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Duskfire Glacier palace steps - Printable Version

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palace steps - Hatshepsut - September 07, 2014

mostly for @Danica if you have time! but anyone is welcome

Hatshepsut patrolled before dawn each morning, and did not eat until she had completed her sweep of the glacial territory. They were far removed from other wolves; she had not caught the scent of strangers, only the pleasant fragrance of ice and tundra beginning to steep irrevocably into her own pelt. Soon she would depart, and explore, however, but for now she was content with hunting and her own quiet wanderings of their home.

The lynx and its hovering presence angered the Egyptian; she too thought of the children and how they would fare against a much larger, hateful beast. But the existence of the cat in their forests was a very affront against the Duskfire wolves, and Hatshepsut began to scheme as to how the pest could be caught and slain. Lost in her thoughts, the Lambda continued in a swift manner along the borders, gaze burning.

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RE: palace steps - Danica RIP - September 07, 2014

Yay! <3

The golden warrior had been on the prowl, stalking about their new territory for the dual purpose of learning the terrain and keeping an eye out for that damnable cat. So far she'd caught the scents of two separate beasts, a troubling development. How many of them were there? This could explain why they had not left yet when the wolves came... a single lynx alone would be no problem should a pack of wolves come upon it, but the young pack against a group of the creatures? Not so easy a fight.

She'd meant to sleep in this morning, but was up with the sun regardless, tracking down a small tidbit for breakfast and then hitting the trails once more. She had been focusing less on the borders, instead heading to the heart of the territory. This morning she felt more like tracing the edges of the territory, though. So far her previous searches were coming up empty anyway. She too began to walk the borders, unaware that her travels were taking her towards her patrolling packmate.

RE: palace steps - Hatshepsut - September 14, 2014

derp sorry for the wait ;__;

Varying shades of cream surmounted by stipples of gold that would pride a temple artist, the woman who approached was one whom Hatshepsut recognized. She saw also in the other's step the fury and determination that were her own lot, and knew that this wolf would be a useful ally in her quest to rid the glacier of the cat's loathsome presence.

Much as she had done that eve, the woman fell into step with her packmate, saying nothing, though a sideways glance of her eyes hailed her companion quietly. Hatshepsut was not against speaking, but thought such things should be contained to necessary sounds; she herself was quite content to move without speaking.

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RE: palace steps - Danica RIP - September 18, 2014

When Hatshepsut came into view, Danica gave her packmate a small, distracted smile of acknowledgement. The other woman made no attempt at conversation and she too was happy to leave it in silence for the moment.

She walked on for a while, all senses alert, before she found it appropriate to speak. It still felt strange breaking the silence... like she was intruding. An odd sensation for Danica since she normally spoke her mind rather freely and without too much restraint beyond that required by necessity of hierarchy.

"I have found no sign of the creatures' den, though I know that it has to lie within our borders." She let out a frustrated sigh. "It seems no matter how often I patrol, I am missing something." She wondered if perhaps her companion had found any trace that might lead them to the home of the lynxes. They needed to find the den if they were to truly rid themselves of the dangerous nuisances.

RE: palace steps - Hatshepsut - September 22, 2014

i am sorry! i will try and be faster with my replies <33

Hatshepsut's lips thinned into a hard line as Danica spoke, and she gave a short nod. "Fickle, disgusting beasts — but also dangerous." Tail lashed behind her slim hips; the small wolf lifted her muzzle into the air and scented once more. "The den," she repeated. "Yes."

"But a den will have kittens, and the kittens their mother," she observed dryly, casting a glance toward the other woman. "And she will be a fiercer combatant than the male we seek," for she had found that the more pungent pugmarks and urine-stains were overlaid with a masculine musk. "I do not know your name," Hatshepsut murmured at length, turning her eyes forward. "I am Hatshepsut."

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RE: palace steps - Danica RIP - September 24, 2014

Don't worry about it, I've been having problems getting inspired to post of late x.x sorry if this isn't much to respond to

There was truth in the woman's words about the mother, though fierceness did not ensure victory. "Ferocious, for sure, but also hampered by having to watch little ones while fighting." There was only so much during combat that one could pay attention to. If there was one mother trying to fight two of them along with trying to look after and protect her kits, she would not be able to expend all her energies against them. They would need to be wary, true, but their chances were good in her eyes.

