not friends and they never would be. Damn him, he scowled internally while keeping his calm facade up. Damn him to the pits of Tartarus,

RE: to catch a butterfly - Dovev - September 05, 2014

The reactions of the group had been varied. Like the subtle movement of water inside a small creek, the ebb of wolves eddied and flowed as Falwasi stepped away from the meeting and another male took her place. His perfume was stronger and more reputable of the pack, and he looked vaguely familiar. The fluffy words that spewed from his mouth were laced with an undertone, and Dovev could feel his sly shimmer of a smirk on his lips. The scene was starting to heat up.

Whatever past history that laid between the beta and the silver creature was unbeknownst to Dovev. A former Gamma, it was probable that his leave from Swiftcurrent was no graceful affair. The arctic beast remained standing, but his tongue flickered out to run the length of his left upper lip. Whatever was about to concur, he held his stance on the northwestern edge of the Meadow, but his gray orbs glimmered back and forth. The conversation was undoubtedly a little touchy.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Scimitar - September 12, 2014

Shadow cast him a cool gaze – it was clear within moments, as the male began to speak, that he had antagonized the she-wolf in some form.. and given his choice of words, it was easy to tell the route he had taken. A small smile twitched at the corner of his tainted lips, and casting a sideways glance to Dovev, a male who seemed strangely familiar, though he could not place it, he turned back to Shadow as his shoulders lifted in a shrug.

“Interesting how?” There was a small pause as he shifted his weight then, sweeping himself down to settle on his haunches. If Shadow wanted to stir up trouble, he had chosen the worst pack to do so with – he of all previous members should have known that. “Really, I had thought you would have had better things to do than try to tell tall tales to new pack members. You must be bored.”

RE: to catch a butterfly - Shadow - September 12, 2014

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“Really, I had thought you would have had better things to do than try to tell tall tales to new pack members. You must be bored.” Wow, Scimitar sure had guts to say that the truth was a mere tail. He must be desperate to save Swiftcurrent Creek, to keep their members loyal when the Alpha herself was tainted and not fit to lead a pup, let alone a whole pack. If he'd known that his welsh friend had seeked acceptance in the Creek's ranks, he wouldn't even have bothered to tell Scimitar what he was up to, instead ask for his friend's well-being. After all, who knows when he'll be kicked out as well, just because of who he likes.

He supposed the Beta didn't want wolves to know about the Creek's terrible story, their Alpha kicking wolves out left and right, their former Alpha stirring up trouble then running away with a male wolf from another pack and the founder suicided. Scimitar better protect Bazi, fast because if the Creek was truly cursed by the gods, she would be next.

His gaze cold and steady as he ignored the new wolf of the Creek and looked at Scimitar and smiled faintly. "Telling tales, am I? Surely you should know the difference between the truth and mere stories? They deserve to know what they're signing up for you know. Its unfair to them." and that was what he truly thought anyways. He never lied.

He shrugged, silver eyes flashing over to the white male for a moment before looking back at Scimitar. "Whatever, they're not my subordinates. You can tell them whatever you wish to tell them." he smiled and it wasn't a smirk. It was a smile.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Dovev - September 13, 2014

A cool breath of air puffed across the meadow, ruffling up the tall grasses and whispering through the trees. His eyes briefly closed, turning his skull to feel the hint of winter rushing through the park. His eyes flickered open, gray searchlights as he wondered whether or not the Swiftcurrent beta would decide to do.

Scimitar had placed his haunches upon the earth, a complacent and tolerant sort of behavior towards this silvery hellraiser; however pertinent his story may be. The arctic's presence seemed more backup than helping to motile the situation, even if Dovev was gleaming some.... interesting tidbits of information.
"Telling tales, am I? Surely you should know the difference between the truth and mere stories? They deserve to know what they're signing up for you know. Its unfair to them," the beast stated. "Whatever, they're not my subordinates. You can tell them whatever you wish to tell them."
Dovev's spherical reflectors remained locked on Shadow's face after that silent glance, and a thought dawned on the ivory wolf's mind. Perhaps Shadow had moved on from Swiftcurrent, and his haughty behavior was tinged with arrogant power. But for the obsession of this former Swiftcurrent with soliciting them, Dovev might have reason to believe this wolf had found a new home from himself.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Scimitar - September 25, 2014

Had Scimitar been the smirking type, it was that moment he would have offered one to mirror the male's own attitude -- as it was, Scimitar was not a male who fueled his emotions to his sleeve, and instead his features remained to be an unreadable mask. Shadow played the role of arrogance with his smirks, Scimitar played the role of mere indifference.. especially when it came to the grey rogue.

