Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Printable Version

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the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Shadow - September 05, 2014

@Crëyr :D

It was late afternoon and the silver outrider was doing his job, patrolling the soon to be borders of the pack. His gaze scanning the area in front of him warily as he walked, intruders were not tolerated, potential members were to be analyzed and examined. The pack would soon be established on these lands, but he needed strong, fit and loyal followers and today, he was out to find them.

He was careful not to venture too far from the Bypass, feeling the need to check on Paar to see if she was alright and to protect her if that need ever came. He lifted his head up to sniff the air, trying to see if there were any wolf scents around. Any Creek wolf scents who might have followed him, any loner, scents of potential members.

RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Crëyr - September 05, 2014

Crëyr has been travelling as a lone wolf for a while now. Perhaps it was time to join a pack again.

The female, with her piercing blue eyes alert and aware, trudged through the blades of green grass, scattering a few bundles of leaves as she went, the warm afternoon sun shining lazily down. Except for a few fluffy clouds scattered around here and there, the sky was a clear blue, and was Crëyr's definition of a perfect day.

Abruptly, she stopped short when she sensed something a short distance away from her. A gentle flare of her nostrils brought the unfamiliar scent of the strange wolf towards her.

She began to move towards the scent, her eyes flashing here and there, to and fro. Perhaps this wolf came from a pack, a pack she could join.

RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Shadow - September 06, 2014

Keen silver gaze caught sight of a loner, a female one with dark gray fur and piercing blue eyes. He stopped in his path, his tail rising slightly, his head raised and ears pricked showing that he was of a high rank or would be and his stance demanded some kind of subordination. Dipping her head, crouching down and lowering her tail would do if she wanted to join the Bypass, that is. He flashed her a faint smirk although his platinum gaze remained as cold and calculating as ever.

"What brings you here to Noctisardor Bypass?" he spoke in a calm, soft voice, tilting his head slightly to the left as he did so. His tail rose higher into the air as he spoke, but it wasn't an aggressive stance, although it would probably change into one if this female did not show respect and subordination. He was fair to both genders and did not go soft on the females. After all, back in his old pack, females were formidable fighters and excellent healers. Some even better than males, he didn't need to go easy on them.

RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Crëyr - September 15, 2014

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Crëyr stopped short when she saw the male wolf, his ethereal silver fur glowing gold in the warm sunlight. His head was raised, his matching silvery eyes trained on hers.
He was definitely a wolf of high status. Possibly even the leader of a pack.
Slowly she descended on all fours, flattening her ears and dipping her head. Her blue eyes were fixed on the yellowing grass, slowly flickering from a blade to another. She caught sight of a colourful butterfly as it flew past, its thin wings carrying itself smoothly across the breeze.
"I came here to seek for a pack," she said, gentle yet firm at the same time. Even though her head was lowered, she could still see the silver wolf as her eyes were turned upwards.

RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Shadow - September 15, 2014

He watched with steely platinum eyes as the female flattened her ears and dipped her head, at least she knew about respect. That was the first step to getting accepted into the Bypass. He did not tolerate slackers or disrespectful idiots. "I came here to seek for a pack," she said, her blue eyes looking at him. He stared straight back at her, willing her to avoid eye contact with him as it would mean that she was challenging him and that was disrespect however he did not dwell on that, at least just yet. If she still didn't avoid eye contact later......

He canted his head in a birdlike manner, a faint smirk gracing his lips as he looked at her. "Lucky for you, I am the Praetor of Noctisardor Bypass. If you wish to join us, you must have something to offer us in return. I do not tolerate slackers here." he smiled coldly, the glint in his eye gleaming as he looked at her, pausing for a moment to let the information sink in.

"If you wish to join us, I must ask you what are your strengths? What do you do well at? What can you offer the pack in return for the sanctuary and safety we give you when you join us? And what are your weaknesses." the last question had always been a trick, wanting to see if the other was honest and willing to trust their packmates. Trust was very important.

RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Crëyr - September 18, 2014

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Crëyr maintained her position and slowly lowered her gaze so that they were staring directly at the grass before her. She listened attentively as the grey wolf opened his mouth and spoke."Lucky for you, I am the Praetor of Noctisardor Bypass. If you wish to join us, you must have something to offer us in return. I do not tolerate slackers here. If you wish to join us, I must ask you what are your strengths? What do you do well at? What can you offer the pack in return for the sanctuary and safety we give you when you join us? And what are your weaknesses."
His voice was cool, calm, collected, tinged with something she wasn't clear of. Immediately she formulated a response.
"My name is Crëyr Dale. I am a two year old female and I come from the woods of Wales, or Cymru , we call our home country. I have the ability to use my wit and intelligence before settling on pure, raw, stubborn strength, as I think my way through acting. There will be another brain to your pack, you see, Alpha.
"I will be able to assist you as my versatility is promising. My weaknesses are a lesser, yet still, greater part of me. Occasionally you will see my emotions get the better of me. Occasionally you will see me suspicious, questioning everybody's motives. Occasionally you will see me dumping full weight onto one's shoulders. I strive hard to do the best of my ability. In the end, Alpha, it is you and the pack you are leading who will give me a completely new insight and bring me up to another stage of my life."

RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Shadow - September 19, 2014

Hover over the latin words for translations, also I'm assuming she doesn't understand or know latin so she will just hear a bunch of gibberish.

