Wolf RPG
Raven's Watch If I had a heart - Printable Version

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If I had a heart - Stjornuati - October 31, 2020


The call went up, searching for the yearling that had joined the small band of wolves by way of @Akai. He wanted to teach her this day, to impart the ways of healing to her, if she was so inclined to learn. There was always a chance that she would hold no interest in such things but Stjornuati had an inkling, a hunch; the child collected bones and other such things, things that were not quite normal to these Wilds.

He would sit now, among the forest and wait for the little bone collector, wondering what @Solpallur and @Meadow were up to this day.

RE: If I had a heart - Minah - November 05, 2020

The young wolf was far from certain about the new….friends….her father had made as of late. They were...well meaning she supposed but after having spent what seemed like an eternity in his company alone, the change was one she hadn’t foreseen. Despite her own reservations regarding the newcomers, when one of their calls was carried on the wind, she couldn’t help but adhere to it. After all, it was only polite, wasn’t it? 

Her approach, however, was a slow and meticulous one. A glance over her fur, a quick roll in fresh leaves, all things to make herself look presentable, all things to keep from reflecting poorly on Akai. In the end that was all that mattered wasn’t it? These were his acquaintances. His...friends? She forced a warm smile on her maw as she breached the thicket, spotting a golden wolf sitting amongst the trees. He was still like a statue but despite that she couldn’t help but silently envy him. His height, his fur, even his golden gaze. They were all things of beauty weren’t they? To be golden? Pristine in appearance? She bit back the sudden wave of doubt that hit her then. When was the last time she had doubted her own fur’s beauty? 

She swallowed hard as she stepped forward, lowering her head so that the tip of her nose barely made contact with the lush earth. No. No. Now was not the time for such thoughts. She had to be a respectful and kind host. She had to be. These wolves were like them, at least that was what Akai had said, “A good day to you sir, I hope your hunts have been many, and any wounds healed quickly by the gods above.” A respectful greeting, “You...you called?”

RE: If I had a heart - Stjornuati - November 07, 2020

The little creature of stark colors appeared after some time, though his wait remained short and unbothered. The wolf of the North would watch her then, tracking the fall of her head, the brush of her nose with the grass of the forest, noting it all as stiff and formal. Stjornuati was unused to such stiff and formal behavior; the wolves of Stormhaven Keep were wild things, hedonistic and epicurean in their ways, agrarian and unrefined in their manners. They had greeted each other with teeth and claws, always careful to not draw blood of their brothers and sisters. The way Minah bent to the ground was foreign and unnatural to him.

Minah needs not to bow or be brittle like old branch, He offered, the intent of his words an invitation for her to relax a touch. Akai í Hrafnsjáandi told this one of your interests in beinin? Bones? This one is wanting to know of Minah's other interests. Minah's talents. It was the way of their upbringing, for adults to assist in the growth and training of the young and while Minah was no pup, he was still willing to assist if he had an avenue to do so.

RE: If I had a heart - Minah - November 07, 2020

She raised a brow at his...peculiar way of speaking but took note of his words nonetheless, offering the large male a relieved sigh. It was never certain how a wolf would take to another, if any misstep would be considered a slight against one’s person. It was a stressful thing, one she didn’t quite care for but was willing to do nonetheless. “Thank you.” While her posture loosened she did not entirely drop the act…at least not until he mentioned her interests. 

A wave of embarrassment washed over her then, the thought of Akai telling strangers of her odd doings causing her to smile awkwardly. Beinin, yes...?” The other’s choice of words felt foreign on her tongue but she did her best to articulate them the same ways he had. She didn’t dare tackle Hrafns….Hrafnsjá? Was that a good thing to call Akai? He...he seemed well intentioned enough... “We’ve always had birds by our side, Akai and I, and it felt only natural to respect the fallen ones for all those still carried by the wind do to ensure our safety.” Whatever unease or doubt she’d had bubbling in her chest slowly slipped away the longer she spent in his company, her tone more confident, her steps closer a little more daring. “I tend to them, provide them with the occasional offering, and ask for guidance when needed.” Something about the newcomer’s interest in her hobbies made her believe that perhaps he would not offer barking laughter at her antics. “Uhm...I suppose I also pick at plants and mushrooms, things like that? Mostly to see what can be eaten and what can’t. I know Akai wont always bring food home and I can’t exactly hunt just yet, ‘least not properly. It never hurts to have something in your belly on a cold day. Plus, if I were to get lost I’d rather….well, not starve.” She paused for a moment in her words, head tilting curiously, “Is there something you want me to help you look for? I’ve helped with finding bones before! If you explain what a plant or something of the sort looks like I can probably spot it? My vision isn’t as pristine as that of the owl but I still am a wolf, I have my other senses to care for me. I’m good at finding toads too.”

RE: If I had a heart - Stjornuati - November 13, 2020

The loss of tension in her body was clearly noticeable, a small twist tugging at the corner of the man's mouth with the knowledge that he could provide her at least some small comfort. It was not a full smile, such an expression rare upon the northern wolf's countenance, but it was an indication of his acceptance to her body language all the same.

What he was not prepared for, however, was the whirlwind of words that came from the little yearling, a good number of which he did not understand. Even the ones he did understand were spoken so quickly and surrounded by so many others that he could not help but blink rather stupidly at her, not because he felt she was stupid but because of the rare occasion that he did.

By some small measure, the blonde wolf at least understood one of the last questions she posed, giving a shake of his head in response. This one does not seek help but offer, if Minah wishes to learn. This one can Minah to heal.