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Firefly Glen It gets so sticky down here - Printable Version

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It gets so sticky down here - Jackalope - October 12, 2020

ATTN: Firefly Glen wolves.

Life seemed to be going by without too much disruption. All the drama he'd picked up about certain packs and certain wolves being potentially harmless not seemed like little more than gossip to him, and while the pack had lost Cupid to an enemy attack, Jackalope didn't see it as a sign that war was coming. So for him, life went on as it always had- with very little change, and very little disruption. 

Until, that is, he noticed- as he traipsed South of the Neverwinter Forest, that he found markings intentionally left behind by more than one wolf through the glen. He investigated them, and thought that he might simply mark them with his own scent, for a lark. And he as surprised to find what he thought were territorial markings in the glen- which was wedged, more or less, between Neverwinter Forest and the pack that lived on the mountain. He sniffed; things were getting a bit crowded for his taste. In the interest of finding out exactly what was going on, though, he sighed heavily, and reluctantly called out in his thin, nasal voice for a meeting with whoever it was that was claiming the glen as their own.

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Leta - October 12, 2020

She happened to be nearby, and so the chipper Leta was all too happy to meet the caller more or less at their door. Although to her the Glen had smelled mostly of Moonspear as it were, there were now several devoted to just that cause to ensure things stayed peaceful around the territory. With Mira missing, Leta did see the sense in it. One could never be too careful, and with their numbers what they were... well, it seemed the natural thing to just take over the territory Hydra had, according to @Osiris, always expressed was their hunting grounds. Unaware that this might disturb any, having assumed that was how things had been for all time, Leta arrived before the snaggle-toothed Jack with a pep in her step and a sparkle in her eye. 

Hello, she greeted with a wave of her tail, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company? She asked, ears cupped forward with interest and all too unaware that she was the only one in this party of two that was so, well, chipper about things.

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Jackalope - October 12, 2020

It would brighten Jackalope's outlook on the pack's formation considerably to see Leta approaching him. A stranger, and he was thankful for that; as his first impressions with most often left him in an unfavourable position in a second meeting. His ears flicked forward as he watched her approach across the grassy glen, her eyes the bright hazel of autumn grasses and her pelt the shade of fallen leaves on a moonless night. She cut a fine figure, and brought with her the faint scent of wild flowers. An enchanting figure which caused Jackalope's form to relax slightly, as he went from being stiff and begrudging to suddenly being interested in making himself a memorable presence. 

His demeanour shifted when she spoke, and she seemed somewhat formal- so he made note of that. Perhaps he couldn't be too forward, but it was incredibly difficult for him to refrain from his natural habits. He was flattered that she might think of his company being a pleasure- but didn't expect that to last terribly long. He still had quite a record for being chased away from pack borders. "Oh, the pleasure's mine," He said. "I came here to hunt, though; as I usually do. Nice, open, flat grounds, perfect for a solo hunt. But, it seems," Drawing in a reluctant breath, as though about to deliver some sad news, "That's no longer an option." He said. He smiled. "The view has improved, at least," He hummed, his flat grey gaze appreciating the woman who stood before him.

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Leta - October 12, 2020

Leta was surprised for his reasoning behind being here, though felt lucky it was she rather than any other that had come across him. Likely more patient than the wolves that were now her people, too, Leta's feathers were not ruffled that he had come here to hunt, it being a favored place of the Moonspearians. Warmed by his kindness despite things not going his way this day, Leta's smile grew a bit as he concluded his speech. Having never been flirted with in her own life, it went over her head that this was what he was doing... to Leta, this man was simply exceptionally kind. Charmed, Leta was happy to meet a new friend. 

What he had lost in prey he would surely make up for in their newfound friendship, Leta's heart hoped. Oh, yes—it is now in the process of being claimed. You are speaking with your first Firefly Glen wolf, she explained, eyes sparkling, which is historic, maybe, as I imagine you might be the very first wolf to learn such news... I mean, you are the first I get to share this news with, after all, her tail waved, and she introduced: I am Leta. What's your name?

