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Wapun Meadow everything the world has to offer me. - Printable Version

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everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 03, 2014

@Adair the Foresaken

Finley was slacking. Ever since her run-in with Pura, she had set her mind to achieving her outrider rank. And then... there was some stuff... and food... and I don't know, it just sort of went by the wayside. In truth, Finley was fairly certain that she could put an outrider-spin on her more recent adventures when she spoke to Peregrine about her accomplishments, but it would probably have been better for her to do some real outrider-ing.

But. There was this thing. And it was interesting.

Fin pranced happily along after the blue-winged butterfly, twirling around on the ground to follow its wanderings whenever it began to waft aimlessly around in circles. She wasn't sure what she intended on doing if the little bug decided to land. She certainly had no intention on killing it. In fact, she probably didn't really even want for it to land as she was enjoying herself too much just following it around. It wasn't the exciting, adrenaline-pumping sort of enjoyment that she usually partook in, but it was still enough to bring a gentle smile to her face.

Somewhere high above, the sound of thunder softly crawled across the air. A light sprinkle began to fall, but Finley paid it little mind. Until it turned into a torrential downpour and she was swept away by a flood (which would actually be pretty exciting), she didn't intend on stopping what she was doing.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 03, 2014

Adair had been traipsing through Teekon Wilds for quite some time, yet he still marveled over the beauty that his surroundings offered to him. He drank in the clean, crisp air, the light breeze that held a touch of humidity to it, and reveled in the damnpness of the moist earth beneath his paws.
Nature was a thing to be proud of.

Adair saw a figure leaping about in the distance, one that he desired to cross. He casted his amberized hazel gaze, watching the fellow lupine, wondering why it danced in the manner that it did. Were they playing? Maybe a ritual? One thing Adair had learned since beeing in these Wilds was that every wolf had their own beliefs and customs. All were unique. That's what made him fit in without any confrontation so far, was his open mindedness, and his understanding.

So on his muscled silked haunches, Adair sat, watching the strange wolf dance their dance, unflinching as the thunder made itself known to all within its grasp.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 08, 2014

Fin landed on the ground after a particularly high jump, panting heavily but smiling like a fool nonetheless. The butterfly wavered in the air for a moment before it swept downwards to land upon one of the little flowers that dappled the area. It was the perfect moment for the sterling wolf to strike, but the epsilon maintained her ground. She didn't really wish to catch it, after all. One, it was so pretty, why would she want to smush it? Two, bugs tasted gross. She did NOT want that nasty on her tongue.

The girl dropped to her haunches as wolf and butterfly made some unspoken, momentary truce. For a few seconds they just sat, Fin training her sweet chocolate eyes upon the critter's cerulean wings as it fanned them for her and the butterfly staring... somewhere. Did they even have eyes? Fin squinted at it. Yes, yes they did. And then something changed, and the butterfly was up in the air again flying off in a new direction.

"Well, alright then," Fin sighed as though the insect had asked her if they could get going again. She pulled herself onto alabaster-socked paws and made to start after her friend, but stopped only a second later as she spotted the other wolf across the field. Fin licked her lips, tasting the air as she breathed deeply. This wolf was not of her pack, but didn't seem to have any ill-intentions. He was just sitting. Staring at her. But that was fine, she was pretty attractive after all. She barked at him to let him know that she knew of his presence and that it was alright to approach, if he chose to do so.


RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 08, 2014

The 4 year old wood cloaked hellion saw the slim craninium turn to his direction, soon followed by a bark of allowance. With a silent thought of gratitude at such non hostile gesture, Adair rose to his massive fours and began the walk to the others location.

As he walked, he gathered the intel he could of the wolf. Silvery gray hide. White tint. Not massively muscled, yet still held their own. Vibrant with energy. From the sound of the bark, it appeared to be a female.

Adair padded up to the fellow lupine, and dipped his dark brown and hazel hued head gentlemanly.
After examining her scent, he confirmed her gender.

"Hello, Im Adair. Adair Erïksőn. Pleasure to meet ya, miss,"
he murmured in his trademarked soft tones.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 08, 2014

She could tell as the man approached that she was being judged. Not in the "ur nose is 2 long im prittier then u" kind of way, but the "I want to know who you are" way. Finley did the same back as he approached. He was a large beast, coated in dark shades with piercing eyes that she could see were exploring her frame. She waited where she was as he approached, not wanting to seem threatening or rude by moving towards him as well.

