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King Elk Forest We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Printable Version

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We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Célnes - October 12, 2020

She was satisfied how it was turning out. Their scent heavily lingered in the forest, and perhaps will stray away from the unwanted wolves. Though.. There was also a few, unwanted wolves within the group. Much to her dismay, she had to give Calhoun a deserving rank for what he had accomplished. 

As a King, the best interest was the people; but also create an image for herself. It was part of the important aspect of running this new group. Célnes could only shake her head at the disaster of changing the rules, to the devouts who refused to see change. Especially one, that had caused trouble.

Raking through the forest at midnight, fire-lit eyes glanced at her brother. Antlers hung to her neck, one onto the floor as she slide the holy remain toward Cenric. A knowing glance;

that it was time.

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Cenric - October 12, 2020

When the choir came to hush and the forest was silent, Cenric stood by his sister’s side. An antler fits perfectly around her neck. It makes her look strong. A proud, brotherly smile spreads on his face. The look suits you.

He started down upon the second half that was pushed towards him. Such a powerful object, these antlers. When he was a boy he would’ve never expected to wear them around his neck, and yet there he was, pulling them over his head.

The antlers made Célnes look strong. They made Cenric look like a god. The feeling they gave him slowly flowed through his veins, and got faster as he turned to look at his sister.

Let’s find her.

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Rohesia - October 12, 2020

stomping amongst the grasses with that familiar crazed grin, rohesia puffed as she carried a sickly rabbit in her mouth she hoped would nest and fester in the open wound that was kingslend, their own so-called kings. but she would never call them that. never. ever. never. never —

she was on her way to the river when the siblings cam upon her and her secret — donning antlers over their shoulders. those were HERS. SHE deserved the crown, not them. never. ever. never. never. never,

"this is yours," she hisses as she throws the rabbit at them. "your land, your food. i am taking a stance against you, and challenging celnes for her crown. and you next, you pompus overgrown mouse. the high elk has spoken threw an omen you chose to ignore, but you cannot ignore me. not now."

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Célnes - October 12, 2020

"It takes me back. However this time, we are decorated." The sister heavily referenced to the time in their old home, when they commited an unforgivable act together. The two seemed intertwined in these ways, always ending up together to preform what they believed was right.

Matching. Antler to antler, and thoughts aligned. They did not need to even go far to find troublemaker, for the woman came forth, and threw a rabbit to their feet. She growled and yelled, claiming the throne and challeing her, not Cenric. As Célnes had particular issues with her, it was a perfect moment.

She held such a smile, filled with warmth and love as the Deorwine circled her cousin so, "A beautiful night, is it not?"

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Cenric - October 12, 2020

So much has changed since the first time they’ve committed such an act. They were young then, new to collaboration on this scale. Their uncle had been eradicated, and no one had found out, but the possibility always loomed over them. This time they need not worry about consequences. They were stronger now, smarter, and wore a sign of their god around their necks. This time the job would be clean.

His face morphs back into its signature neutrality as his cousin comes storming in, throwing food and spouting nonsense. She’s worse than he thought. Cenric wouldn’t be surprised if the bastard lept for his sister’s throat then and there. The corner of his mouth twitched ever so slightly. 

He glanced at Célnes, searching her face for any sort of sign. She was smiling. Not yet, he thought.

It is, isn’t it? Cenric turned back to the russet woman. Let’s not ruin it with conflict. Rohesia, walk with us. We can be civil.

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Rohesia - October 18, 2020

cenric was turing his lure into a problem he wanted no part of, as rohesia was anything but civil when it came to the matters of revenge. her disowned cousins were calculating in a plot, but if they wanted a clashing it'd be where she desired. "i issued the challenge. we'll do it right here, bastard."

and with a snaking strike rohesia goes for célnes, a glint of murderous desire and feverent joy; agleam.

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Célnes - October 18, 2020

Her cousin, Rohesia, had made her bed. If she was just as respectful as Eadwulf, maybe life would've been different. Just as devout, but often filled with anger and malice, any action against her cousin, was the equivalent of something against her God, as any dispute was met with hatred.

