Wolf RPG
Graveyard Usergroup/Obituary - Printable Version

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Graveyard Usergroup/Obituary - Keres - November 05, 2020

HELLO so I believe we should definitely have a graveyard group as a way to memorialize the characters that have passed in game but also, maybe when an account is put into that group, a custom profile field is available for the user to enter the thread they died in as an obituary of sorts. It would take a touch of finagling with some if/then statements but it is possible, esp with MyBB's built in ability to only show certain custom profile fields to chosen usergroups!

THANKYOU -runsaway-

RE: Graveyard Usergroup/Obituary - Revui (Ghost) - November 05, 2020

Hello I need this.

RE: Graveyard Usergroup/Obituary - Sialuk - November 05, 2020

*takes off CM hat; puts on member hat*

I love the idea of a "graveyard" user group for toons that have died here on the site. It should be noted that they would not be able to post. I think the profiles themselves would be fine as-is, since there's plenty of room for customization with the way they are right now (and I don't wanna create more work for Starr/me, LOL).

RE: Graveyard Usergroup/Obituary - Arcturus - November 06, 2020

I pitched this idea a while back and it seemed unanimous that we could just flex the DOD and other information into the profile with no user group change needed. That being said how would we police people who enter this user group and then try to bring their character back? This has happened and I wouldn’t want anyone to feel pushed into a square hole.

RE: Graveyard Usergroup/Obituary - Myrmidon - November 06, 2020

Maybe require a "dead body" post or some way to canonically identify the death in the threadlog? If a character FOR SURE is dead / dies on site, then all a CM needs to do is look in the latest thread for a "proof of death" and then that character wouldn't be revived.