"Finley Blackthorn," she replied, recognizing the space where he expected her to fill in the blanks. "What brings you here? No offense, but a flower-filled meadow doesn't strike me as being your scene." His voice was soft, but that was about the only thing about him that seemed fit to be frolicking amongst the happily buzzing bees through the rainbow of flower petals.


RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 09, 2014

"Its an gracious thing to meet you, miss Finley. "

At the hint that he was not from this area, the dark brown brute laughed heartily. Continuing to gaze at her, he said with a grin,

"Aye, that's true. Im not from around here, at all, lassie. Im quite a ways from here, in truth. Well, I was. I was by a large chunk of ancient spuce forest, very very north of the location where we currently stand. Many moons to travel there, it is."

Pretending to be offed by the scene comparison to his nature, the 4 year old withdrew a bit, with obvious faked hurt upon his dark face.

"And I rather adore the meadows. Such calming moments of solitude. Nice air, good wildlife, including the bonnies who dance with the little winged butter-beauties,.."
lowering his massive silked crown, he bend down and picked a lavender and magenta hued Morning Glory, and placed it gently atop her chrome head. "and God forbid, I never love the flowers, oh they're just peachy."

He chuckled a bit, giving her a kind, almost fatherly amber hazel gaze, wondering her thoughts on his pretense at scrubbed feelings.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 10, 2014

Fin listened quietly as the man spoke his mind, her ears perking and twitching at the lilt of his accent. It seemed first impressions were not to be relied upon with this one, for he spoke with a calmness gentility she would not have expected from one of his stature. His feigned offense tugged at the corners of her lips, trying to bring a smile out that she stifled on the off-chance that his words were not pretend. She certainly didn't want to offend him more, if he truly was offended at all. Something about him made it seem as though this was not a wolf who was that easy to insult.

Of course, she could always be completely wrong. It was known to happen, though she wasn't likely to admit that.

His words about the meadows brought a smile to her face, especially when he placed a flower upon her head. Fin laughed gently and peered at him as he stepped back, curious about this strange, pleasant wolf. "I guess I had you pegged wrong," Fin said, "Seems that you're a flower yourself. I bet you just popped up out of a meadow one day." She chuckled.

"So what brings you out this way?" Fin asked as she settled down onto her haunches.


RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 10, 2014

Adair saw a twitch of her lips, and figurered the fae was holding back a smile. As the massive hessian elaborated his talk of the flowered lands, a grin finally bloomed on her maw, casting Adair happiness at making her smile. If it was anything he could do in the world, it would be to spread smiles, not hostilities.

I guess I had you pegged wrong," said the grayscaled hellion before him.
Then she supposed that he was a little petaled thing himself.
This erupted him into a smooth and deep laugh.

"Aye, you're definitely close. I am more related to a tree, but trees and flowers are close enough, eh? I'm positive I would have nothing to do with any sort of wolves, guaranteed, lass."

He had a twinkle of amusement in his hazeled orbs, and he watched her lower her lower half to the ground, relaxing.
Had she felt comfortable in his presence?

"As for my traveling reasons, I have just returned from making a cache, not too far off of here."
Adair closed his lids for a second, recounting the paces it took from his side to where him and the femmora currently sat, conversing.
Opening them, he said,
"Approximately 371 steps from where we are now, if taking a straight route there."

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 11, 2014

Something about this wolf reminded her of Sun Spark. This one was not nearly as old, but he had a relaxed nature about him that made her feel comfortable even though she did not know him well. There was also the accent and while it was different from her packmate's, it was also different from any other she'd heard, just like his.

"Wow. Three-hundred and seventy-one steps is pretty close. I think..." Fin said, tilting her head curiously, "Is there even a pack around here, or are you hoarding it for yourself?"


RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 11, 2014

"Indeed, it is close, Finley. Alot closer than you'd think yer self. And filled with such goodies. I wonder who could possibly be gifted with such treats. Who'd deserve such things?"
Adair gazed ito the sky, purposely avoiding eye contact with the femmora before him, while his thick and silky banner slid thoughtfully across the grassland. He knew he wanted to give her the gifts. Maybe she would earn them. Maybe a simple smile would give her the little delicacies. Wuo knew?

