Wolf RPG
Duskfire Glacier the guilty hide, the guilty run - Printable Version

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the guilty hide, the guilty run - Skull - September 05, 2014

Time to post more with Skullface.

The mild late-summer sun filters down through the thick canopy of pines, illuminating the forest floor in a haphazard smattering of light. It was alive with activity. Small birds flit between the trees, darting this way and that, as they forage for food beneath the undergrowth and on the blackberry bushes that are ripe for picking. Occasionally the sound of a stellar jay can be heard barking through the woodland; their scratchy call a characteristic of the blue-colored avian.

Another patrol complete, Skull returns to his spacious hovel and flops down in the dirt just outside. He stretches his limbs out, toes splaying with the immensity of his efforts, before his body goes limp. He sighs, a small cloud of dust furling upward from the disturbance. The changes in his life were great, indeed, and he was consumed with thoughts of home. A tiny, selfish part of him wished they could all just move back to Arktayok Peak, but he also knew it was Tuwawi's time to test the waters of leadership. He would support her; his loyalty unshakable, but he could not help but wonder if they would be better off anyway.

As the sunlight shifts to scatters across his coal-dusted coat, he exhales again and closes his eyes.

RE: the guilty hide, the guilty run - RIP Hassun - September 06, 2014

Hope it is OK to have Hassun pop in! If you'd like I can post with Njal as well.

He had found a tall tree with ample branches to support his body, and dozed through the morning. Life had become trickier since the appearance of the wolves, with their diurnal nature being at-odds with his own nocturnal one; but he had adapted. Hassun took to patrolling much like the dogs did, although he was made to be more careful. He had kept tabs on a few of the canines in order to figure out the opportune time to wander on his own, which is what prompted him to roost within the tree now. A dark figure caught his attention - the movement making his pupils dilate, his claws to slide against the branch bark and tug. This was one of the burly creatures he had been watching as of late, and it seemed as if the patrol had come to an end. From his spot within the tree, Hassun could make out the shape of the wolf - but only briefly - and then he was gone, slipping in to place among the stones.