Wolf RPG
The Heartwood As we sit alone - Printable Version

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As we sit alone - Isadora - November 12, 2020

| she is looking for Hotaru/Haruki/Joheras and others from RE!
| just dirty
| Mostly Cloudy
| 2:30PM

Where did everyone go? She knew that they were all moving on now that the pack, her home pack, was too small to stay together - but why did everyone leave to make it so? Did they not like that Haruki and Hotaru were leading them? Wasn't that how the pack worked? And now, she was on her own... dirtied paws carefully walked through the scorched earth, trying to stay clean but with little success as mud and ash clung to her velvet plush.

She hated how dirty she got lately, how dirty the lands were outside of the Vale. She missed it so much.... but this is where the little royalty children ran off to, where they scent... well, disappeared and she tried to pick it up again. She wanted her friend, and her cute brother to stick by her side. But of course, they had to take care of themselves first - even if he saddened her so much. No matter! it was her job, as their friend to find them! She was the slow one to follow, after all, not wanting to leave in the first place.

RE: As we sit alone - Vallkyrie - November 23, 2020

*Enters a charrie who knows where the twins are*

The huntress comes to the Heartwood time and time before, though not to hunt for any prey of sorts. The burned woodland was as ugly as she had remembered it to be so and it was curiosity of a scout alone which had her trotting through the territory. On her way back home actually, from a quick outing not far from Firefly Glen's watch, knowing allies were not far if help be needed. 

She does not however expect to find a pup out here alone wandering. Not only a pup, but a quite odd patterned one at that. Kyr was too black and white but not in this manner though others within her pack had quite odd markings as well. Hello. It is a start, as the tall woman comes to round the other to the front, keeping distance should she spook easily.

RE: As we sit alone - Isadora - November 25, 2020


Thankfully her paws were on the black-side of her patterns, so it didn't show very much... but the dirt she kicked up if not paying attention to her footing would stain her underbelly, and the thick feeling on her paws as muck clung to the fibers of her toes made them feel heavier than usual. It was gross, and even as she tried to stay positive, she just kept thinking of how much she just wanted a bath. Some clean, crisp water to carefully wash away the gunk. Even if it was cold, it was better than walking around like some peasant in the mud. 

Raising her eyes excitedly to greet the lovely dark woman, Isadora lit up. A beaming smile and a little thing of a tail flickering happily behind her. She reminded her so much of her mother, they were similar in ways - but the child knew this wasn't Vespera. Not by a longshot, but she was pretty too Isadora guessed in a familiar kind of way. Oh hello! Despite how bubbly she felt at the sight of someone, she remained planted and tried not to move too much in fear of kicking up the disgusting gunk on the ground. You look so much like my mom, but her eyes are purple and she has a scar on one of them, but other than that you two could be twins!

It clearly excited her just a little.

RE: As we sit alone - Vallkyrie - November 25, 2020

The young girl did not spook, not at all, but instead lit up at the very sight of her! Big smile, little fluffy rabbit tail waving and all. Vallkyrie took it upon herself to come a little closer, slow steps as to both not alarm and to not splash about move of the bggy earth.

The huntress listened on to the girl's explanation about how much she looked like her own mother, to which a smile and bit of a laugh echoed from her mug. Oh? Well what a coincidence that we ran into eachother hu? She spoke, her own tail waving low behind her and her stand all and all laxed, head lowered to the youth's level for a physical show she meant her no harm. I'm Vallkyrie Archer. Your mom wouldn't happen to be an Archer, would she? Likely not, as only she and her sister were known to be here, but you never know! 

And where is your mom? Not far I hope? She hoped and yet, with a quick sniff and glancing around, Vallkyrie did not see, smell, nor hear any other wolf directly near. Alas again, a lost child, another pup having either wandered from her parents or had been abandoned. This was Kyr's first year in the Teekon Wilds and she was beginning to realize how often pups were neglected and overpopulated due to poor choices of their parents. Vallkyrie Archer strived to never be one of them.

RE: As we sit alone - Isadora - November 25, 2020

The little Ying yang girl was full of love and just simply happy to see someone else, it was only that much better that she looked so familiar by looking like her mom. The woman lowering herself to do something almost made Isadora want to play. She herself lowered just a bit, careful to not touch the grimy ground, and offered a softer version of a play bow without... well, dirtying her chest. Hmmm uh-uh. A brief think until eventually, she shook her head 'no'. Mama didn't seem to have a last name. Not to anyone's knowledge; and not knowing who her father was, Isadora was well... just like Vespera, Isadora and nothing else. She was a Duchess back home in the Reneian Empire, that's about it! As if that meant anything to anyone outside of the vale now that it was gone. 