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Osiris’s Ghost - October 12, 2020

Like Moonspear, Firefly Glen was widespread. He had been half-way across the territory when Jackalope called, and he realized this once he had stilled his meander to hone-in on the call from the Neverwinter resident. He felt a sense of urgency and headed off in the direction from where the howl came—heeding the stranger's request with a sense of urgency, as he did not want him to wait long. 

Thankfully, Leta had beaten him; Osiris felt surprisingly excited, as he realized this would be his first interaction as a leader. "And now you are speaking with the second," he mused, mindlessly stilling close to his packmate. "I am Osiris—leader of this glen," he introduced, his posture tall and proud. "What brings you here?"

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Jackalope - October 12, 2020

He couldn't help but feel like she was flirting with him, fairly openly. Of course, he chose to hear what he heard, and chose to amplify certain things she said, though she may or may not have intended for him to do so. She didn't look revolted by his appearance- which meant that she at least didn't mind, which then meant that she must have liked what she saw. She smiled a bit more. She laned into the conversation. She mentioned that she was his first Glen wolf, and he'd be damned if the entire world wouldn't have been blinded- at least momentarily- by the sparkle in her eyes, which were looking straight at him.

"Always an honour to be the first," He said, not bothering to hide the hungry look in his eyes until he caught sight of another pair of eyes- as verdant as summer grasses- fastened upon him with luminous intensity. He'd have to mind his manners, now- after all, he was in the presence of a leader, and one who looked as though he was fit to call himself such. He echoed Leta's question, and he felt it drained him slightly to have to explain himself again- and to a male this time. "As I was just discussing with my dear Leta," He said, casting an amicable glance her way, before flicking his flat gaze back to the beta. "I would normally be hunting here, but no need to worry yourself; crooked or not, this nose still works," He said. "The name's Jackalope, of Neverwinter Forest," He said. "I'm not sure my pack was made aware that another pack would be claiming territory so close to ours...And so close to the one that lives on that mountain, too," He said, gesturing his bent muzzle toward the peaks that rose in the distance.

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Leta - October 12, 2020

Osiris was soon to arrive, which only further improved her mood. Osiris, meet our neighbor and my newest friend, she introduced with a wan wave of her tail. He was prompt enough in offering his name, Jackalope, which was somehow fitting even though she had no idea what the word meant. Hearing he was from Neverwinter Forest made sense; Leta was also aware that there was a stretch of the Glen that Moonspear, out of the kindness of their hearts, did not mind the Forest wolves hunting on in more fruitful seasons. Leta imagined even still that stretch of it was boundary enough between Glen wolf and Forest-dweller, and they were close enough to it for her to understand the confusion while still having ample berth between the boundaries. 

No, I imagine not yet given we've only just begun the process of it all. That crooked nose is in better order than most, when it comes to catching that, she recognized. More than that, Jackalope was of good enough character to respect that much too even despite the newness of their claim. He must be of decent stock, which was rare. She continued, in any case, peering to Osiris with a wave of her tail: well, they do not mind at least—we are one and the same, in a way. With the influx of spies, and killers, and kidnappers... well, we mean to give them one less place to hurt others, and hopefully determine who they are before someone else gets hurt, if they do seek to pass through here, though the last bit was easier said than done. An extra set of eyes to permanently look after the Glen. Several, actually.

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Osiris’s Ghost - October 12, 2020

Jackalope was quick to stir ire within Osiris—which felt as though his heart had hulk-smashed right of his chest. Even though he had initially startled, he calmed shortly thereafter, as he took a long look at the stranger. All of Leta's friends, Osiris was quick to deduce, were super-duper ugly, and this guy was no exception— his bent nose and snaggle tooth was doing him no favors. Osiris was further pacified by Leta's introduced Jackalope as a "friend"; that's all he would ever be. "Jackalope," Osiris said, echoing the stranger's name in greeting. "I'm glad that you were so promptly greeted my packmate. Thank you, Leta," He said with a genuine smile, glancing at his friend. 

