Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest after - Printable Version

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after - Falwasi - September 06, 2014


The sky was a subtle indigo once Falwasi reached the inner forest. She walked along the trees, kicking small sticks and rocks as she went, sure to be alone there. Fal walked deeper into the forest until she found a small, however abundant tree. The mottled wolf sat with her rump against the trunk, staring past the trees at who knows what. She had a long day and was exhausted, going over her conversation with Shadow over and over again, and she eventually decided it really wasn't that big a deal. Shadow was probably lying, but if he wasn't, then Bazi... well, it had nothing to do with Falwasi. She didn't want an opinion. She didn't want to get involved. End of story.

The wolf smiled inwardly, glad to have come to a conclusion. If anything stressed her out more than a problem, it was not solving one.

RE: after - Bazi - September 06, 2014

Bazi was returning from some light reconnaissance to the south when she caught Falwasi's scent, and followed it into the forest. On their one and only outing together, she and Shadow had discounted it as viable pack territory. She had thought differently of him then. Had she ruined a good thing by dismissing his need to vent, on that very first meeting? Was she to blame for Paarthurnax leaving the pack?

Bazi gave her head a vigorous shake, scrambling that trail of thought before it could run away with her. After an hour of searching and sniffing around, she finally located Falwasi - seated near one of the smaller trees in the forest. "Hey!" she called, moving nimbly through the undergrowth. "Fancy seeing you here. Do you like this forest? It's called 'Blackfoot Forest', I think... it's full of foxes."

Bazi did not know how much she owed to Falwasi's decision not to let past mistakes influence her views on Swiftcurrent Creek and its Alpha.

RE: after - Falwasi - September 06, 2014

A sudden sound breaking the eerie silence in the forest made Falwasi jump, hackles raised. She recognized the voice - Bazi, the small, thick-coated white wolf making her way through the undergrowth. Fal was so lost in thought she hadn't smelled the Alpha coming. 'Damn, you scared me.' she said, exhaling. Her hackles lowered as she stood, stretching her long cream legs, shaking everything that happened that day away. She had been sitting against the tree for over two hours.

'Beautiful forest. Any idea why it's called Blackfoot?' the chamoisee wolf asked. She had always loved to hear the backstory of people or places. She sniffed the air to catch a scent of any foxes nearby, and she was successful. The scent was held strong in the air. She smiled quietly, happy she was young and still had the ability to smell.

Fal wondered if Bazi had seen Shadow and Dovev on her way to the forest. She also wondered whether the two males were still talking after what Shadow had revealed. Fal itched to know what was going on - if only she could be in two places at one time.

RE: after - Bazi - September 10, 2014

Falwasi jumped - Bazi squealed. When both girls had confirmed that neither one of their lives was in danger, she laughed the nerves off with a chipper "Sorry!" and settled onto her haunches near her pack-mate, facing in the same direction.

"I d'no.. do fox have black feet, maybe? I can only remember red - and teeth. Urgh, they stink so bad.." Falwasi didn't seem to mind. Bazi cast a sideways glance at her, and grinned. "Why did you come here, to this dark place? Did you live in a forest growing up?"

RE: after - Falwasi - September 11, 2014

Falwasi let out a soft laugh at Bazi's remark on the foxes. She never had a problem with the smell. Her smile faded and she stiffened as the alpha asked the next question. She knows. the long-limbed wolf thought, watching Bazi for any sign of suspicion. None - just genuineness, enough to let Fal relax.

She watched the plush white wolf closely. 'I grew up on a mountain; there were very steep hills with many tall trees - but they weren't as full as these so they let in a lot of sunlight. she said, smiling slightly as she remembered trekking up to the top of the mountain. 'I came here because... well, it was the nearest place.' she finished.

Fal settled her copper eyes on Bazi's blue ones 'Why are you here?' she asked, tilting an eyebrow up. She hoped Bazi had been in the forest before her encounter with the lone wolf.

RE: after - Bazi - October 20, 2014

Is it OK for me to conclude this? I had a bit of an activity fail and I'm cleaning house. :) Tag me in your reply if you'd like to continue, otherwise we'll archive!

"Followed you," Bazi answered truthfully, less ashamed of the fact now than she had been when Danica had been the one at the end of the scent trail. "I was coming back from--"

A rustle cut her off.

Bazi hunkered down low, tension vibrating in her hind quarters. "Foxes," she whispered dramatically - still loud enough for the entire troop and several generations of their dead to hear. The same much-too-loud voice beckoned for Falwasi to "Come on!" before its owner darted into a sea of slender ferns and disappeared.

RE: after - Falwasi - October 21, 2014

[size=x-small]I'll archive! Thanks for the thread :)[/size]

A rustle from deep within the ferns stopped Bazi from finishing her sentence. She seemed not to have seen Shadow and the others, so when Falwasi scented there were foxes nearby (which the white she-wolf clarified with an exaggerated whisper), she didn't really care. Shooting off into the ferns accompanied by a loud voice, Bazi beckoned for her to come. Following the Alphess, the earthen wolf slid through the undergrowth stealthily in pursuit of her friend.