Wolf RPG
Suggestion thread in Help Desk? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Suggestion thread in Help Desk? (/showthread.php?tid=44442)

Suggestion thread in Help Desk? - Paladin - October 22, 2020

Would it be possible to make a pinned thread for forum suggestions in the Help Desk?

It would be for topics like this, that, or this, which are mainly ideas for the site overall, rather than questions about it. They're treated fundamentally different, in that these "propositions" don't often have an immediate or searchable response, nor can they be resolved by regular members, which seems to occasionally leave them unanswered. This never appears intentional, but the impression that these thoughtful suggestions have been overlooked can be exacerbated when they're placed among questions that are more easily answered.

A separate thread - specifically for discussing and sharing systems that the community wishes to improve on - might help these topics be more visible for everyone involved.