Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley falling and rising is the same thing - Printable Version

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falling and rising is the same thing - Raven Nightclaw - September 06, 2014

The dark female had just been accepted and was exploring Noctisardor Bypass's lands, admiring the dense woodland that dotted the lands and the gentle rolling hills that surrounded the rich verdant grass the covered most of the ground. She wondered if she would meet any of her new packmates, assuming she had any although she did not doubt that Shadow had probably recruited a few wolves before her or he wouldn't be so confident.

Crouching down, she pounced at a large rabbit, sinking her fangs into its neck and dragged it to a nearby oak tree and sat down, tucking into her afternoon male. She gazed forward, Shadow was really lucky to find such a beautiful piece of land.

RE: falling and rising is the same thing - Paarthurnax - September 07, 2014

Things seemed to be going according to plan. With loners being recruited steadily and with her relationship with Shadow growing stronger by the day, it seemed that Noctisardor Bypass would soon be official. Despite the sadness and guilt she still felt at leaving Swiftcurrent and its wolves, she did look forward to her future at Shadow's side. Paar was grateful for the sterling outrider's patience and kindness toward her while her emotion turmoil continued, and in return she did her best to keep from losing herself to the grief in his presence.

It was her beau who was at the forefront of her mind that afternoon, and she trotted with a spring in her stride. She wondered if she might cross paths with him again as she moved gracefully along the river's edge, though the appearance of an ebony wolfess drew her thoughts from Shadow. Paarthurnax paused to watch quietly as the unknown female slunk across the ground, stalking prey before lunging forth and giving chase. Soon a plump rabbit hung limp from her jaws and, with an enthusiastic bark, she pressed onward to close the distance between them.

"Nice catch," the two-toned Frostfur congratulated as she eased to pause a comfortable distance away from her newest companion, her expression welcoming and her tail swaying curiously at her hocks. "You must be new?"

Paarthurnax sank to her haunches and the pair made small talk while Raven finished her meal, before the crimson beauty extended her invite for her to join her on a patrol of the territory outskirts.