"This glen will be used by both my pack and Moonspear," he confirmed, once she had stoped talking. "Like Leta said, we've only just begun the process of marking our borders. I wanted to get my group established in the territory before meeting Simmik and Mal," he added.

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Jackalope - October 12, 2020

It was as though Leta was reading Jackalope like a well-loved, hand-worn book, and reading out loud without even needing to glance down at the text. She expressed the same amount of familiarity with him that he had with her, and it stroked his ego to feel that she was reciprocating his friendliness, which he interpreted as being flirtation. How he wished, though, that this Osiris hadn't come along- he would have been able to savour the moment and potentially push for more than what he could with a leader present. And while Jackalope might not have been the most clever wolf in the woods, he did note with a quirk of one eyebrow that Osiris made a possessive emphasis on his claim of Leta as his...Packmate. Was this jealousy? Jackalope did love to play with fire. 

And she'd eben paid (what he believed was) a compliment to his nose. This was going very well. 

Well, as well as it could, considering there was now a pack in the place where he used to hunt jackrabbits. He wasn't entirely sure how to take Leta's comment on being 'one-and-the-same' as the wolves he'd referenced, and she seemed to hint that their claim on the Geln could be of benefit, potentially, to the wolves of Neverwinter as well- as it would mean that there would be extra guardians keeping an eye out for all the rumoured killers that had spread through the land like a disease. He flicked an ear. Yes, he was aware that they existed, though having had little personal experience with them, he wasn't entirely certain it was something he had to worry about. 

It was interesting to him, then, to hear that Osiris cleared up his momentary confusion, stating in fact that they were of Moonspear, and that they were indeed laying claim and that they certainly had not approached his leaders. "Ahhh, Osiris," He said slyly with a dry laugh that rattled in his chest. "So you are telling me you would rather beg forgiveness than ask permission?" He questioned. There was something patronizing in his voice, for sure- this yearling buck and his lovely young doe had made a choice that made Jackalope wonder exactly how Mal and Simmik would react to the news. "You're putting me in an awfully awkward position; I hate being the messenger, see...Messengers are often damned, you know; but I can't exactly go about playing dumb now that I've got gossip," He said. He flicked his tongue across his teeth. "Unless there were something in it for me."

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Leta - October 22, 2020

A bit oblivious to the two men who seemed to contest whose she was, Leta's gaze turned toward Osiris as she smiled at him upon seeing his own. Jackalope spoke again, and Leta looked to him once more. If messengers are often damned, then you better not damn yourself, she huffed, though there was no ingenuity in her voice there. Leta did in fact like Jackalope, and he seemed nice enough... but once he finished speaking, she saw that his words were meant in a not-so-friendly way. 

That was disheartening. 

Something in it for him? If not being damned isn't enough, I don't know what is, she quipped, tail twitching nervously. In any event... Leta was tired of existence where there was always the threat of something somewhere. Ursus at Easthollow, and what, did Jackalope wish to hang something over their heads here? Anyway, taking things rather lightly, Leta hummed, well, I suppose my friendship is sufficient. So that will have to do, Jackalope, and you have no say in the matter, she decided, stepping towards him and lifting her head to squint at him with a playful sort of levelness. She had grown quite tired of having enemies; could they not simply be friends? She looked back to Osiris with a wan little smile, as though to say let's give this a try.

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Osiris’s Ghost - October 22, 2020

Jackalope's threat caused resentment to creep up his spine, and the fine hairs along his nape became quill-like. Osiris was grateful for Leta and her tactful grace, and it soothed him enough to allow him to approach the situation rationally. 

