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King Elk Forest On the outside we look proper and prim but we - Printable Version

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On the outside we look proper and prim but we - Célnes - October 26, 2020

perhaps @Zephrine ?

There as plenty of the unholy and unblessed within Kingslend. More particulary they held shame to those of white, for an example of Whitney's disgust, but the absence Fern and Melba; two who normally kept to themselves and away from the rest. Of course, the Deorwine only remembered them in particular, but there was surely plenty more within the old home.

Then there was the lesser kinds, like Zephrine. She was cursed to be what many said was 'ugly,' for her bright reddish legs, and the curesly gray cloak upon her back. Célnes could only hope her distant cousin remembered she didn't induldge in the teasing and taunting; for the King didn't care too much on the appearence wise. Otherwise, she wouldn't be accepted into the new home.

Wariness toward the pelts, but she didn't hold the true repulse like the other devouts; so she will continue claiming, anyway.

By Firefly Step, did she lay in peace, gently listening to the small waterfalls that endlessly dropped.

RE: On the outside we look proper and prim but we - Zephrine - October 26, 2020

A day off was not common for Zephrine, who kept herself occupied as soon as she was welcomed back among her people. Better to keep herself off the radar, away from the attention of those that might target her. She spent a lot of her time exploring the claim as well as the forest around it.

That morning she had dug out and then filled a few new caches, stuffing rabbits and voles and small birds inside as she caught them. It took her most of the afternoon to complete her task; the task left her winded and with sore shoulders. It would be nice to take a breather and maybe wash the mud from between her toes - so she headed towards the falls.

When she got there, she was so focused on reaching one of the small pools to dip her feet in, that she didn't even see the King. She flattened on to her belly with her front limbs sloshing in to the water, reaching and spreading her digits, and let out a deep sigh as the cool water spread across her willowy wrists. Upon opening her eyes again she was smiling to herself, but then - out of the corner of her eye - she thought she saw a familiar shape.

A swarthy warm shape, with a sharp face, noble bearing, and -- Oh. That was the King. What was the King doing here? If it were possible for Zephrine to bleach as white as a summer cloud, she would have. One by one she withdrew her filthy paws from the water and loafed atop them in the manner of a cat, dropping her eyes away from Celnes immediately.

Meekly she stammered: Good.. Good afternoon, Highness. My majesty -- your, I mean. H-hello.

RE: On the outside we look proper and prim but we - Célnes - October 26, 2020

"Please cousin," she could only shake her head and let out a gentle laughter, "call me Célnes. We are not at the old home, anymore." It was a hint toward the olden customs, were not as rigid as they once were. Especially, since the two while extremely distant, she knew somewhere along the line- they were related.

"Are you enjoying the forest?" Despite the nerves Zephrine had, she held the cat-like smile and asked with an ease.

RE: On the outside we look proper and prim but we - Zephrine - October 26, 2020

oh, y-yes—Celnes. Sorry. Um. She sounded so unsure, and felt so small. Of course Zephrine would feel small in this moment, she was when compared to the King. This woman with a luxurious coat of warm brown, so blessed, so perfect. It was hard for the trotter to keep a level head.

She nodded emphatically to the question though. Very much so, yes! Its... Its so very much like home, y'know before the... fire. Her voice dimmed when she recalled that horrific, destructive force as it had rolled through their home. The smell of the air - the heat, the weight of it.

How are.. things, with you and, the others, and um... Can I do anything? Do you need... anything?

RE: On the outside we look proper and prim but we - Célnes - November 01, 2020

Her cousin was always one to stutter, even if they never talked too much, she only remembered the other as so. That, and the scornful look of other Deorwine's to the 'ugly' Zephrine. Such a mismatch of colors, to the legs and hood, "Perhaps it is the High Elk led us here, for it is similar as so."  The forests here were very similar to Kingslend, even the mountains were like so. Home was so big, and now they resorted to fleeing in such a.. Small, territory.

"I am fine, for it's a blessing to be able to reunite everyone like this." She had a usual speal of the High Elk, even if Célnes wasn't a firm believer of him. She of course held belief as so, but didn't hold as firmly as some. Curses of pelts, and the shame of the mixture, she too held a wariness over, for the doctrine of Deorwine origin was still deep within; but she also at times thought to be a shame.

It was hard in these lands, for not many held the blessed pelt.

"What are you goo at, Zephrine?" If she wanted to be put into some use, the King needed to know if she had specific skillset.

(note; old home was similar to yellowstone and just as big)