Wolf RPG
pack forming question! - Printable Version

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pack forming question! - Cyprin - November 18, 2020


I was wondering if you submit a pledged pack by a specific name, are you able to change it without consequence? (redo threads, etc)

Or would you have to resubmit?

RE: pack forming question! - Nami - November 19, 2020

i'm almost certain that stuff like colors and name can be changed before the final submission without consequence if you just let the cm team know.

edit: let them know by mentioning it on another post in your original submission thread. i think some of them have notifs on for that forum so if you do it that way (as opposed to editing it into the original post) it helps with visibility. :)

RE: pack forming question! - Rosalyn - November 19, 2020

I think consensus is just let us know in the original thread, like Nami said!  Small changes like that are probably generally ok, but larger changes might prompt a review depending on the circumstances!