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Firestone Hot Springs i am heaven sent - Printable Version

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i am heaven sent - Daighre - November 13, 2020

It smelled like shit.
Like, literal, actual, probably on fire, flaming, burning, shit.
Why anyone would ever want to be around such a place—why such a place would even exist in the first place—was a mystery. Maybe it was God’s cruel joke. One of nature’s fucked up little happenstances. Whatever the explanation was, Daighre had zero interest in learning what it was.
He was more focused on—
Keeping the fuck away from the freaks that seemed to come from the woodwork at his every stop and turn.
And speaking of freaks
Someone was nearby. He heard—rather than smelt—their presence. The weight and fall of their footsteps. His hackles bristled and he sneered, the corner of his upper lip peeled back to show his teeth, and he leered at them from down his muzzle.
What.” It wasn’t a question.

RE: i am heaven sent - Stjornuati - November 13, 2020

The reasons he was here yet again were unknown, even to him. Was it to make sure that the not-coyote-but-wolf did not linger here? Or perhaps it was to ensure that, should Arlette be wandering here again, she was not mistakenly attacked as he had done to the other.

Whatever it was that Stjornuati expected from this jaunt to the springs, what he got was decidedly irritating, his posture slipping to something much more stiff as he regarded the ugly snarl that had been borne in his direction. Deadpan and unintimidated, head and tail lifted both, lips lifting in his own silent warning as liver colored eyes met those of a brighter shade. He was not in the mood for such asinine behavior tonight.

RE: i am heaven sent - Daighre - November 13, 2020

When his gaze settled on the stranger’s form—tall, pale, and gangly—Daighre half-expected many things.
Maybe the blubbering, panicked, watery words of some socially incompetent wreck. Maybe the childish, annoying defiance of some yearling that needed to be taught a lesson. What he didn’t, expect, however was silence, stony and stalwart.
It made his hackles bristle and set his already fragile temper on edge as he continued to only stare, silent and unspeaking, like he knew something Daighre didn’t. Like he knew better than him. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, and it wasn’t just the smell of rotting shit in the air.
“Whatever.” He huffed, finally, deciding. The bastard wasn’t worth his time. His attention.
And as he went to walk pass and leave the creep behind, from under his breath—
“Fucking freak.”

RE: i am heaven sent - Stjornuati - November 15, 2020

The insult did not need to be explicitly understood to incite the northerner's cold anger. His movement then was quick, a grab for the other's scruff as he passed, seeking to shove him into the earth-warmed dirt and teach him his place. While normally, his ego was not such a fragile thing, tonight he sought to defend himself with bladed teeth if he needed to. A snarl rattled from his chest as he struggled with the other, intent on teaching a lesson in manners.

RE: i am heaven sent - Daighre - November 18, 2020

He brushed past them—
And their teeth found purchase in the scruff of his neck, abrupt and sudden, moments before they shoved him to the ground. He stumbled—fell—landing harshly on the ground, dirt and stone alike digging into his fur and the skin beneath.
“The fuck?” He barked—yelped—equal parts winded and bewildered. He scrambled to his feet, his hackles raised and bristling, and his stance low, guarded.
“You can’t just fucking attack people.”

RE: i am heaven sent - Stjornuati - December 03, 2020

He held the upper hand then as he forced the younger male to the ground though he did not keep him there, allowing the other to escape his immediate grasp. A lesson needed moments the pupil could learn from, and if the younger, smaller male did not learn, the lesson would continue.

With your insolence, it is deserved. For Stjornuati would not allow some southerner to insult him, especially when there had been no reason to.

RE: i am heaven sent - Daighre - December 17, 2020

“Fuck your insolence.” Daighre snapped, spat back out, his stance wide and tensed, and his hackles bristling like static electricity.
He didn’t deserve this.
He didn’t deserve any of this fucking bullshit.
He never fucking did.
It was annoying fucking bastards like the one before him right now that always misunderstood him, that always purposefully chose to not listen, to not understand.
And it was with this frustration he lunged, open mouthed, starting a fight he was destined to lose.