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Firefly Glen service and sacrifice - Printable Version

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service and sacrifice - Atlas - November 10, 2020

Set at night - hoping for an astronomer thread but anyone is welcome! <3

Darkness swept through the glen and draped the territory in black. After night had settled in, the stars began to glimmer from overhead and dappled the sea of space in dazzling light. The moon was not far behind, peaking up over the mountain and casting a luminous glow on the earth below. The dark young wolf had thought it to be a perfect night for stargazing; he’d started to understand the patterns that existed overhead and had wanted to explore this discovery further.
Stepping through the glen, Atlas peered through the sparse trees in search of an area where he could get a good view of the sky. The shade’s brow was furrowed tightly above his sunlit gaze and he scoured with a keen eye, searching for somewhere in their hold that he might find solace and a nice view. When he saw a rise and a shift in landscape that suggested their land bled into where Moonspear started, he aimed his sights for that portion of the pack and made his way there.

RE: service and sacrifice - Lunaria - November 11, 2020

Oh boi astronomer thread!! :D

The view of the night sky was not as grand as it was from the throne of a mountain's ledge, but god, did the glen do wonders in making it look beautiful in it's own light. The female stepped back to take the scene in with a smile, like a proud artist observing their own painting. Dark overlay with specs of white scattering the sky with sparse light -- the stars. Then, the presence that brings everything together and really adds detail to the finished masterpiece -- the moon.

If it weren't for the sound of motioning nearby to distract the raven's stargazing, then she might as well been asking for the moon's hand in marriage. The shift of a dark pelt frightened her at first, but when Luna inched her head closer to sniff them from a distance, the adrenaline rush calmed. It was a scent belonging to a man who, while she'd seen before from a distance, hadn't really known much about. Not even his name, or what role he played in the pack. Similarly to Osiris, his scent intermixed with Moonspear's own and led her to assume he originated from those mountains as well. Only one way to find out...

Self-Introductions: Take one, ACTION!

"The night sky is a looker, isn't it? Almost makes you feel small in comparison..." Luna asked the stranger ahead in announcement of her presence, calmly approaching them with a soft wag of her tail to indicate her freindly approach. Hopefully the scent of the glen was well imbeded in Lunaria's pelt by now, or else they might mistake the raven as a trespasser....

RE: service and sacrifice - Atlas - November 19, 2020

A voice – unfamiliar in its sound swept across the air and met the beast’s ears. He turned his head to where a figure stood. The young wolf was dark with eyes that shimmered like jade. Her tone was bright and cheerful, eager to venture out and converse with those she did not know. Almost immediately the dark mountaineer felt his anxiety peak before he offered her a nervous smile and a small nod of his head. Whether he knew the girl or not, she had chirped her opinion of the night sky to him and it was one that he understood well. That great sea of darkness that stretched overhead was something that he had hoped to understand since he was a pup, but the longer he lived on the earth the harder he imagined it would be to tame the secrets of the heavens.
“So small,” he breathed in agreement, his tail wavering behind him softly.
The glittering gold of his vision turned from the dark sky to her and his features softened. He would welcome the company of someone who sought to gaze at the stars. Though his mind wandered to the young Meerkat and he felt a stir in the pit of his stomach in hopes that she might have appeared, he knew it would do him well to meet others in the Glen.
“I’ve been trying to learn more from the night sky, but I’m afraid I don’t really know where to begin,” Atlas started, glancing toward the inky female with a sheepish expression.

RE: service and sacrifice - Lunaria - November 24, 2020

As Luna approached the similarly colored brute with golden hues, her eyes trailed up higher to realize just how tall he was in comparison to her -- but, again, who wasn't bigger than Lunaria at this point. A second thing she noticed was how her approach was met with an air of sheepishness; perhaps she came off as too direct in her approach (they we're strangers afterall). Stopping around two feet away from the dark sire, the dame plopped onto her behind in the grass.

"I'll give you that. I was a similar way at some point." Luna said with a soft smile, briefly recalling her time back in the tribe when the elders would share many stories about the night sky and how Lunaria, the goddess she'd been named after, would trace constellations into the sky. Well, whatever that meant. Turning to them, she politely dipped her muzzle in greeting before lifting it to speak. "My name is Lunaria, I'm new to the scene--" and new to everything else for that matter since, unlike most, she did not have connections to the mountains they used to call home.

"--although I do know a little bit about the night's sky. If you want, we can start with the stars; they're my favorite part." There was an eagerness in her voice while she offered. A chance to share more about the sky would make this night a whole lot better.

RE: service and sacrifice - Atlas - December 03, 2020

The girl was friendly.
She introduced herself as Lunaria and offered him a small amount of comfort by saying that she had been similar to him at one point. She did go on to say that she had learned a few things about the night sky and that she would assist in helping him to know those things too, if he didn’t mind listening about stars. The inkwell yearling gawked at her, uncertain why such a nice stranger would appear and offer to share the knowledge she had earned. The tone that she offered him made it seem like this would bring her great joy.
“I-uh… I would love to learn about the stars if you would tell me,” the shadow remarked to her with a humble nod of his head.
With any luck, the dark Ostrega could find himself in the company of others who knew about the heavens. If he did what he could to learn the information that they had, he could expand his knowledge and actually become an astronomer for his pack. This was hard to believe for the inky yearling; he hadn’t expected someone to be so open about their ability to speak on the glittering heavens.
“I’m Atlas by the way,” he then offered to her with a soft smile.

RE: service and sacrifice - Lunaria - December 22, 2020

Oh, did it absolutely delight the moon nymph to know there was another who grew curious about the endless sea of stars! There was so much to talk about, so much to teach -- and some things might not it entirely in one lesson. Perhaps, if Atlas allowed it and Luna would get around to asking him, she could take him on as a student or apprentice of some sorts. Then she wouldn't have to feel entirely lonely during those stargazing hours.

"Atlas, a pleasure to meet you." She greeted warmly with a smile. A paw was placed on her lips inquisitivly when she'd begun to realize something. Osiris, Atlas, Antares -- wait, these were the names of stars! "Hydra is your mother, yes? It would seem as though I am not the only one with an appreciation of the night sky, seeing as she named her children after stars..." What an interesting find, how did she not notice that before? Perhaps if Luna could meet Hydra one day, they could share so much together as well...

"How much do you know about the star you were named after?" The raven was a tad bit envious. The things she would do to be named after a star or constellation, rather than a silly old moon goddess she didn't believe in...

RE: service and sacrifice - Atlas - December 28, 2020

The galactic theme was a common one in the Ostrega line. Many of them were named after items from beyond their realm – beyond their planet. While the dark young stargazer knew enough about his calling to be aware of where his name came from, he did not know any of the details behind it. Named after a star but completely unaware of the significance of that moniker. For the first time, the golden-eyed boy felt like he might have a chance to really learn about the stars that glittered over their heads.
“I only know that my siblings and I were named after stars, but I don’t know the importance of each one. Maybe you could start there?”
The smokiness of his voice was soft, uncertain.
Atlas didn’t want to trouble the girl, but she did come off as being a welcoming individual. If he had to, he would have guessed that she was rather excited to be able to share the knowledge she’d earned. He hungered for as much of it as he could get. If she would willingly offer it, he would bask in the newfound lore that he might gather from her.