"Not that I know of, then again I havent been this far out, for some time. Memory lapses, lass. " Adair laughed at his bluntness of his own age.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 14, 2014

The man began to speak more of his cache, alluding to his desire to share some of it with Fin. The thought made her tail wag. She wasn't particularly hungry, but his offer was a kind one that she would have felt bad turning down. "I don't know, what do you think one would have to do to be deserving?" she replied with a playful smile.

He continued then, expressing his knowledge of the area. She canted her head gently as he spoke, a thought popping into her head. If this man was good enough at hunting on his own to put together a cache, then he likely would be the sort of wolf the Plateau needed, since not only was Winter coming, but the pack had been rather pathetic when it came to bringing down large game as of late. Making the decision, she then made another to bide her time a little to find the right moment to bring the idea up to him.


RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 14, 2014

( My god Fin's profile pic is adorablez. And im sorry for such shprt post...I has no idea what to do with Adair in this anymore. xD)

Continuing on with the jesting tone of pure ignorance, Adair gazed at the femmora.

"I hold such high standards...I have no idea who would meet such expected levels..because I consider one to touch the sweets by means of earning them....with a smile."

Adair shot her a look, to add to the corny dramatics of the 'high qualifications' for achieving the treats.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 14, 2014

Lol thanks :D And don't worry, I don't mind short posts ^^

Fin shared another laugh as he spoke again. He was a charming fellow, and if she didn't consider him on the same level as the packmate she looked at as a grandfather, she might even have been charmed in that special way that only the young and muscular ever charmed her. But, he was grandpa-statused, and not even those sweet hazel eyes were changing the ranks.

"Well I don't know where you're going to find someone like that," she replied, "As I'm sure you've noticed, all I ever do is chase butterflies and wear my bitch-face."


RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 14, 2014

Adair sofened and sombered his tone, taking more of a personal path to the conversation, looking at the young femalia.

"Sometimes, thats all you need to do, to make a friend, Finley."

He gave a smile that signaled another light joke.

"Plus, chasing butterflies gives you great cardio. Great for running from anyone who wants to stalk ya. Even if the assailant is an old man, like me, assailing you with limp puns."

He chuckled again, and lightly scratched the soft grass with a surprisingly sharp, obsidian clawed paw.

"Would you like to taste my prizes, little Fin?", inquired the brute, already turning to the direction of the cache.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 17, 2014

The response Adair gave brought an amusing thought to Finley's head. She wondered what Peregrine would have to say about her being assailed by an old man with "limp" puns. Even more when he invited her to "taste his prizes". Her devious mind of course went to naughty places that she was fairly certain her companion had only innocently led her. She stifled her laughter for that reason, responding instead with a grateful nod.

"I'm interested to see what you've managed to collect out here," Fin replied, following him as he began to lead her off to the cache, "I'm not familiar with this area or what sort of game can be found."


RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 17, 2014

At the admittance of the stark knowledge of the area, Adair nodded his wood hued crown.
He also knew nothing of the area, yet he made sure to place food stops everywhere, just in case. And he had been lucky with that.

Taking the trek of 371 steps, and being uncanny with such accurate precision on the pace number, Adair stopped at the base of a spruce, that had faint traces of tampering.
After nosing a bush that hid its bottom, Adair dug a bit, unearthing a dried pair of sweetened rabbit bodies, and placed them gently at the base of Fin's pads.
After shoving his maw back into the hole, he returned with another hunk of meat, this time from a deer, also perfectly preserved, but with a more gamy scent due to its higher value of protein, and extended time of drying out in the sun.

He also placed the chunk of venison at the pile already at the females feet, then pawed the bush back in its place, sitting on his haunches, and giving her a look of content.

"I have sated my hunger already, miss Blackthorn. I do hope you enjoy it. "
He sat back, amusement evident in his almost luminous orbs.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 24, 2014

As they walked, Fin watched the man's face curiously. Was he really counting all of those steps? She had started to, but a grasshopper had hopped by, and then she thought she smelled a duck, and then she realized that counting was really annoying, especially when she couldn't figure out what number she was on. Fortunately, Adair was smart enough for them both, and in no time brought them to his treasure trove.

Finley nosed eagerly at the food the dark wolf placed at her paws. She gave him a grateful smile, then began to pick through the menu. In the end, she chose the chunk of deer meat--setting to it eagerly and consuming it in only a matter of minutes. She sat back and gave Adair a smile when it was gone.

