Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau those who know - Printable Version

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those who know - RIP Fox - September 07, 2014

Making an assumption that somebody informed her of Atticus coming to. Details vague. :o

After her brief visit to the coast, intending to investigate Junior's new pack, Fox had returned to the plateau. She had needed a break from the tension that had risen over the past few days. Granted, now that Atticus was awake and seemed to be recovering, the tension would hopefully melt away. There would be no bastards this season, and Fox was glad for that. Of course, she had managed to burn a bridge between herself and Lasher the process, but that was nothing new. Fox burned bridges left and right, and not one had she regretted.

It was unfortunate that Lasher had unfriended her, and she was curious to see what it would do to her relationship with Peregrine... and Peregrine's relationship with Lasher. Theirs was, of course, less important through her narrow lens. Fox strolled through the plateau, sniffing here and there, but with no real end goal in mind. Sooner or later, she would run into somebody. Until then, she would amuse herself by chasing rabbits and birds.

RE: those who know - Blue Willow - September 22, 2014

Blue had gotten back to her day to day life, while still caring for Atticus. And the rumors that she heard on the wings disturbed her, and she was a little put off about it. She was greatly upset at the way things were going, with the now fox at the helm. She felt as if her pack was disintegrating from the inside out. Not that it was that bad really, so far it just seemed the main leaders were filled with tension and unrest, not the rest of the pack. But in Blue's mind it would not be long before the rest would follow and there would be allmighty chaos reining.

Blue had not time for selfish wolves, she didn't. They did not deserve to draw breath if she was brutally honest about it. However, she would never be that honest and she herself had selfish thoughts, she was by no means perfect. However, when you treated everyone poorly, because you felt your own self worth above everyone else's, well then there was a problem. And she had no time or patience for you. Shaking her head to dispel such toxic thoughts from her normal Zen-like existence. She shifted her weight and with an allmighty push began to jog the borders, leaving her scent here and there, where ever she could.

RE: those who know - RIP Fox - September 24, 2014

Eventually, Fox found herself on the borders of the plateau, and before she knew it, she was drawing near to Blue Willow. Despite her feelings on the matter of illegitimate pups between the Beta and Lasher which were now all but obsolete, Fox held zero disdain for the dark lady. She had nothing personal against her, nor did she suspect that Blue had anything against her. Oblivious as always, Fox was.

So, in a chipper voice filled with nothing but friendliness, Fox called out to her fellow leader. “Hey, Blue!” She quickened her pace so that she strode alongside the beta, who towered over her with long limbs and feminine features, neither of which Fox possessed. “I’m glad to hear Atticus is doing better.” She had heard as much from Peregrine and other members of the pack, even if she hadn't spoken with him personally.

RE: those who know - Blue Willow - September 24, 2014

Blue was not exactly holding anything against the rough and tumble ruby wolf, but she was a little worried about her leading techniques. But as always she had promised she would speak to her about them. Though at the moment she merely had stirrings and whisperings so it was not entirely fair for her to even say anything until everything was perfectly 100 percent known. She did not know of the tension between the three lovers, or what it would spell for their pack. She supposed she was reading into rumors too much as it were anyway.

Blue heard her name and swiveled her ears searching for the sound followed quickly my green eyes of warmth. Seeing that most was conjecture and maybe it would do good to get to know the little miniature wolf, she relished the meeting. The wolf won immediate points with the beta healer with her question of Atticus and she smiled despite any misgivings she may have had previously. Hello Fox and Yes he has woken up. He still has a lot of healing to do, but at least he recognizes Peregrine and myself and a select few others. How are you?

RE: those who know - RIP Fox - September 24, 2014

Posting while I'm supposed to be working, lulz.

“That’s good to hear,” Fox said, her tone sincere and a smile sweeping across her features. If there was one good thing that could be said about Fox, it was that she did not hide her feelings about anything. If she disliked somebody, they would know it. She was no liar, that was for sure. When Willow proceeded to ask her how she was doing, Fox shrugged lightly.

“Not bad at all.” She had no complaints to speak of, but nothing that really stood out as "spectacular." Of course, in the coming days, she would have plenty to say about her encounter with Bones. “You ready for the winter?” she asked. Last winter was the first one Fox remembered, and she was already bracing herself for the bitter cold.

RE: those who know - Blue Willow - September 24, 2014

Blue was surprised at the amiable way with which Fox spoke, and she thought perhaps the girl could become good alphess yet. There would just need to be some improvements upon different things. Blue smiled softly again, her love clearly showing in her face. Yea it is good isn't it. I was very worried he would be gone before I could tell him that I loved him completely. She grew quiet and continued to walk, marking the borders as she went.

Blue nodded her head Yes I have all my herbal stock ready, and I began hunting to fill the caches. I also have herbal remedies for babies, and mothers and the like. Though I know you dislike healing unnaturally, but the offer is there if you should ever want it. Then she grew quiet, remembering well how much the female disliked talking. She did her best to keep her answers brief and to the point for the femme.

RE: those who know - RIP Fox - September 25, 2014

Fox smiled again, though more faintly this time. She wished she'd had that opportunity with Haunter. But it was gone now, and she would never get the chance to tell him anything at all. Chiding herself silently, she remembered that he was not to be thought of any longer. She was bound to Peregrine now, and he to her. There was no sense in thinking of what she had lost, only in what she had gained and held on to.

Skeptical, but not completely unwilling to accept whatever help she could get with her future children, Fox asked, “What kind of herbals are we talkin’ here?” It was one thing to do some crazy voodoo and try to spit things up and call it medicine. But she was much more likely to eat something if Blue told her it would be good for her and her future brood.

