Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest love the adrenaline in my veins - Printable Version

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love the adrenaline in my veins - Draven - November 05, 2020

He was almost there. He could see the warm glow of sunlight reaching out to him from the otherside of the deep, dark pine forest.

The ground underfoot was damp, the carpet of downy moss and fallen pine needles feeling slick beneath his paws as he trailed his way along the very edges the unfamiliar territory. Though it was the early hours, and Draven's dark pelt hid him well beneath the shadowy cover of the pine trees, his silver eyes still darted about the gloom suspiciously, expecting confrontation and the nip of hostile fangs at any moment.

RE: love the adrenaline in my veins - Vallkyrie - November 05, 2020

Intruders, there had been a number of them as of recently, perhaps due to winter coming forth and prey moving elsewhere. They'd come to steal for a quick meal if they did not come to find shelter within their ranks. One loner could make one smart move that would help that pack, or a bad move that would hinder it. Mal and Simmik had been left to run off one, then their healer, Aibreann, who had been quite injured by some others. Kyr had hoped with the Glen pack's formation there would be less damage done these days but so far not so much. 

Now, there was another. It was not far into their territory, but be a long shot. But there was caches near for sure with herb and food, for those new comers who needed some assistance or a chance to eat and rest more quickly. 

The Archer had no intention of assuming the wolf's intentions. She could ask questions later, after he was out of their home. So she charged, swift as ever the huntress was, sounding out a loud, fiendish snarl to get the other wolf panicked enough to dash. She comes in low so not to expose her own weaknesses, snapping angrily at the tresspasser's hocks to get him moving quickly.

RE: love the adrenaline in my veins - Draven - November 05, 2020

Dark ears tilted back, suddenly catching the sound of something or someone moving towards him. The young male did not dare to look back, not yet, not until the fiendish snarl echoed out from somewhere close behind him. Draven's head snapped back, catching glimpse of the dark figure just as it snapped at his limbs. 

He whined, black fur bristling as their fangs pinched his left ankle.

Stumbling slightly to one side as he instinctively yanked his bloodied limb away from harm, Draven's tail curled beneath him and his back arched, as he tried to make himself as small as possible in an attempt to avoid another strike from the pack's guardian. The male's pace quickened, ignoring the pain for now, as he pushed his muscles to their limit as he attempted to make his escape from the forest.

RE: love the adrenaline in my veins - Vallkyrie - November 05, 2020

A whine as her small teeth at the front of her jaws nipped hard at his ankle, his pale gaze flashing her way in sudden reconciliation. He looked like he could be akin to her own- dark furred, pale eyes to contrast. His body arched, tail tucked. He gave the display as anyone should when trespassing onto pack territory. If he had shown dominance, tried to fight back, she would have tore into him. Instead he was doing as he should and made for a quick exit. 

Fast as she, she would keep directly behind him, jaws snapping to pinch at his upper tail or rump should he slow. Her agression was only made by his law breaking. When they would reach the border, she would end her chase and lift her posture to a full height- tail upward, head high. If he had anything to say, he could, else she was content to watch him scamper away.

RE: love the adrenaline in my veins - Draven - November 05, 2020

At last his paws left the damp leaflitter and moss which blanketed Neverwinter forest, and landed on neutral ground. The longer grass of Chimera Fields gave him more purchase to push against as he fled to freedom. Feeling the blades of grass brush against his dark limbs was a relief, but still he did not slow his pace, not until he had gained more ground between him and the pack wolf who was trailing and snapping at his tail. 

Finally, having reached a safe distance away, his movements slowed. Although his chest heaved with physical exhaustion, the adrenaline had started to fade. Only now did the wound at his ankle really begin to burn. His trot turned into an slower, awkward limp, as the dark male continued to move onwards towards the scent of salty sea air.

He would tend to his wound once he no longer had the energy to keep moving, or the pain simply became too much to ignore.

RE: love the adrenaline in my veins - Vallkyrie - November 05, 2020

Gone. Whilst he slowed, it showed he had no intention of of stopping for any type of explanation as he kept moving forward through the hunting grounds of the fields. Whilst she could have kept at them through the hunting grounds they called their own, without backup, Kyr did not stray far from home. It was too much of a risk when so many attacks had been made to the locals and the woman had no intention of falling into some trap if ever there were. So she watches for a time, hoping to insure he would not be returning before she turns around and makes way back to home to mind the border once more.