"Danica," she returned. This was their second time meeting and it was odd that names had not come up previously, but her companion did not seem completely orthodox, and Danica was far from normal herself. Hatshepsut, a name foreign to the tongue, as foreign as the owner herself judging by the accent that graced her words. It was lovely, but took her by surprise. Last time they had not spoken but a couple of words.

RE: palace steps - Hatshepsut - October 01, 2014

<3 it was great!

Hatshepsut nodded; Danica spoke the truth. Dedicating the syllables of her companion's name to memory, she lapsed again into the silence that seemed to suit them both.

Had she her way, the lynx and its progeny would been torn apart and scattered over the borders in bloody pieces, to ward off any potential fellow interlopers. She did not know Njal's thoughts toward such bloodshed, nor Tuwawi's, but she would revisit them at a later time.

"Have you always followed the Duskfire pair?" the Egyptian asked at length, her voice quiet in the air.

RE: palace steps - Danica RIP - October 05, 2014

Had Danica heard Hatshepsut's opinion on the fate of their squatters, she would have agreed wholeheartedly to the plan. Not only would it satisfy her anger at the creatures, but it would also serve the purpose of warning away any who would get the same idea.

Danica thought about the question. "In a way I have for a while at least. I joined their previous pack in the early summer, though another led. Njal held Beta, so I have looked to him as a leader for a while." She respected him highly as well. Tuwawi she was growing at a rate that surprised even herself. She was coming to regard the mother as a close friend.

"Why did you choose to follow them?" She'd like to hear what Hatshepsut personally saw in the pack that made her choose to pledge her loyalty.

RE: palace steps - Hatshepsut - October 13, 2014

*kicks self* :l

Hatshepsut supposed Danica was speaking of the Creek, and was both surprised and unsurprised to hear that he had held a position of leadership there. He certainly had a commanding air about him, but whatever had transpired was greater than his desire for the Beta rank — something he had striven hard for, the Egyptian had no doubt.

"I met Njal some time before he left his pack to found this one. He was strong, and told me of the danger posed by wolves who lived in the mountains." A wry smile tugged at her mouth. "I suppose I liked him well enough to be intrigued by the revelation that he was leaving his current pack, and I followed."

RE: palace steps - Danica RIP - October 19, 2014

*hugs* ilu, your fine! If you like we can wrap this :)

"He does cut an impressive figure, doesn't he," she agreed. Honestly she felt Alpha suited him much better than Beta ever had, for he had the air about him to lead. Besides that, both he and Tuwawi had an important trait when it came to leadership: they inspired loyalty in those that followed them. They'd managed to do it with Danica, not a small feat, and she took this Hatshepsut to be of a like mind in that she did not pledge herself lightly.

"It's certainly been an interesting ride so far," she finished somewhat drily, looking about. If you had asked her a month ago if she expected to be patrolling a new land on the lookout for a psychotic lynx she'd have laughed. Fate had a funny way of turning out, though.

RE: palace steps - Hatshepsut - October 20, 2014

sure :) ily2

She nodded; Njal was quite impressive; that was a word the Egyptian had searched for to describe him. Following her packsister's glance, the bantam wolf gave a light chuckle. "Indeed. We will find the beast yet." With an entire grouping of wolves searching for the animal, it was not likely to evade them for long.

"I fancy a hunt of a different sort," the Regent muttered, pausing to stretch her forelegs. Lapis eyes appraised Danica. "Would you care to accompany me?" If there was meat to be had, the Egyptian would not take it from the caches; she preferred her meals warm with blood.

RE: palace steps - Danica RIP - October 27, 2014

This search was getting them nowhere, so when Hatshepsut suggested a hunt of a different sort, Danica nodded emphatically. "Please." They would find the creature eventually, but other duties needed fulfilled. If they lost focus then they would not be prepared for when prey ran scarce.

She would allow the other to lead where she would. Pricking her ears forward, she prepared to follow, already casting around for any sign of something they could bring down.

RE: palace steps - Hatshepsut - October 30, 2014

fading here <3

She nodded at her packmate, and fell into step, leading them in the swift wolf's-trot toward a verdant ravine. Elk would graze therein; rabbits; deer — it would not be a hard task to bring down prey. And yet as they moved Hatshepsut was ever-vigilant, aware that even now they might be watched by the cold, sly gaze of the evasive cat.