"That was wonderful, thank you," she said with a grin, "You know... If you wanted, I can take you home with me and you can make all kinds of caches at the Plateau. I'm part of a pack there, and I'm sure my alpha would welcome a capable wolf like yourself to our ranks." She had never asked if he was part of a pack already, but even if he was, she wouldn't have cared. Finley was not above stealing members of other packs if it would benefit her own.


RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 24, 2014

At the offer, the male had really thought upon it. He sat on his haunches, the silence chilling the once warm and fuzzy connection of conversation between the two wolves. It became evident on his face that he did indeed wish for a happiness, a peace, where he could find peace and friends. In his short time in the Wilds, he had encountered many different wolves, and the ones e ha obviously cherished closer to his large heart, we're the ones who held friendliness to their beings.

The spruce and hazel silked male lowered his massive cranium, unable to speak. It was not thy he was ashamed of his predicament, but he thought of those who would suffer, their happiness too, at stake. He pondered upon Enya, the ivory lass who had been in his paws before, and who he truly wined had freedom that he could not give her, though he deeply desired to. How many more would the Praetor take to be his captives? To earn their freedom, instead of being allowed the naturally born gift?
His amber eyes downcast, an the deep tones of his voice is not respond the graciously kind offer.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 25, 2014

Finley felt concern sweep over her as her companion fell quiet and sullen. Her brows knit as she gazed at his downcast face. For a moment, she wondered what to say to him. Obviously something she had said already had upset him, which seemed to suggest that there was a risk in saying more. She shuffled her paws a little awkwardly, bowing her head and biting her lip. She hated awkward moments—they left the usually chatty girl without a clue on what to say or do. That was so not how Finley rolled.

”Sorry,” she mumbled, ”I didn’t mean to upset you. I just.. you know.. Thought...” Fin shut her mouth then, realizing she was on the verge of babbling and really not wanting to make things worse.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 25, 2014

The sweet young gray specked femmora before him had her words now filled with unsurity, now not as effortless and smooth as before.
She had thought she was in the wrong?

Adair placed his gaze back to the girl, padded up to her, and lightly nosed her shoulder to sweep away her instability in vocalization.

"Finley, ...none of this burden is, and ever will be yours to bear. This path I walk, is one upon unbridled backs of unfortunately created concepts, laws and rules placed upon manners unknown to fairity and forgiveness. "

He softened his voice, the deep tones attempting to soothe the girl.

"Nothing you have done is wrong in my eyes. If anything, I may actually consider your offer. Possibly. My loyalties are...they trouble me. I stay to leave, only to leave to stay. I know nothing of the feeling you get when appreciation is amongst a pack, to be one with a family, not just an asset, or a simple cog in an emotionless machine. I know of no happiness in these lands, only having met a few who bore a slither of kindness within their hearts. And among them, you, miss Finley, reign supreme. "

The hessian looked down at the uncertain fae, hoping his words brought her peace to her sea of troubles at his sudden change of feeling in the present time, swishing his thick banner back and forth.

RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Finley - September 26, 2014

Wanna wrap this up? :)

She listened to his response, but she didn't much like it. His speech about "unbridled backs" and "fairity and forgiveness" confused her. Fin knew though that the overall tone was anguish. Something deeply troubled this wolf, and Fin felt helpless as she listened to his words and watching his kind face.

Fin offered a sad smile as he finished his consoling. She appreciated his sentiments towards her, but was still troubled by what he said. She was also still a little confused. It would take a few times of repeating his words in her mind before it all clicked and she came up with her suspicions on what his problems were. But for now, she could do little more than nuzzle his cheek and say a few kind words. "You're always welcome at the Plateau, Adair," she said gently, "If you ever choose to come."


RE: everything the world has to offer me. - Adair The Forsaken - September 29, 2014

( Yea that sounds like it's for the best.:3 )

The Grand sized male lightly nuzzled the top of her silver crown when she nuzzled him. He had seen the words furrow her delicate face.

"Aye, I understand, little Finley. I will never forget your invitation, nor will I forget you. I just may accept it, in spite of the situation. "

His rumbling voice had drifted off, amd he stepped back, leaving the remainder of the meat, where they lay.

"You have an amazing remainder of your day, Fin. Hopefully I will see you again, on a better day." , the brute murmured to her.

"Goodbye. "