Célnes would hope her cousin would expect this one day, but knowing how dull her mind was, it was a small possibility. Instead did she offer herself on a platter for the two Kings, a desire for the crown that she, specifically held.

Though if Rohesia wanted the crown so much, well, she was willing to oblidge.

The antlers upon her neck were such relics, that many Deorwines kept them closely. As her cousin spun to attack, she too whipped her body in a direction, where her cousin would directly be impaled by the same horns she so wanted.

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Cenric - October 19, 2020

Peace was not an option for their cousin. She craved power and blood. Savage, he labeled her then and there. A savage brute, lost in madness. Beasts like this needed to be put down, for their insanity is contagious. Cenric would not allow this disease to spread through Kingslend.

Rohesia lunged.
Cenric slipped behind her.
Célnes turned in a way where the crown’s thorns faced her attacker.

Their deranged cousin flew at the King in slow motion. Cenric waited for just the right moment, until she was just close enough, to rear up on his back legs. Then he came down onto her back with all the force he could muster.

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Rohesia - October 28, 2020

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: gore!

somewhere far off, a thousand threads unsnarl and bucks clash their tines together in hopes of a harem this winter.

first, she feels her lower half is pockmarked with every shard tool she'd ever known, swiss cheese' d on her back as well. she's shuddering, shaking like the quakes that panged in the teekon moons ago. hacking. hacking spider-like tendrils of crimson and midnight. 

pierced. cheated. defeated.

gnarled knives twist the steaming flesh of her face, she definitely has lost the function of something in there. staggering, rohesia toes into loam for balance like a quivering long yew bow yet to shoot. rage, is all she describe the thoughts her in head. when she looked them smirking at their deeds all she —

rage. rage. rage. rage.

make way her senses stay, whatever is left, leave and die anywhere else. she wouldn't allow herself to be a corpse here, or better yet, she survived and came back to eat the throats of everyone in kingslend. 

beware of spring.

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Célnes - November 01, 2020

A low laughter rung out from Celnes as she watched her dear cousin flee with the trail of scarlet following behind; a beautiful red carpet presented for the kings, as she stepped a soft paw toward the stain within the earth.

autumn eyes watching her flee into the forest, a body to fallen into the earth on a later date. She did not give chase, seeing as the wounds enough would be the end of her fate. Spring, was just something to look forward to, and something, her cousin may never see.

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Cenric - November 08, 2020

A symbol of the High Elk pierced his devoted follower. How ironic, Cenric thought with a twisted smile, how tragic. Stabbed in the gut by your god... that should break her spirit. He hoped her mind was unraveling as she bled out. He hoped whatever sanity she had left would wither away as she lay dying elsewhere. He hoped she’d see the faces of the Déorwine Kings as she drew her final breath, and regret ever thinking about hurting his sister for eternity.

A part of him wished to watch Rohesia’s downward spiral towards death. He chased after her for a few moments, fueled by a rush of adrenaline (a similar rush he felt with Clarence), before stopping short. Watching her perish sounded entertaining but—his eyes followed the trail of blood—he could not let desire cloud his senses.

What a mess she’s made. Cenric turned his head towards his sister, but his eyes were fixed on the place his cousin disappeared. 

I’ll tidy up. Hide the blood with dirt. Cover the scent in piss just for good measure. It’d be a long process but a necessary one. Keep the others busy will you? Wouldn’t want anyone interrupting me.

RE: We stir up the truth, but it's never to harm, steeped in - Célnes - November 09, 2020

Célnes was swimming in the moment, looking at the stains left onto the ground, a carpet leading far away from the King Elk Forest, and away from her precious God. Unholy as they claim, at the moment the littermates were truly the devils of the Deorwine family. Those of a white pelt were claimed to be such evils, but she knew in reality, it was but the heart of the wolf, that claimed such darkness.

The fellow King nodded, she disappeared in the shadows, diverging any who went to Cenric's way.