Wolf RPG
Sawtooth Spire Where have you gone - Printable Version

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Where have you gone - Taikon - October 13, 2020

Anyone ;)
The border of the Sagtannets seemed faded, even dead. Taikon's nose was bent to the base of the mountain, inhaling its scent, concerned. He had not properly visited the territory in some time. He had not been ready to face the possibility of others while he had resided in and near the mountains. He had never ventured anywhere near pack territories in the Sunspires until one day, he noticed that a particular marker just outside the boundaries of the Sagtannets had become old and never renewed.
The prince had no real knowledge of who they were apart from @Takiyok's stories. He cared much more about her story and what had happened to her than what might have happened to her pack.
And so the prince of nothing entered the Sawtooth Spire, knowing well that it had once belonged to wolves that had saved his friend from certain death. He ventured further up the slopes to find the remnants of food caches, and even a den site that had not been used since the prior season. The whole time, he looked about him, searching for some sign of where they might have gone.
He knew that it was likely, given the proximity, the Saints had forced them out.

RE: Where have you gone - Benry - October 13, 2020

he watched the wolf from afar, not registering just how CREEPY that was. he was curious of course, he hadn't seen a wolf take this much interest in a place before. you'd think that benry would know by now that wolves are often afraid of mountain lions and regard them with suspicion, but benry was a special boy.

after a few moments of watching the wolf, he eventually slunk down from his elevated position to approach it, his tail flicking idly. whatchaaaa.... he smacked his lips together, taking his time talking. whatcha sniffing for?

RE: Where have you gone - Taikon - October 17, 2020

The smell was unmistakeable. Taikon's hackles rose. His body tightened. He ignited into a beast on the defensive. The animal had slunk down from a ridge he had not seen. Expertly, the creature had sat upwind of him and the prince had not detected it. His lips went to lift, and then..
A voice like a confused teenager hit him, deep and goofy. The wolf's posture relaxed some. He stood strong. Actually I was looking for a pack of wolves that lived here until recently, he explained, staring directly at the snake-eyed animal's gaze. Do you know where they went?

RE: Where have you gone - Benry - October 28, 2020

nnnnn, he began, thinking. his brain almost immediately went towards no, but then he thought about it. i think, uhhh, they moved? when it was, uhh, rainin that deluge ($100 word for benry) had messed with his brain and concept of time. so many long gray days made it hard for him to distinguish whether or not a day had passed. dunno where. he shrugged.

RE: Where have you gone - Taikon - October 29, 2020

The cat's voice once more seemed to relax Taikon, who had never met an animal who behaved in this way. The lion was a powerful beast, yet he seemed quite nonchalant about the whole thing. When Taikon had been ready for a battle, the cat merely explained that he had no idea where the missing pack had gone. The prince figured it likely didn't matter much to him.
Right, he said, wanting to be annoyed that the feline didn't know what had happened, but still nervous that the wrong move would end in disaster. Taikon didn't know what he was supposed to say to the animal. He took a breath, standing tall and firm. I was looking for a friend; I was hoping she was still here. The explanation was mostly him voicing it aloud. The lion, after all, had asked why he'd been sniffing about.

RE: Where have you gone - Benry - October 30, 2020

oh man, he said, a tinge of somberness creeping into his monotonous voice. he knew the feeling, after all. no words, no explanation, just abandonment and loneliness. i hope you, uhhh, find em. he began licking a paw, redirecting whatever emotions were surfacing to an action. he looked up suddenly, thinking of something. you umm, know what they look like? he was blepping, but he didn't care. i, iiii live up here, so maybe i saw 'em.

RE: Where have you gone - Taikon - October 31, 2020

The predator was aloof and uncaring. He seemed to be altogether through with the encounter, and at some point Taikon felt it might be right to leave. However, the feline seemed not done with him yet. After his lingering and unconstructive talk, the cat continued with something more useful. A question. Simple.

She looks a bit like me, actually. If I remember right she was a little smaller than me, and her eyes were more reddish. You know, orange-y, he described. Really, Takiyok could easily have been his sister, so similar were they. Taikon blamed this at least partially on the strong push toward overbreeding that the Farukan royal family had had for so many generations. He thought it unlikely the strange cat had spotted his friend, but it was worth a shot.

RE: Where have you gone - Benry - November 01, 2020

benry was a bit hard of hearing, but he was good at the whole sight thing. he flicked his ears as he listened to what the wolf was saying, and found that it helped him focus a bit. neat. iif, if i see 'em, i'll tell 'em you were, uhhh, lookin. he said. and he meant it. y'know if they, uhhh, listen. wouldn't surprise him if this wolf the other was looking for would freak out at the sight of him. no telling how badly they would, but he bet it was going to happen.

RE: Where have you gone - Taikon - November 02, 2020

While Taikon was glad to have found that the mountain lion was willing to cooperate, the entire encounter was unexpected and strange to him. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to act. What should he say?
Thanks, he said carefully, gold eyes flashing toward the cat's curious snake-like gaze. He was a formidable critter, but the idea that others that met him might not listen caught Taikon. He blinked. He realized at once that in fact he had been on the defensive, and this relaxed him further. He knew that this beast would not hurt him, probably. He seemed easy going. He seemed, oddly, like a person.
You uh, Taikon said, I appreciate that. The sentence felt awkward. He didn't like it. He felt awkward. The prince was in front of an animal that could kill him, but didn't.

RE: Where have you gone - Benry - November 08, 2020

nooo prob brooo, benry trilled, glad to be thanked. he grinned proudly, like a child would after finishing their chores and getting a treat. he didn't think the wolf would go so far as to grant him any thing in return, but it was nice to have a good relationship with wolves. they didn't have to be scared of him all the time. im gonna, gonna go. you good? with that? he figured the wolf would be ok with it, not to have a mountain lion staring him down. even if he was being nice, he figured he was still spookin him.

RE: Where have you gone - Taikon - November 10, 2020

As quickly as the mountain lion had changed Taikon's mind, he decided that he was off. The pallid prince wondered if this was a common occurrence; the cat must have often encountered those like him that didn't understand the cats as thinking and feeling creatures. By comparison, Tai must have seemed quite brutish.
The prince nodded slowly. He regarded the beast differently now. Where before he treated cougars as something like killing machines, now he thought that maybe he was wrong in general. This surprised him. The Farukans had long prided themselves in knowledge, and part of that was knowing as much about their native flora and fauna as possible. Taikon had learned only about the cats' appearance and diet. He knew little of what their behaviour. He felt humbled to have learned something new.
As the lion took his leave, Taikon blinked, feeling almost disoriented. If he had been wrong about mountain lions, what else was he carrying that was untrue?