Wales, his expression remained cold and impassive, his eyes steely and calculating but inside his heart was beating quickly. Wales she said, that was where Cadfael had came from. A warrior prince of wales, by the sea, even if he would never admit it. He missed the jet-black welsh, wishing for his company, the way he always called him a stupid stubborn idiot. He missed his best friend, someone who was like a brother to him after Flame and Ice left. If only he knew that Cadfael was only a few days away, living in Swiftcurrent Creek and wondered where he was too.

I have a blood brother from wales too, he is from the sea and is a warrior prince. I do not think you know him anyways. he said thoughtfully, his gaze still as cold as ice. I am a Roman, therefore my pack is a Roman pack and I expect subordination and respect from all of my subordinates and pack-mates and I expect them to respect each other too. I do not tolerate any slackers and if I catch anyone slacking off, they will be chased out of my territory and given the kill on sight order or become slaves. Same goes with those who disrespect me or anyone of higher ranking. Also as I am a Roman, you will not address me as Alpha, but Praetor or Imperator.

He paused and waited to see if she understood.

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RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Crëyr - September 19, 2014

wolf rpg table code
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Crëyr dipped her head as the Praetor began to speak. "I have a sanguinem fratris from wales too, he is from the sea and is a warrior prince. I do not think you know him anyways. I am a Roman, therefore my pack is a Roman pack and I expect subordination and respect from all of my subordinates and pack-mates and I expect them to respect each other too. I do not tolerate any slackers and if I catch anyone slacking off, they will be chased out of my territory and given the kill on sight order or become slaves. Same goes with those who disrespect me or anyone of higher ranking. Also as I am a Roman, you will not address me as Alpha, but Praetor or Imperator."
She looked sideways, her eyes cutting towards the line separating the grass from the endless blue sky. "A blood brother, you say, Praetor? I had a biological sister, Welsh, as close as we could ever be. Until she was gone."
She dipped her head lower, slowly sinking on all fours. I will do the best of my ability to serve your pack, Praetor. In fact, I am. I must. I do have high expectations of myself, you see, therefore there will be no exceptions."

RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Shadow - September 20, 2014

"I will do the best of my ability to serve your pack, Praetor. In fact, I am. I must. I do have high expectations of myself, you see, therefore there will be no exceptions." he watched with cold sterling eyes as she sank down on all fours. Sterling eyes scanned her coldly, analyzing her, wondering if she would be of any use. She seemed fit, strong, athletic, probably a good hunter and fighter. They would need more wolves, more paws and more able bodies when winter came. Besides she was a strong choice. He stood there, pondering when a gust of wind blew towards him only, ruffling his fur. A loud sound of thunder sounded in the distance and he felt the presence of the god, Jupiter around him, telling him to accept her. How could he refuse a god?

A faint smirk graced his silver features as he tilted his head up, gaze on the sky for a brief moment before turning to his newest pack member. "Welcome to Noctisardor Bypass, Crëyr. Welcome to your new home." He paused and waited for her to get up. He would lead her on a tour before night arrived, then she would find her own place to rest and he would leave her. He expected her to work and hopefully his thoughts about her would be correct.

RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Crëyr - September 20, 2014

dude you're jem's appearance spawn. i'm will/cecily's appearance spawn. you know that anyway lmao
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She let the Praetor analyze her, his calculating gaze scanning her from head to paw, before swiftly returning to his previous spot. Nervously she anticipated the silvery wolf's response.
"Welcome to Noctisador Bypass, Crëyr. Welcome to your new home."
Slowly, a tentative smile spread across her snout, enhancing her features so that her eyes were the brightest blue. Slowly she let herself upwards, careful to keep her tail below the Praetor's level.
"Thank you, Praetor. I will make the most of my ability."

RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Shadow - September 20, 2014

xD One last post from you?

"Thank you, Praetor. I will make the most of my ability." He smiled briefly. Remember that other than the Probatio and the Slave, you are the newest member therefore taking the lowest rank. I expect you to show respect to everyone above you and nothing else. I will not tolerate disrespect here, but other than that, welcome home. he flicked his tail as he gazed at her with calculating silver eyes. "Come, I'll take you on a tour around Noctisardor Bypass and tomorrow you can start your duties. I'll brief you about what to do tomorrow, you may rest today.

He turned around swiftly and began moving back towards his home, he had another packmember and a flicker of satisfaction ran through him. Although Swiftcurrent Creek had constant members coming in, they were a much more senior pack than his but he was sure that in no time, his pack would be overflowing with members while the Creek's ranks would be scarce. That was for kicking him out. Bazi was really blinded when she kicked him out, surely she knew that he would start a pack and the last thing they wanted was to have two new rivals in winter.

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RE: the midnight sun will brighten the sky - Crëyr - September 20, 2014

yeah ok lol so new thread after this right
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She nodded thoughtfully as she listened to the Praetor's words. "Remember that other than the Probatio and the Slave, you are the newest member therefore taking the lowest rank. I expect you to show respect to everyone above you and nothing else. I will not tolerate disrespect here, but other than that, welcome home. Come, I'll take you on a tour around Noctisardor Bypass and tomorrow you can start your duties. I'll brief you about what to do tomorrow, you may rest today."
Again she smiled slightly, bowing her head in the process. "I understand, Praetor. I will show respect and nothing else. You will see me fulfil my duties. Thank you for offering me a place in your pack."
As the Praetor turned on his tail and started towards home, she followed closely behind, head ducked, curiously addressing the area around her. She watched as the Praetor led her past trees with multicolored leaves, greens and browns and yellows. The leaves were changing color.
She was in a new pack. The beginning of a new stage in her life. A home, and perhaps, a new family.