"And, there should be no reason why you should be damned being the messenger in this situation," he drawled, meeting Jackalope's eyes with a hard stare. "Hydra has already informed Mal of our expansion into the glen, so our presence here shouldn't come as much of a surprise." It seemed like the discussion between Moonspear and Neverwinter's leaders had not been relayed to the forest's subordinates. 

Although he loathed hearing his beloved be so kind to their neighbor, he respected her silent wish. "If you have any issues, I will talk to Mal myself," he offered.

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Jackalope - October 22, 2020

<3 Last post from me. Happy quick-formation threaddddlinggggg!

Neither of them seemed to get his point, which made Jackalope sigh. Apparently, his attempt at using fake leverage in order to get a free pass to continue hunting in the Glen hadn't worked. They saw through what was a thinly veiled threat, and he shrugged one shoulder. These wolves seemed to know Mal better than he did, and Osiris even claimed that he'd already mentioned their new establishment to Mal already. "Wellen. News doesn't travel as fast as I thought it did," He said. Mal already knew about Moonspear claiming the Glen? Why wasn't he informed?

...If he thought about it for even a moment, he would've realized that he wasn't exactly on a need to know basis, and given his solitary temperment...If anyone in the pack was to be the last to find out something, it would have been him. 

"Then I'll just have to find Mal myself and see why I wasn't informed. I like to hunt here," He said, a mild complaint present in his tone. This was disappointing; with the damage to his muzzle from his last fight, he'd lost a good amount of both crushing pressure and range of motion with his jaw, and he was restricted to small prey such as rabbits and fish. Now, the area he'd found easiest to hunt in, was claimed. Regardless- Leta had stepped forward with what he assumed was a flirty look in her gaze, and he was content to take what he could from that. "Of course, Leta darling," He said, and as he turned to go he took one step closer to her- if nothing else, then to gauge Osiris reaction if he thought for one moment that Jackalope intended to touch her. "I'll be off then; things to do, you know. Ta-ta for now," He said, with a flick of his tail, and picked up a rangy trot which would take him back to Neverwinter Forest where he'd likely contemplate the new information for some time before reporting to Mal.

RE: It gets so sticky down here - Leta - October 27, 2020

Leta simply smiled at that, finding no issue in him bringing it up to his leader. It wasn't something that had ever been hidden, by them or by Hydra she was sure. So she nodded, and offered a look that wasn't quite apologetic to the latter point; she was not sorry for what they did, given the necessity of it. So do spies and pupnappers from time to time, evidently, she shuddered at that, and thought to add: oh! If you do talk to Mal... There is a girl that has not been seen for some days. Hydra's daughter, Mira... if you see her, or if Mal has, could you let us know? she asked. More eyes out there were all the better, and Neverwinter might see something they did not—who knew? But as far as Leta was concerned, she thought that the Wilderness had one anothers back in the matter of innocents. 

Assuming he agreed to that point as well, Leta echoed, ta-ta, without any measure of sass, simply liking the sound of it. Once he left and was out of earshot, Leta turned back to Jackalope with a quirk of her brow and a smirk. He was interesting, wasn't he? she laughed, though sensed the disquiet in her emerald-eyed leader. Moving to bump his chin with her nose to comfort, she withdrew when a strange feeling overcame her. It wasn't the same as comforting her brother or father or mother, that feeling, and she looked away and said, I know you might not like him very much, but... I'll take the heat for him, okay? I think... it might be okay to try and befriend him first. Maybe he's just misunderstood. And if he's awful, well... well, she would trust his instinct forevermore. Not that she didn't, but Leta didn't like the idea of enemies and how many she already had. Leta, unlike Osiris, was still learning the way of things. Whether he agreed or disagreed, he at least did not fight with her then and there on the matter; dizzied by the unsettling, but not bad, feeling she had she darted ahead and said, let's... keep patrolling! before springing off to keep at it, Osiris at her heels.