"I'll gladly tell any Creek member what it is they desire to know. But to decipher truth.. well, I'd have to know what story you were spinning them, now wouldn't I?" He allowed his bright eyes to shift to Dovev in that moment.. though his peripheral vision kept Shadow on careful watch. The man was like a snake.. and he trusted him about as far as he could throw him.

"Then we can have a discussion on fairness."

RE: to catch a butterfly - Shadow - September 27, 2014

"I'll gladly tell any Creek member what it is they desire to know. But to decipher truth.. well, I'd have to know what story you were spinning them, now wouldn't I?"

The internally and externally scarred Roman smiled bitterly, the truth was what he always said and he barely ever lied and when he did, it was to protect his loved ones but of course Scimitar would never believe a snarky, arrogant rogue would he? Of course not. After all they thought of him as a lying bastard when he was just a wolf that was sometimes extremely blunt and straightforward while on others, he spoke the truth but it was twisted in a way that they thought was a lie. He would tell the truth no matter how painful it was because that was just him and he didn't bother changing it, he didn't want to change it.

Ahh but Scimitar, I have told them nothing but the truth and you do know the truth but you wouldn't believe me if I said that anyways would you? I suppose you will have to ask your packmate over here what I told him. he shrugged, a bitter laugh slipping from between his lips, a laugh that chilled the air and darkened the mood. If only they knew what he went through but then, they would never know, he was brilliant at keeping his secrets and he knew that his mask was so much better than Scimitar's indifferent one for the other man must think of him as a sly arrogant creature which was what he wanted in first place.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Dovev - September 28, 2014

Ahh but Scimitar, I have told them nothing but the truth and you do know the truth but you wouldn't believe me if I said that anyways would you? I suppose you will have to ask your packmate over here what I told him. Dovev's monotonous eyes flashed and he again locked them onto Scimitar. No matter the tale Shadow had spun about the alphess, the thinly veiled words were disguising seeds of discord, and the arctic creature's insides were beginning to churn in angry turmoil. This silver brute was provoking and angular, with a laugh that was grating to Dovev's ears.
I think there's a quicker way to shut him up, Dovev said quietly, the facsimile anger upon his face replaced with a cordial, complacent grin as he strode to join Scimitar at his side, a steady rank. Although Dovev had a difficult time dismissing his story, it would be easier to put this devil down by denying his claims. I prefer to not repeat lies.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Scimitar - September 29, 2014

It would seem Shadow was not doing himself any favors – had he left in peace, like Paarthurnax had promised he would, perhaps Scimitar would have felt morose for the male and his situation. As it stood, it would seem the beauty’s words were a lie, and yet no surprise flashed in the Beta’s eyes – Shadow had always had a problem with subordination and his tongue. It was the very reason he had been tossed out on his sorry ass.

Even more interesting was when Dovev came to his side then, commenting with words that stirred a small smile to the agouti male’s tainted lips. Whatever damage Shadow had tried to do had become extremely transparent just in his last statement alone, and without word, the male stood up once more, his eyes studying Shadow quietly. “I think you’ve proved my point for me, Shadow,” he murmured, his smile flashing to a light grin. “Skirting around the topic when I’m here, readily open to discuss the matter does not exactly inspire credibility to your so called honesty.”

Canting his muzzle then, it did occur to him the possibility of leaving the male with a very clear message – one like he had with Jace form the Sunspire. But he would not do that – only because of Paarthurnax. “I suggest you go crawl back to your hiding hole now, before your tongue is ripped out. Wouldn’t be able to spread any lies then, now would you?”

RE: to catch a butterfly - Shadow - October 04, 2014

Fade? :)

I think there's a quicker way to shut him up, said the arctic creature. A light grin crossed his ashen features as he canted his head in a birdlike manner. "That won't be so easy," he replied knowing that his time here had ended. Truth to be told, he didn't want to be here talking to a bunch of cursed losers when he could be at the Bypass, discovering new lands, recruiting new wolves, chilling beside the lake, watching the sunset. Like why the hell was he even here? Why did the gods even lead him here when he was obviously needed someone else? To say goodbye to this dishonorable agouti shitface in front of him? He did not hate the Creek, just wary of them, neither did he hate the wolves there. Well maybe Scimitar, no, the silver male held a faint thread of respect for him although disgust ruled after all he viewed the leader as dishonorable and no Roman liked wolves who were dishonorable.