RE: those who know - Blue Willow - September 25, 2014

Blue did not say anything at first, though she saw the smile wasn't at large. She wondered at it, though it was not her business she felt the need to question. To help heal even if it was an emotional wound. I'm sorry Fox I'm afraid that smile was not as bright as your others? Have you lost a loved one? If so I am very sorry. I have only lost my mother thus far (Danni thinks this is before sun died)."

Blue smiled Nothing to bad I do not like to give mothers any herbs really, but there are Ginger and Raspberry both of which are good tasting. Rasberry will help with cramping and Ginger will help you to keep from throwing up your lunch on a daily basis. There were other ones that she knew, but she would not mention because even she was fearful of them. They helped certainly, but the side effects she did not like even if they were very seldom in play. She was not going to risk the health of any mother or her babies.

RE: those who know - RIP Fox - September 26, 2014

“It’s nothing,” Fox replied. She didn't often speak of Haunter, and she wasn't about to spill her deepest, most hidden emotions with Blue. They were getting along well enough, but Fox simply wasn't comfortable with it just yet. Perhaps, in the future, things would be different. But she hoped she would forget about Haunter long before that time came. Most would say that wasn't the best way to deal with her tragedy, but it was the only way that Fox knew how. And nobody had told her any differently, so she went right along doing things her way (as she so often did).

“Berries, hm?” she echoed, “Tytonidae was telling me about them the other day. And she’s not dead, so I guess that’s a good sign.” At least, she wasn't dead as far as Fox was aware. Her scent was still in the plateau, which was more than could be said for most of Peregrine's other children. Idly, Fox wondered if her own children would leave or stay once they were old enough to make up their minds. Perhaps they would (wrongly) assume that they would be replaced with the next year's litter, just as Junior had done.

RE: those who know - Blue Willow - September 26, 2014

Blue tilted her head, but she didn't press the issue. She figured that Fox didn't want to share and that was fine. Not everyone was as open as she as herself, and she even kept some things to herself. Blue felt though that when there was a death that you had to deal with it was best to grieve and then remember the good times.

Blue chuckled Most berries are good for you, but if you are not sure. Please ask me, because there are some out there that are poisonous. It makes me nervous, that some are attempting to experiment with berries or other foods. It could be dangerous. Blue herself wondered how soon until Ty left them too, if at all. She hoped not, but she did know that children had to branch off and spread their wings.

RE: those who know - RIP Fox - September 29, 2014

Fox furrowed her brow. “How do you know which ones are safe?” she asked, genuinely curious and even more skeptical of such things now. If some berries could kill, and others could help, how could anybody know what was safe to eat? Fox instinctually knew which animals to stay away from, because they set off obvious triggers, but considering she had never even been interested in eating berries, she had never found any of them to be edible. They were just there.

The only way she could think of to find out if some other plant was safe or not was to eat it and see if she died. If she didn't, she would eat it again. But that didn't seem terribly smart, leaving Fox to wonder if she was better off sticking to rabbits, deer, fish, and the like.

RE: those who know - Blue Willow - September 29, 2014

Blue frowned and spoke softly I know because i was taught, I come from a very long line of healers. As horrible as it sounds, I imagine most of them probably used trial and error. She grew quiet thinking on how to explain, most times the berries weren't extremely poisonous if you ate one, although some if you tasted the seeds you died. She wasn't sure how her family had found out other than trial and error. Pretty much they learned the way Ty and Peregrine are unfortunately doing, by experimenting.

Blue made sure to stay away from plants she didn't know and if she knew of someone who did know a lot of plant life, she would ask them as soon as she came across one she didn't know. She had years of knowledge packed away in her head though, passed down mother to son or daughter or father to son and daughter or both depending on how you looked at it.

RE: those who know - RIP Fox - September 29, 2014

Thanks as always for the thread! <3

Fox shuddered just thinking about it. Eating random bits without knowing the outcome was definitely not her cup of tea. And she was going to give Perry a stern talking-to about his latest habit after hearing that some things could be both poisonous and not poisonous at the same time. The last thing she needed was a pack in turmoil, especially since she still didn't feel like she had a good handle on things here. It had gotten better, compared to how it had been, but Fox still felt like the second in command to everything. Even now, she often thought of the plateau as Peregrine's home, not her own.

In fact, the thought of Peregrine out there eating potentially poisonous substances made her eager to go check on him and make sure everything was alright. “I think I’m going to… go find Peregrine. Make sure he’s not eating fatal berries or something.” Fox hesitated for a second, gave Blue a friendly nudge on the shoulder with her nose, and then trotted off toward the heart of the plateau, hoping that she wouldn't come across a writhing and dying Peregrine.

RE: those who know - Blue Willow - September 29, 2014

[size=small]Of course I always enjoy them, cause i never know what is going to happen lol <3[/size]

Blue wasn't exactly thrilled that Peregrine was eating plants without knowing what they were. However, she also knew that he was an adult, and he would do what he wanted anyway. Besides that she tried not to put her nose in his affairs unless he asked it of her. Which frankly he hadn't done in some time, she felt a little melancholy about it, but she did not voice that. Figuring that his wife would not appreciate hearing that Blue missed her friend and their talks about life and love and all things.

Blue chuckled under her breath, but she did return the nudge to Fox's own shoulder. The girl was tiny so Blue was careful she didn't push on her too badly, she didn't wish to upturn the poor girl.