Wolf RPG
Stone Circle Tell Me What You Know About Dreamin' - Printable Version

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Tell Me What You Know About Dreamin' - West Tyree - November 18, 2020

@Merrit maybeeeeee @Polaris but we already have threads goin

It was midday as the woodland boy reached the borders of home. In the distance, he could see the ever towering presence of stones that formed the heart of Easthollow. They were welcoming just as much as they could be foreboding as rays of light cast through the thin layers of clouds that hung in the heavens. The trip to Moonspear had been much longer than he expected, though it gave him time to really think and clear his head from the troubles at home. At the end of the day though, his weary legs yearned for the comfort and security that came with claimed borders and he was relieved to have finally made it back.

Surely, his mom would want to see him, but the thought of any big conversation about...how everything went seemed tiring. He didn't want to think about death or Ursus and their looming threat. He just wanted to lay in the grass and feel the sun beat down onto his pelt. Unfortunately, even with what rays did break from the sky, it would not compare to the leisure he had experienced during the summer. Fall had settled in weeks ago and now winter hung around the corner.

West couldn't help but sigh, his eyes closing as he took in the familiar scents. He was home. Polaris was right, he was a fool to think he could leave. That he could simply cower and believe all his problems would go away if he ran fast enough, but he didn't want to go. The further he traveled west the more his heart yearned for the stones and his family, for Polaris... the boy wasn't sure he was ready to confront her again after horribly embarrassing himself. Why did he have to tell her he loved her??? A groan slipped from his maw as he mentally slapped himself. It was just another hurdle he would have to face eventually, but like the others, it would be one he avoided, or at least for now.

Tipping his head back, West called out to his family. It was a short howl, one to simply say, I have returned and I am safe, though he wouldn't wait around for someone to greet him. Instead, his paws trudged on, skirting by the border as he sought the northern side of the territory where the forest laid along with the thin streams and branches teeming with tiny fish. He would seek a brief drink then maybe trail along the borders for a short patrol to see if anything had changed in his time away.