He stood there, his tail swishing casually behind him as he listened to Scimitar's useless words. They had no effect on him for he had suffered a lot more sharp biting words, physical damage, emotional and mental damage than the whole Creek put together ever had. He did not regret protecting and teaching his siblings, did not regret doing it even if it meant he was constantly punished, constantly scolded, constantly bleeding his ass off. Because he was doing something honorable, something right, something that showed the hard shelled Roman was loving and he cared. And no matter what happened, he did care for the Creek in his own way, even if horrible things had happened there, he still cared faintly for Bazi, Scimitar, the wolves he had known in his time there but there was no way he was going to tell them that when they thought him an arrogant, dishonest bastard.

“I suggest you go crawl back to your hiding hole now, before your tongue is ripped out. Wouldn’t be able to spread any lies then, now would you?” Again the words held no effect for his tongue had once been nearly ripped out by his father although his mother had stopped him. One good thing she did in her whole damn life. The light smile still on his face, he dipped his head to Scimitar as a show of sincere respect although the agouti might view it as something else. "As you wish, Scimitar. Although I don't have a hiding hole, I have vast lands to discover for I have nothing to hide from." his words soft, for the first time his voice held a the light accent he had.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Dovev - October 04, 2014

Ok, this can be the last post from me if needed!

The white wolf stood completely still, muscles tense and ready to unwind into a leap. The nonchalant demeanor of Shadow was pretty confusing- why had the bastard wandered into the meadow to bother Falwasi in the first place? He knew of the proximity to the creek; no doubt more wolves would show up on the scene in response to this evicted creature.

Dovev had no recollection of the actual movement that had taken place to kick Shadow out of the pack- yet from what he saw, it was well deserved. Even with his stories- which might undoubtedly be true- Dovev was showing more respect and loyalty than this silver brute was. He had his own pack; what was he doing showing off just outside their borders? And continued to remain there? The arctic brute eyed the sage brown wolf next to him.

Just say the word, he murmured. Shadow didn't seem to take a hint that well. Two wolves against one? The Creek wolves should be seeing the back of his tail by now, instead of him giving them lip.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Scimitar - October 06, 2014

Can wrap up with either a fight, or Shadow can leave.. I'll leave that up to you! I'm good with either. :)

It grated his nerves how Shadow felt himself untouchable in that very moment – he had two formidable opponents ready to take stand against him, and his attitude would still only allow his arrogance to shine through. The ivory man mentioned his own eagerness to put the rogue in his place, and Scimitar felt a twitch of his lip as one fang flashed at the other, never once taking Shadow’s bow of his muzzle as a sign of respect – the asshole had never once shown it to any Creek wolf before, hence how he had managed to find himself here, on the outside and looking in.

“I think it would be quite easy,” he replied smoothly, his muscles tensing as he waited – either Shadow was going to walk away, or Scimitar was going to make good word on his promise to rip his tongue out.. and then he would deliver it to Bazi, who above all others, had taken more than her share of the crap he had dealt to them.

So he waited, his eyes locked upon his past sparring partner, knowing that one day they would share a true fight – and it could even come with the death or one or the other. Whether that fight would begin today was up to the grey wolf – who had come out of his way to make two of the Creek members uncomfortable.

RE: to catch a butterfly - Shadow - October 07, 2014

Don't want Shadow to die just yet lol. Last post from me, loved threading with y'all :D

Taking on two of them might be a bit hard but he was sure of his own abilities to at least kill one of the, however impossible it seemed. He had taken on more than two wolves when he was younger and he was sure he could do it now however he was smart and he knew his time here was out. He did not reply to Scimitar's comment about ripping his tongue out being easy because truthfully it wasn't but he did not want to argue over a meaningless thing with him. Expression indifferent and stoic, he dipped his head briefly to agouti male. "I wish you and the Creek a good life and future." he said sincerely before turning around and making his way through the meadow.

His tail was neither high or low, just swaying behind him casually as he walked away, eager to leave these lands and return to the Bypass where Paar was, where his pack would be. Besides he didn't want Paar to worry about him for he knew he had been away for quite some time already. And perhaps if he did not come home soon, some wolves would think about usurping the Bypass. He had to make sure that would not happen and how was he to do that when he was so near Swiftcurrent?

Scimitar and Bazi could put their minds at rest, he did not plan on coming near the Creek anytime soon. Responsibilities and his duties came first and he wanted to make sure his home was stable and disciplined.