Hmm dunno, her and Joe and many of the others just kinda left once the Empress died. Thinking back to that time, it was strange. The place was so full of life one day, and then the next, everyone was gone. I guess I'm a heavy sleeper and overslept through it all. Nervously she chuckled at the thought, it was sad, but she tried not to think about it too much. She was fine for now, so the young lady didn't worry too much and keeping her focus on finding the siblings kept her from getting too sad about being left behind.

RE: As we sit alone - Vallkyrie - November 25, 2020

No signs of alert, no weariness. She lowers, playfully and the huntress flashes her tail up and waves it like a banner in playful and yet challenging display. Vallkyrie wondered if this girl was at all cautious of those whom she did not know or if Kyr was just a special circumstance given the resemblance she shared with her mother. Hopefully the latter, as Vallkyrie knew that there were many wolves in these Wilds who did not have pure intentions when it came to others outside of their own fold. 

Reneian Empire, but it did sound familiar, at least to her and the mentioning of the pack falling to ruin after the Empress dying further made Vallkyrie think she had gotten it right. After all, the only ones who had mentioned an Empress savor Yuelong was the two pups she and Simmik had been looking after. 

I think the two pups who came to our pack were from there...sounds familiar. They are Hotaru and Haruki. Are they friends of yours? She wondered then, trying to keep on a smile but was not only saddened for the pup, but angered. The child said that maybe she had must of 'slept through it' but what mother in their damn mind just leaves to wake up to their entire pack having abandoned them? It sickened her. No true mother would have done such a thing, at least and maybe the happy little pup was better off for it.

RE: As we sit alone - Isadora - November 26, 2020

She didn't mean to make her mother and the others sound terrible - the young girl just spoke her mind and didn't really think of how it might affect others or how someone may see them from the outside. Isadora liked to think that any day now her mom would come and scoop her up somewhere nice, maybe back to the beautiful vale and show her that the empire was re-built and stronger than ever! Her or Joe, either one would be nice. Both would be better!

Snapping out of her thoughts of home, the woman spoke again and this time, whatever she had to say had Isadora leaping for joy. I do! Completely forgetting about the muck and just letting it fly under her paws as she lept and squealed for joy. The prince and princess! She cried happily. Where are they? Are they far? Are they okay? Do they still cry at night? Is it only those two and no one else?

Complete verbal diarrhea as questions just exploded from her brain and onto her tongue just to immediately find their way into the air without really thinking them through. Just the two pups? So Sumi was still missing, maybe she could bring it up to Valkyrie after this and see if she could bring back the last of the trio - and anyone else like her mom and Joe just in case. Oh please, please take me to them!

RE: As we sit alone - Vallkyrie - November 27, 2020

And there she went-jumping for joy, flinging mud and muck everywhere left to stain her own pelt and throw pieces of mud all around in Kyr's direction, who lifted a limb up in the air against her chest and arched her head back and away from the mess which was now Isadora. Alright, alright! She couldn’t help but laugh out though tried to get the girl to take a chill pill and catch her breath. I will-I will. She ensured the girl and then shook out her own muddied coat, hoping to retaliate by sending it now flying back at the girl. They are in the forest I live in, not far and they are fine. Well, as good as the pair could possibly be having lost both of their parents before they had even reached a year old.

Right now its just the two of them from the Empire. Saying that felt so natural on her tongue, but odd granted that she was not referring to The Empire of Torbine, from which she hailed. Alas, this empire had failed, seemingly something Torbine was incapable of. Maybe when you meet them, the three of you could think up where the rest of your lost group are, hu? She didn’t know for sure if any of the recovered adults in the group would be found, someone who would actually claim responsibility for these poor pups. Neverwinter couldn’t take on every stray out there but she knew she couldn’t just leave her out here to her own devices. Come on kid, Ill show you to them.

RE: As we sit alone - Isadora - November 30, 2020

Eventually, she would regret bouncing around as much and slinging up muck and gunk from the ground, for now, she was far too excited to even think about it. All that came to mind is that she did good! She found them! Well... in a way. She found someone who knew where they were and that was quite close enough in her opinion! The only downside to the news is that it was only them. Beggars can't be choosers, but she certainly did wish there were more of them. The two royal pups must be so lonely, so sad - and that is why she was on her way! 

 Maybe~ she sang, almost vibrating on the spot as she waited for the invitation to go and see them come - and thankfully, it did quite quickly. Ready to follow the dark woman at her heels to the prince and princess, she looked up at her with big bright eyes, full of pride and glee, and said the following with no ill-will or anger. It's Isadora, not 'kid'! Completely forgetting she didn't introduce herself and babbled on about everyone else she knew instead. 

We can end this here if you'd like and we can start a new one!