Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek When the wind blows - Printable Version

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When the wind blows - Cadfael - September 06, 2014

For any SC wolves! Cadfael would like to meet his new packmates :)

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The black prince strode through Swiftcurrent Creek territories, mentally creating a map so he would remember the places and borders at his new pack. He didn't call it home just yet because he knew that maybe he would leave soon. Every pack that he had joined, he'd left some weeks later. His paws seemed to think that he did not belong there but perhaps finally he would stay for at least a month or two at the Creek.

The dark warrior approached the Creek borders and began patrolling, it helped take his mind off things and gave him time to himself. He wasn't known to be a outgoing, funny wolf in fact he was quite the opposite. Having a serious and calm demeanour. A small part of his brain wondered if he was going to meet any of his new packmates today, one half of him wanted to meet someone while the other did not.

Gadewch iddynt ddod, gadewch iddyn nhw fynd" he muttered to himself, raising his head to gaze at the path in front of him with midnight blue gaze, sleek pelt gleaming in the sunlight.

RE: When the wind blows - Bazi - September 06, 2014

Several strapping men had joined Swiftcurrent Creek. It pleased Bazi as much as it terrified Scimitar. Large, strong wolves meant more bodies to guard the borders and keep the pack safe - and Cadfael, as he had proven with the arrival of Remus, was a diligent patrolman.

From her spot downwind, nestled in the arms of a lonely old tree, Bazi watched him move to and fro along the imprecisely defined border. Eventually, she got to her feet and shot a bark in the dark wolf's direction before moving towards him at at a brisk trot. "Ahoy," she greeted when he was within earshot - a fondly remembered Bones-ism. "Keeping us ladies safe?"

RE: When the wind blows - Cadfael - September 07, 2014

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He paused and turned his midnight blue gaze onto the ivory Alphess, his tail hanging low and dipping his head as she walked towards him. Now there was one trait that wolves found extremely annoying about the welsh prince, that he was brutally honest. So when the snow queen spoke "Keeping us ladies safe?", he answered with a brusk "No, I'm patrolling the borders.". He knew it was annoying but they would have to get use to it, he wasn't going to stop just for their sakes, lying was just not in his nature.

"You must be Bazi, the Alpha here." he spoke in his lightly accented voice, his expression was impassive, closed off, his gaze as usual was filled with some kind of deep sadness as if he had been living for a long time and experienced a lot.

RE: When the wind blows - Bazi - September 07, 2014

Cadfael was not a joking man, clearly. Oh, lovely, Bazi thought, but she was in too good a mood. "Yes, of course," she responded lightly, falling into step beside her subordinate. He was larger, with impossibly dark fur and sad, haunting eyes. Full of back-story, no doubt, and this time, Bazi would make an effort to get to know the wolf.

"I am Bazi, yes. and you're Cadfael.. with an accent. Where is it from? There's another wolf here with a heavy accent - Kieran - who is almost impossible to understand. Yours is.. softer."

RE: When the wind blows - Cadfael - September 07, 2014

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"I am Bazi, yes. and you're Cadfael.. with an accent. Where is it from? There's another wolf here with a heavy accent - Kieran - who is almost impossible to understand. Yours is.. softer."

A faint smile graced his lips, "Wolves only call me Cadfael on formal occasions, you may call me Ddraig. It means Dragon in your language," he spoke in a voice filled with calmness and strength. "I'm Welsh," he replied with a regal dip of his head, something that he used when he was still a prince of his pack. A chi yw'r frenhines y gilfach." he said as an example of his native tongue.

He didn't like talking about his past, in fact it would probably take a wolf at least three months to even make a chink through his rock-hard armor. It had taken the Roman a month to get through him but he was different, the other wolf had something about him that made the welsh prince trust him. It wasn't going to be that easy for anyone else.

RE: When the wind blows - Bazi - September 10, 2014

"Ddraig," Bazi repeated slowly, molesting consonants left right and center. "I like that. Sounds feisty.. like it should be a monster in a children's tale." That's right - insult their name; that's a good way to get to know someone. Bazi tossed her head, covering the next four or five paces with a distinct skip in her step. This felt more like what an Alpha was supposed to do in the early stages of a straggler pack - forge bonds.

Cadfael went on the share further words in his native tongue, to Bazi's bafflement. "What does that mean?" she queried, suddenly envious of the vast and varied abilities of the wolves in her pack. Bones was a pirate, Cadfael was a foreign, Scimitar was handsome.. and then there was Bazi, who wasn't so cool with the gays.

RE: When the wind blows - Cadfael - September 11, 2014

<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#800000; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #000000 ; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/RbbSNXC.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #000066 ;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#0066cc ; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 350px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

"I like that. Sounds feisty.. like it should be a monster in a children's tale." He laughed softly at that, a gentle rumbling sound coming from his throat. He supposed it did although in the tales that the mothers in his welsh pack told their children, dragons were saviors. But perhaps here in these Wilds, tales and stories were different. He didn't know, he was just a new wolf here.

"What does that mean?" she asked, a brief smiled crossed his dark face. "It means you are the queen of the creek." he said matter of factly, sturdy paws sinking into the ground as he moved with the silent grace of a panther. "Do you do this often? Walk out and scare newcomers?" his tone indifferent as he spoke.

RE: When the wind blows - Bazi - September 21, 2014

Bazi scowled inwardly, but it didn't reach her face. Her public response was a mild smile. "Yes. I don't think you're scared of me, though."

He was difficult to read. Awkward, cold.. a difficult wolf to win over, no doubt, and she wasn't doing a particularly good job so far. Bright and sunshine-y wasn't working. Perhaps she could try a different approach.

"What do you think of my King of the Creek?" she asked, gazing ahead as she spoke. Bazi rarely socialized with Scimitar in a group, and had very little idea of how he was doing in the opinion polls.

RE: When the wind blows - Cadfael - September 22, 2014

<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#800000; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #000000 ; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/RbbSNXC.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #000066 ;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#0066cc ; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 350px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

"Yes. I don't think you're scared of me, though." he smiled. "You never know," he replied in his lightly accented voice but truthfully he wasn't scared of any wolf here. He doubted he had actually been scared of anyone before, scared for someone, yes but never scared of someone. After all you had to actually care to be scared and the welsh prince never actually cared about other stuff.

"What do you think of my King of the Creek?" he nearly laughed at that but because of the faint respect (respect only given because of her rank) he held for her, he didn't laugh instead shook his head briefly. Brenin huh?" he tilted his head to look at the yearling. "Is he the Alpha beside you?" he asked because to him only the ultimate leader was king, the Beta was just the second in command. He knew Scimitar wasn't the Alpha but he felt the need to ask. He was a prince, an adopted son of the king and one of the best warriors.

"I assume you're talking about Scimitar?" he said. "He's alright I guess."

RE: When the wind blows - Bazi - October 20, 2014

Concluding! :)

Alright, you guess? Bazi gave him a funny look. What a peculiar thing to say. 'I haven't had the pleasure', perhaps, or 'I can't say we've been acquainted'.. but alright, you guess?

"Huh," she responded, her interest in bonding with her pack-mate suddenly gone. Bazi didn't do well with men. They rubbed her the wrong way. There was something primitively incompatible about her wiring and theirs, and in that moment she missed Tuwawi, Danica, and Paarthurnax with such force that it made her throat constrict. None of that was Cadfael's fault.

"We could hunt," she suggested as an alternative to the idle chit-chat he seemed to enamored with, and took off with the expectation that he would follow (and the hope that he would not).